Exam 3 Chapter 7 Flashcards
Why Performance Appraisal?
Administrative (Personal Decisions) -Promotion] -Bonus -Compensation -Termination -Transfer
Development (Career Planning) - Feedback (strengths/ Weakness) - Identify training needs - Set goals
360 Feed back
The people who should be there:
Yourself, customers, subordinates, Peers (coworkers), supervisor
What are factors that Influence Performance?
- Motivation
- Environment
- Ability
P= f(A,M,E)
Training Performance Appraises
- Common Related error
- Leniency or Strictness Error
- Similar-to-me Errors
- Recency errors
- Contrast error
- Halo errors/horn errors
Error of central tendency
Rating employees all the same score.
Leniency or strictness errors
◦Managers give out unusually high measures for average performance
◦Managers give out unusually low measures for average performance
Similar-to-me errors
◦give out high measures because of similar things in common (commonalities)
◦for example if they support the same team
◦younger version of me
Recency errors
◦It only focuses on the recent performance rather than the whole time
◦For example, if it looks for annual performance (recency error) the mangers will only look at 4
months before the measure is due
Contrast errors
◦comparison between two persons
◦Comparison is key word
◦comparison between two employees rather than comparing performance measure with
Halo/horns errors
◦Halo error
‣ Raters will rate on the positive aspect rather than focusing on all performance measure
◦Horns error
‣ The managers will rate more on the negative aspects based on one or two things rather
than focusing on all the performance measure.
How do you reduce rating errors
- more specific rating formats
- hold raters accountable for accuracy
- Performance appraisal training: understand errors
- Frame of reference training: understand standards
intentional errors
◦purpose of making the errors
◦ agenda for what they are doing
There will be a test on this
◦what does each of this errors means
‣ multiple choice on the correct definition
◦also there will be scenario questions like the one on brainscape
◦Also there might be a short answer question that you have to make a scenario for the error
Trait methods
Access the extent of one individual to posses an important
trait or characteristic that is important to the job or the
organization. Criticism: it pays too much about the person
instead of what they do.
Behavioral methods
- Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
* Behavioral observation scale (BOS)
Difference between
- Behavioral observation scale (BOS)
- Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
(she said this is important)
BOS is based on the frequency of the behavior
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
set anchors that give benchmarks so individual know what to score the employees
be able to identify location of the fire ◦1 ‣ ???? ◦2 ◦3 ‣ ???? ◦4 ◦5 ‣ ????
◦1 ‣ Never; about 5% of the times ◦3 ‣ Sometimes; about 50% of the times ◦5 ‣ Almost always; over 90% of the times
Philosophy of management that rates performance on the basis of employee achievement of goals set by mutual agreement of employee and manager
What is this equivalent too
(MBO) purpose?
To make the employees make progress or improvement overtime
What are the three components that Management by Objectives (MBO) has
◦1. Supervisors will set down with the employees and set a goal for them. In
other words, managers will assist the employees with setting the goals
◦2. Providing them with regular feedback. Sit down every month or quarter and
see the progress is going with the goals that they made
‣ goal is to monitor the goal and provide the feedback regarding their goals
◦3. Evaluation if they achieve the goals or not. If they achieved the goals you will
need to set more goals for the next evaluation. If they didn’t achieve the goals
maybe it was too ambitious and you need to set good goals
Summary of Appraisal Methods
What are Advantage of Traits ?
- inexpensive
* easy to use
Summary of Appraisal Methods
What are Disadvantages of Traits
• Poor for
• Potential for
Summary of Appraisal Methods
What are Advantage of Behavior
• useful for providing
• accepted by employees
• ok for rewards/promotion
Summary of Appraisal Methods
What are the Disadvantages of Behavior
- time consuming
* costly
Summary of Appraisal Methods
What are Advantage of Results
• objective • accepted by employees • encourage goal settings • ok for promotions/ rewards
Summary of Appraisal Methods
What are Disadvantages of Results
• may be impacted by
circumstances beyond
employees controlled
• Possibly to falsify results
Specific Measurable Attainable Results oriented Target dates
Conducting effective performance reviews
Before the review
- Prepare thoroughly
- Consider both time & place in scheduling
- Self-Assessment
Conducting effective performance reviews
During the review
- Discuss strengths and weaknesses
- Encourage participation, and listen carefully
- Take a problem solving approach
- Set joint goals for improvement
- Set the follow-up meeting
Criterion contamination:
Elements that affect the
appraisal measures that are
not part of the actual
Strategic relevance:
Performance standards
linked to organizational
goals and competencies
Measures that are
consistent across
raters and over time
Criterion deficiency:
Aspects of actual performance
that are not measured
When someone is graded a performance that isn’t part of their job. This is considered job contamination
What are three types of performance appraisal
- Trait methods
- Behavioral methods
- Result methods
Result methods
measuring on sales, opening new accounts,
essentially setting goals and achieving them. Your focus on achieving results hence the name.