Exam 2 - Review Flashcards
Training: What factors are considered
Learning outcomes: information, attitudes, motor skills
Cost (too expensive?)
Transfer of training
of positions available
Yield ratio / past success /
The amount of time needed
Cost (too expensive?)
Reliability: the precondition for validity
System model of training
- Needs assessment
- Developement
- Evaluation
System model of training
- Needs assessment
1. Observational Current problem / Anticipated Need do you have the resources available do you have management support very first one to do. 2. Task Tasks & Duties, Skills, and Knowledge Needed Identifies what needs to be taught you can also use what data you collected in the job analysis 3. Personal Individual Proficiency Utilization of Appraisal Data
System model of training
- Development
Principle of learning
Meaningfulness of presentation
Feedback and reinforcement
Tell them what they are doing wrong so they can learn from their mistakes
Also if they are doing it correctly tell them that so they can continue what they are doing
Massed-versus-spaced learning (deals with time)
Massed learning:
6 hours of training. Chunks of hours of learning
Spaced learning
1 hour and having a break and ask the trainees if you are learning correctly. In other words, you have breaks in between the training secession.
Typically Spaced learning is best for complex tasks.
Whole-versus-part learning (deals with task)
Whole learning: You are going to learn all at once. (Example: Learning all the steps of making a pizza)
Sometimes its best to use whole learning when there is no reason to breakdown it down further
Part Learning: You are going to learn little parts at once and break it down
Goal Setting
Set specific goals instead of general goals.
It should be a challenging goal
Challenging and Specific
Active practice and repetition
Practice makes perfect
Have a lot of repetition
It is desirable under 2 circumstance
If it’s not going to be used on the job
since you won’t be able to practice on the job and some rare circumstance you need the skill
performing under stress
- Simulation
Used to imitate real life situations
Computerized simulations
cockpit simulations are realistic and expensive
Good thing about it
Risk free - OJT
On-the-job training
Jumping right into work from day one can sometimes be the most effective type of training. - Classroom
It seems the only advantage to a lecture is the ability to get a huge amount of information to a lot of people in a short amount of time. It has been said to be the least effective of all training methods. - Audiovisual
To be truly effective, training films and videos should be geared towards a specific objective. Only if they are produced effectively, will they keep the trainees attention - Behavior modeling
is the act of showing employees how to do something and guiding them through the process of imitating the modeled behavior.
- Performance
What they are expected to be able to do after they are finished with training - Criteria
acceptable level of performance that you will expect out of them - Condition: under what circumstance will they able to use their newly learned skills
System model of training
- Evaluation
Reaction: Surveys, interviews Reaction of the participants Learning: Test, work sample Behavior: Transfer of training, observations, performance ratings Results: ROI, turnover rate
Yield ratio
(#of total applicants-hired)/# of total applicants
Also know how to do it backwards
Realistic Job Preview
Informing applicants about all aspects about the job including the good and bad parts
Test/retest (for stability)
Panel of interviewers for consistency
Types of test
Person Job Fit (P-J)
Where we look at persons knowledge, skills abilities
Person Organization Fit (P-O)
Where we look if the person personalities matches the company culture
Cognitive ability test
IQ test, Wonderlic Test. These tests exam speed, efficiency, knowledge, etc.
Personality Motivation Testing
This test exams the characteristics of the employees
Literally what it means.
Job Knowledge Test
Test knowledge on the employees job
Work Sample Test
A sample of behaviour that can be used to predict future performance in similar work situations.
Aptitude Test
Assess one’s ability to learn
Achievement Test
It looks at how much you learn so far (Example would like an exam for a class)
Different selection decision strategies
- Cost/ Resources
- Types of job/ target Audience/ industry
- # of positions
- Yield ratio / efficiency/ past success
- times
Adverse Impact ***
Career management
- Self Assessment
What are your strengths and weaknesses
- Reality Check
What resources are available and available in the company
You can talk to your mentor in the company to know more about the resources or the human resource unit
- Goal Setting
Setting specific goals instead of more general goals
Where do you want to be
What occupation and level (manager)
Short term and long term goals
- Action Plans
Make sure you have a time table layout on what you can do and cannot do
Approaches (4 of them)
- development activities
Formal education
Web-based, traditional - Assessment
Personality test, assessment center, 360-degree feedback, performance appraisals
Personality Test
Take a personality test to see your strengths and weaknesses
Assessment Center
A process by which individual visuals are evaluated as they participate in a series of situations that resemble they might be called upon to handle on the job
360-degree feedback
Ask feedback from your colleagues
Personality test
MBTI - Job experiences
Transfer, downward, promotion, international assignment, rotation - Relationships
She also talked about online training or online education which is more modern
Glass ceiling effect
Artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified women or minorities from advancing upward in their organizations into management level positions
Blacks, Hpsiances, and Native Americans;
30% of the population v. 3% of senior mgt positions
Blacks and Hispanics in big law firms:
5-10% first-year associates v. 2% partners
51.5% of management, professional, and related