Exam 4 - Exam Review Flashcards
What does it stand for
Occupations Safety Health Act
OSHA functions
Issues citations and penalties for standard infractions
OSHA Citations contain the following information:
Number of standard violated Explanation for citation Degree of severity Time allotted for correction Initial fine or penalty
Look at pink sheet for inspections
learn chatper 14 respsonbility
Record keeping
Cut off for employees
Strategies for Minimizing Accidents
- Selection
- Training
- Motivation
- Ergonomics
- Enforcement
Human characteristics to reduce accidents. For
example, vision
◦Can be built into interviews
Training is important and popular.
Motivation - incentive to work productively and safe
◦Need ergonomic chairs and keyboards to
reduce risk of injury
safety policies
- Any consequences for unsafe behaviors.
Workplace Aggression
Hostile forms of behavior involving efforts by individuals to harm others with whom they work or have worked.
Job stress
• Definition: A situation wherein job-related factors interact with a worker to change his/her psychological and/or physiological condition such that the person is forced to deviate from normal functioning.
is all stress bad
no, Not all stress is bad
Some stress challenges you and pushes you to a higher level
Wagners Act
- Pro union act
- Places the protective power of the federal government firmly behind employee efforts to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their choice.
Also created the national labor relations board
Tatt-Hahtly (spelling is wrong)
Tatt-Hahtly (spelling is wrong)
- Not pro union
- Allowed the U.S. President to temporarily bar national emergency strikes
- Defined list of activities as unfair union practices
Why employees unionize
- Economics needs -> high bargaining power (higher pay, better benefits, work hours, job security, working conditions), opportunities for people who may not be able to get a job otherwise
- Dissatisfaction with management (unfair policies, promotion, shift assignments, etc)
- Employe belief about union: potential benefits.
- Higher wages, better benefits, etc
Why do managers do not like unions
- Difficult for managers to discipline employees for bad behaviors
- Unions seek participation in decisions
- More costly (higher wages, better benefits, etc)
Good faith bargaining
Good faith bargaining
- Intent to reach an agreement
- Meet at reasonable times and place
- Active participation
- Proposals and counter proposals
Good faith bargaining
The law does no require:
Good faith bargaining
The law does no require:
Agreeing to any proposal
Making a concession
What if there is a deadlocked?
‣ Unions
What if there is a deadlocked? ‣ Unions Strike Picketing Primary boycotts
What if there is a deadlocked?
‣ Employer
What if there is a deadlocked? ‣ Employer Lockouts Hire replacements subcontracting
Third party involvement
Voluntary arbitration
The between-person makes a suggestion between company & union
Arbitration (legal binding - certified expert that will be legal binding. Both sides will agree to follow through)
legally binding a judge hears an argument from both sides
Employment at will
You can quit as employee
You can fire someone for any reasons unless its racial discrimination
Exceptions to a employment at will
Exceptions to a employment at will
Violations of public policy
Implied contract
Tort theories –
Violations of public policy
Violations of public policy
– wrongful discharge for acts protected by law
Implied contract
Implied contract
– wrongful discharge contrary to employer oral or written promises
Tort theories –
Tort theories –
wrongful discharge as a result of the intentional infliction of emotional distress and defamation by the employe
Right to work
You can apply to a unionized company you can work them without joining the union
4 types of justice
- Distributive Justice
- Procedural Justice
- Interpersonal Justice
- Informational Justice
- Distributive Justice
- Distributive Justice
Equity in the allocation of rewards and penalties
- Procedural Justice
- Procedural Justice
The rules and procedures
- Interpersonal Justice
- Interpersonal Justice
How that person is being treated
- Informational Justice
- Informational Justice
Adequate explanations are provided
3 sources of staffing in another country
3 sources of staffing in another country
1. Home-Country-Nationals
you live in the U.S to be send overseas
2. Host Country National
you hire local people from that country to do subsidiary
3. Third National Country National
Not living in the home country nor the host country national.
- Home-Country-Nationals
- Home-Country-Nationals
you live in the U.S to be send overseas
- Host Country National
- Host Country National
you hire local people from that country to do subsidiary
- Third National Country National
- Third National Country National
Not living in the home country nor the host country national.
Why do expatriates fail?
There are component professional However there is other things that can interfere FAMILY/SPOUSE ADJUSTMENTS [most influential factor why they fail] Language barrier Feeling isolated Adaption to the lifestyle in a different country Cultural differences/shock Home sickness Limited opportunity for other jobs Feeling of safety Time zone Poor performance Repatriation issues
Hofstede’s 5 cultural dimensions
- Individualism – collectivism
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Masculinity-Femininity
- Power Distance
- Time Orientation
Technical capabilities
Cultural adaptation
Family concern
Worker’s compensation
Worker’s compensation
Federally mandated insurance program developed on the theory that work-related accidents and illnesses are cost of doing business that should be paid for by the employer and passed on to the consumer
Language training
Cultural training
Career development and mentoring
Personal and family life
Training stages
Training stages
Pre-departure: language, cultural training, children w/ schooling
They haven’t gone to the site yet
On-site: formal mentoring relationships; send updates -> feel that he/she is still “in the home-office loop”
Repatriation: help expatriate transition back home: reverse culture shock, counseling personal life issues
Clarity and discuss prior to the pre departure so they know what they are going to come to their home country/regular job
Most of the repatriation issues should be deal with in the pre-departure stage
Most of the repatriation issues should be deal with in the pre-departure stage
What kind of salary, powers, how many people they are managing, etc?
Individualism – collectivism
Individualism – collectivismDegree to which people act as individuals vs. members of a group
Uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty avoidanceStructured vs. unstructured situations
Masculinity-FemininityValue assertiveness, competitiveness, competition
Power Distance
Power DistanceExpectations for unequal distribution of power
Time Orientation
Focus on the future vs. past and present