Exam 5 - 4/11 Flashcards
Intellectual Disability -
American Psychiatric Association criteria of intellectual disability based on IQ < ___ and difficulty dealing with routine needs such as _________
- 70
- self-care
Intellectual Disability -
A limitation in intellectual functioning and in _________ behavior
Intellectual Disability -
- Mild
- _________
- Severe
- _________
- Moderate
- Profound
Intellectual Disability -
Deficits are based on adaptive functioning not IQ scores:
- Communication
- _________
- Social participation
- _________ functioning
- Independence
- Occupational
Intellectual Disability -
Deficits are based on adaptive functioning not _________ scores:
Intellectual disability -
Definition of intellectual disability depends on _________ and situation
-Could function well in a _________ environment
- culture
- simpler
Intellectual disability -
Disability is due to both _________ and _________ influences
- genetic
- environmental
Intellectual disability -
_________ genes linked to mild disability – each gene has a small influence but effects of genes are _________
- Four
- cumulative
Intellectual disability -
More than _________ physical disorders that cause intellectual disability – account for 25% of cases
Intellectual disability -
Maternal _________ is the leading cause of intellectual disability – _________ alcohol syndrome
- alcoholism
- fetal
Down syndrome-
Most common _________ cause of intellectual disability
_________ -
Most common genetic cause of intellectual disability
Down syndrome
Down syndrome-
Caused by three copies of chromosome ___ (trisomy)
_________ -
IQ typically 40 – 55
Down syndrome
Down syndrome-
All Down syndrome individuals develop amyloid _________ and Alzheimer’s if live to age ___
- plaques
- 50
Inability to metabolize _________, an amino acid
Excess phenylalanine interferes with _________
Can cause profound _________ disability
Newborns tested for levels of _________
Controlled by _________ modification – eg, avoid aspartame which is high in phenylalanine
_________ -
Increased volume of cerebrospinal fluid in cerebral ventricles of brain crush surrounding tissue leading to intellectual disability in some but not all individuals
Hydrocephalus -
Increased volume of cerebrospinal fluid in cerebral _________ of brain crush surrounding tissue leading to _________ disability in some but not all individuals
- ventricles
- intellectual
Hydrocephalus -
Increased volume of _________ fluid in cerebral ventricles of brain crush surrounding tissue leading to intellectual disability in some but not all _________
- cerebrospinal
- individuals
_________ – includes early infantile autism, childhood autism, pervasive development disorder, and Asperger’s disorder etc.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism -
Persistent deficits in social _________ and social interaction across _________ contexts
- communication
- multiple
Autism -
Restricted, repetitive patterns of _________, interests, or _________
- behavior
- activities
Autism -
Symptoms must be present in the _________ development period
Autism -
Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, _________, or other important areas of _________ functioning
- occupational
- current
Autism -
These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual _________ or global development delay
Autism -
Includes _________ impairment, compulsive, ritualistic behavior (rocking, flapping, head banging) as well as _________ disability
- social
- intellectual
Autism -
Includes social impairment, _________, ritualistic behavior (rocking, _________, head banging) as well as intellectual disability
- compulsive
- flapping
Autism -
86% of children with _________ intellectual disability are autistic and 42% of _________ affected children are autistic
- profound
- severely
Autism -
_________ or impaired language development, often repeat what others say, obsessive interest in facts, prefer to be _________, treat other people as objects (walk over them)
- Mute
- alone
Autism -
Mute or impaired language development, often _________ what others say, obsessive interest in facts, prefer to be alone, treat other people as _________ (walk over them)
- repeat
- objects
Autistic individuals do not _________ with other people, infer what others are thinking (theory of mind), and do not form strong _________ bonds – could be due to a malfunction in the activity of mirror neurons
- empathize
- social
Autistic individuals do not empathize with other people, infer what others are _________ (theory of mind), and do not form strong social bonds – could be due to a malfunction in the activity of _________ neurons
- thinking
- mirror
Autistic individuals do not show _________ activity when watching other people
mirror neuron
Mirror neurons are active when we perform a task but also when we see _________ perform the same task
someone else
Mirror neurons are important for understanding other people, identifying with them, and imitating them – mentally _________ other people’s behavior may give us insight to their thoughts
Autism -
Apparent increase in incidence of autism likely due to increased _________ of disorder rather than actually increase in cases
_________ – very similar to autism but language, cognitive development and self-help skills more normal
Asperger’s syndrome
Asperger’s syndrome – very similar to autism but language, _________ development and self-help skills more _________
- cognitive
- normal
Autistic savants – have isolated _________ abilities but overall functioning is _________
- exceptional
- impaired
Autism – Biological Bases
Across individuals, no consistent _________ in brain abnormalities
Autism – Biological Bases
Anomalies in brain stem, _________, and temporal lobes
Autism – Biological Bases
Unusual patterns and _________ of brain activity
Autism – Biological Bases
Controversy over role of vaccines containing mercury in autism
- Correlation between _________ of vaccines and onset of autism
- Evidence does not support a link between _________ and autism
- timing
- vaccines
Autism – Biological Bases
Controversy over role of vaccines containing mercury in autism
- Correlation between timing of vaccines and onset of _________
- Evidence _________ support a link between vaccines and autism
- autism
- does not
Autism – Biological Bases
Autoimmune reaction-
Autistic children have brain _________ that affect neurons and myelin – autopsies of autistic individuals have found increased levels of _________ and microglia in the brain suggesting increased immune activity
- autoantibodies
- astroglia
Autism – Biological Bases
Autoimmune reaction-
Autistic children have brain autoantibodies that affect neurons and _________ – autopsies of autistic individuals have found increased levels of astroglia and microglia in the brain suggesting _________ immune activity
- myelin
- increased
Autism – Biological Bases
Levels of serotonin-
Increasing _________ activity (e.g., antidepressant drugs) improve some autistic symptoms in adults
Autism – Biological Bases
Levels of oxytocin are _________ than normal
- Intravenous infusions of oxytocin reduced the number and severity of repetitive behavior
- May improve _________ interaction
- lower
- social
Autism – Biological Bases
Levels of oxytocin are lower than normal
- Intravenous infusions of _________ reduced the number and severity of _________ behavior
- May improve social interaction
- oxytocin
- repetitive
Autism – Biological Bases
Genetic influences-
Risk of autism in an identical twin is ___% but many twins without autism still have social and cognitive _________
- 60
- impairments
Autism – Biological Bases
Genetic influences-
_________ twins have a 10% concordance
Autism – Biological Bases
Genetic influences-
Autism is likely to be _________ so severity depends on how many genes inherited – _________ also show mild social and cognitive abnormalities
- polygenic
- parents
Autism – Biological Bases
Genetic influences- More common (4 times) in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ – may be linked to \_\_\_ chromosome
- males
- X