Exam 1 - Study Guide Flashcards
- Understand diversity
- Diverse teams come up with diverse and creative solutions that work better for the company
- Diverse teams bring more skills and knowledge to the table to help improve the company
- Most diverse company -> help with Recruitment in general
- Diverse teams can better cater to the needs of the customers
- Help broaden the customer base
- Help avoid some disaster (e.g., ad)
- Give a team more legitimacy
- People as a competitive advantage; know the criteria for sustainable competitive advantage through people: VRIO
People as a competitive advantage
If people are your source of competitive advantage, then
you need to invest in them! HR facilitates this investment
a. what is a HPWS?
- High performance work system:
- High performance work system:
“A specific combination of HR practices, work structures, and processes that maximizes employee knowledge, skill, commitment, and flexibility.”
If people are your source of competitive advantage, then
you need to invest in them! HR facilitates this investment
b. Internal v. external fit
• Horizontal fit is also called internal fit (ex. Supporting technology, workflow design, leadership practices and HRM practices)
• Vertical first
is also called external fit (ex. Competitive challenges, organizational values and employee concerns)
- Management by measurement
Management by measurement” system—ensuring all
functional business units subscribe to guidelines for sound, strategic measurement
Management by measurement
Criteria to measure
performance (e.g., individual, team, unit) quantity, quality Timeliness Error rate productivity
- Be familiar with the trends enhancing the importance of HRM
The increased globalization of the economy
Technology changes
Increase in litigation and regulation
Changing characteristics of the workforce
- Sources of uniqueness
[not sure]
a. Equal Pay Act of 1963
Requires all employees covered by the Fair `Labor Standards act and others to provide equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex
b. Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis or race, color, religion, sex, of national origin, created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (EEOC) to enforce the provisions or Title IVV
c. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Prohibits private and public employers from discrimination against people 40 years of age of older in any case or employment because of age; exceptions are permitted where age is a bona fide occupational qualification
d. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions
e. ADA (American with Disabilities Act) and ADAAA (ADA Amendments Acts of 2008); also understand major life activities, mitigating measures in ADAAA
prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions• Changes in ADAAA (2008)
◦ Expanding the definition “major life activities”
‣ Bending
‣ Breathing
Is Mitigating measures: shall NOT be considered
Mitigating measures: shall NOT be considered
- What is BFOQ
“Bona fide occupational qualification”
“Bona fide occupational qualification”
The rule allows for the hiring of individuals based on race, sex, age and national origin if these characteristics are bona fide occupational qualifications.
What’s an exception and complete defense to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
“Bona fide occupational qualification”
- What is discrimination?
Federal laws to prevent discrimination based on age, pregnancy, equal pay, disability, race, color
Sexual Harassment (under Title VII)
• An employer may also be considered guilty or sexual harassment
- Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the working environment
- A company can be held responsible for not taking action if it knows of sexual harassment
- EEO law and retaliation
The treatment of individuals in a fair and nonbiased manner with respect to all aspects of employment.
- adverse impact (or disparate impact) & disparate treatment
- Adverse (disparate) impact: refers to a disparity in the selection for hiring or promotion that disadvantages individuals of a particular race, ethnicity or sex.
Disparate treatment:
unequal behavior toward someone because of a protected characteristic (E.g., race or gender) under Title VII of the United States Civil Rights Act.
- What is affirmative action? What is at the heart of the trouble with this issue?
- Required that government employers “not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin.”
- Can be an issue that selecting someone primarily on the basis of their membership in a protected class than on their actual qualifications can be counterproductive to society as a whole. Robs minorities of the respect of their peers.
a. McDonnell Douglas v. Green
Case that established criteria for disparate treatment. (person was qualified for the job, wasn’t given it, and the position stayed open)
b. Griggs v. Duke Power
1971 case that recognized adverse impact/disparate discrimination (first case of its type) (black people could only work in labor before) (has nothing to do with the ability to perform the job)
c. Albemarle v. Moody
1975 Court ruling that items used to validate employment requirements must be job-related.
d. Connecticut v. Teale.
Adverse impact (⅘ rule) the examination was favored towards whites (used the bottom line approach but that is not okay)
e. Watson v. Fort Worth Bank
Disparate treatment (based on subjective judgement by white guys)
- Performing job/work analysis: methods and sources
What are the steps
Step 1: select jobs to study Step 2: determine information to collect Step 3: identify sources of data Step 4: methods of data collection Step 5: evaluate and verify data collection Step 6: write job analysis report
- What are the major goals for work analysis?
To identify the task requirement and qualifications of the job, so that HR can properly plan resources
- What is the legal significance of work analysis?
Disabled people under ADA. A moving company has to prove it can’t hire a disabled person because you need both legs
Job descriptions
- Description: list out the job title, tasks, duties, roles and responsibilities, with respect to the particular job.
job specifications
Job specifications: concerned with the listing of incumbent’s qualification, skills and abilities that are needed to discharge the job efficiently
- Writing job descriptions
- Job Title
- Job Identification
- Essential Functions
- Job Specifications
- understand job design;
Job design: outgrowth of job analysis that improves jobs through technological and human considerations in order to enhance organization efficiency and employee job satisfaction
job characteristics model
Job characteristics model: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy feedback
- What is Human Resources planning?
The process of anticipating and making provision for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization
Estimating labor demand
Workforce Utilization Summary Used to determine headcounts and workforce deployment
Estimating supply
- future internal labor supply
- Future external labor supply
future internal labor
Using current employers for new positions
Future external labor
Using people outside the organizations. Interested in the job
- Temporary workers
- Layoffs
How should you handle a layoff?
- Communicate fully
- Handle the layoff fairly
- Ask lay-offs to leave immediately
- Offer counseling and assistance to survivors
What is job sharing?
[Look in book]
google: 2 ppl share job, share remuneration
What is telecommuting?
[look in book]
google: over the telephone job (customer services)
• Sustainable competitive advantage (VRIO)
◦ Valuable:
◦ Rare: Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
◦ Inimitable: Difficult to copy
◦ Organized: teamwork and cooperation
‣ Need 4 of these to be sustainable competitive advantages