Exam 3 - 2/21, 2.23 Flashcards
Marijuana is the dried and crushed leaves and flowers of the Indian hemp plant, _________
Cannabis sativa
Marijuana -
The major psychoactive ingredient is _________ (THC).
Marijuana -
THC binds with cannabinoid receptors on the ____-synaptic terminals, which ordinarily respond to endogenous cannabinoids (_________ and 2-arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG))
- pre
- Anandamide
Marijuana -
THC binds with _________ receptors on the pre-synaptic terminals, which ordinarily respond to _________ cannabinoids (Anandamide and 2-arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG))
- cannabinoid
- endogenous
Marijuana -
Endogenous cannabinoids released from _________ terminal
Marijuana -
Mechanism of action:
- _________ are on presynaptic terminals
– _________ release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic terminals
- Receptors
- Inhibit
Marijuana -
Mechanism of action:
-Receptors are on _________ terminals
–Inhibit release of neurotransmitters from _________ terminals
- presynaptic
- presynaptic
Marijuana -
Mechanism of action:
_________ the release of glutamate and _________
- Inhibit
Marijuana -
Mechanism of action:
Inhibit the release of _________ and GABA
Marijuana -
Mechanism of action:
Indirectly increases dopamine levels in _________ by inhibiting GABA
ventral tegmental area
Marijuana -
Mechanism of action:
Indirectly _________ dopamine levels in ventral tegmental area by inhibiting _________
- increases
Marijuana -
- Receptors in _________
- -Impaired cognitive function
- -Distortions of time and sensory perception
frontal cortex
Marijuana -
- Receptors in frontal cortex
- -Impaired _________ function
- -Distortions of time and _________ perception
- cognitive
- sensory
Marijuana -
Receptors in _________
Disrupts memory
Marijuana -
Receptors in areas that affect movement/coordination including _________
_________ -
LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, ecstasy
LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, ecstasy
- Cause _________ distortions in the user
- -Light, color, and details are _________ , objects may change shape, sounds may evoke visual experiences, and light may produce _________ sensations
- perceptual
- intensified
- auditory
LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, ecstasy
Chemically similar to the neurotransmitter _________
Stimulate postsynaptic serotonin type 2A receptors (5-HT2A) at _________ times or for longer duration
- serotonin
- inappropriate
LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, ecstasy
Chemically similar to the neurotransmitter serotonin
Stimulate postsynaptic serotonin type ___ receptors (5-HT2A) at inappropriate times or for _________ duration
- 2A
- longer
Increases release of dopamine and several other transmitters
Excitement, alertness, elevated mood, decreased fatigue
Amphetamine / Cocaine
_________- Blocks reuptake of dopamine and several other transmitters
_________- Blocks reuptake of dopamine and others, but gradually
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
_________- Releases dopamine
Releases serotonin, damages axons containing serotonin
MDMA “ecstasy”
Low dose: stimulant
Higher dose: sensory distortions
MDMA “ecstasy”
_________- Increased concentration
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
_________- Mostly stimulant effects
_________ - Stimulates nicotinic-type acetylcholine receptor, which (among other effects) increases dopamine release in nucleus _________
- Nicotine
- accumbens
_________- Relaxation, withdrawal, decreased pain
Opiates (e.g., heroin, morphine)
_________- Stimulates opioid receptors
Opiates (e.g., heroin, morphine
_________- Altered sensory experiences, decreased pain and nausea, increased appetite
Cannabinoids (marijuana)
_________ - Excites negative-feedback receptors on presynaptic cells; those receptors ordinarily respond to _________ and 2AG
- Cannabinoids (marijuana)
- anandamide
_________ - Distorted sensations
Hallucinogens (e.g., LSD)
_________ - Stimulates serotonin type 2A receptors (__-HT2A)
- Hallucinogens (e.g., LSD)
- 5
Theories have been proposed to account for addiction
- Pleasurable, _________ effects of drugs
- Avoidance of _________ effects
- reinforcing
- withdrawal
-Theories of Addiction-
Positive drug effects (pleasure)
Theory =
Addictive drugs are positive _________ – produce pleasant _________ states
- reinforcers
- emotional
-Theories of Addiction-
Drug use is maintained because drugs induce a _________ that addicts seek repeatedly
-Theories of Addiction-
Positive drug effects (pleasure)
- _________ with theory
- -Pleasurable effects need to be huge to counter aversive _________ of drug use and for the memory of the pleasure to initiate further drug use
- Issues
- consequences
-Theories of Addiction-
Positive drug effects (pleasure)
-Issues with theory
–Weak correlation between _________ induced by drugs and addiction
-Theories of Addiction-
Many addictive drugs do not produce powerful _________ effects when first taken (e.g., nicotine)
-Theories of Addiction-
Addicts report drug is not producing the high anymore but still _________ seek drug and can’t explain why
-Theories of Addiction-
Within a drug binge, _________ develops to subjective effects but does not _________ drug use
- tolerance
- stop
-Theories of Addiction-
Avoidance of withdrawal
Theory =
drugs are re-administered to prevent _________ symptoms
-Theories of Addiction-
Issues with theory
- People re-administer drugs long after withdrawal has ceased – after long periods of _________
- Relief of withdrawal is not an effective _________ for addiction
- abstinence
- treatment
-Theories of Addiction-
The pleasurable effects of drugs do not seem to _________ why people continue to take drugs
-Theories of Addiction-
There appears to be a dissociation between the _________ effects of drugs and how much addicts _________ to take drugs
- pleasurable
- want
- Activated by natural rewards such as food, water, sex
- Things that activate this system become more desirable
- Addictive drugs also activate this dopamine system
The mesolimbocortical dopamine system
The mesolimbocortical dopamine system
- Activated by natural rewards such as _________, water, _________
- Things that activate this system become more desirable
- Addictive drugs also activate this dopamine system
- food
- sex
The mesolimbocortical dopamine system
- Activated by natural rewards such as food, water, sex
- Things that activate this system become more _________
- _________ drugs also activate this dopamine system
- desirable
- Addictive
The _________ dopamine system
- Activated by _________ rewards such as food, water, sex
- Things that activate this system become more desirable
- Addictive drugs also activate this _________ system
- mesolimbocortical
- natural
- dopamine
Factors that affect addiction vulnerability:
_________ - exposure to drugs
Factors that affect addiction vulnerability:
_________ – some individuals have an increased risk of addiction because of their genetic make-up
–The children of alcoholics are ___ times more likely to develop alcoholism even if adopted by non-alcoholic families
- Genetic
- 4
Factors that affect addiction vulnerability:
*Genetic – some individuals have an _________ risk of addiction because of their genetic make-up
The children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely to develop _________ even if adopted by non-alcoholic families
- increased
- alcoholism
Sensitivity to the initial effects of alcohol affects _________ use and the probability of _________
- subsequent
- addiction
Metabolism of alcohol:
_____ = alcohol dehydrogenase;
_____ = aldehyde dehydrogenase
Individuals Who are _________ Sensitive to Alcohol are _________ Likely to Develop Alcoholism
- Less
- More
How Can We Identify the Genes That Determine Sensitivity to Alcohol?
_________ (Drosophila Melanogaster)
Fruit flies
Current Treatments For Relapse Prevention
_________ therapy
Alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous
Current Treatments For Relapse Prevention
_________ (drugs)
-Replacement therapies – replace addictive drugs (_________)
- Pharmacotherapeutics
- agonists
Current Treatments For Relapse Prevention
- Block effects of addictive drugs (_________)
- -Naltrexone/_______ (alcohol and opiates)
- antagonists
- naloxone
Current Treatments For Relapse Prevention
-Alter the efficacy of addictive drugs (_________)
Alcohol: Disulfiram (_________)
Disulfiram inhibits _________ causing an increase in acetaldehyde levels
- Antabuse
- aldehyde dehydrogenase
Alcohol: Disulfiram (Antabuse)
Disulfiram inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase causing an increase in _________ levels