Exam 3 - Rogers Flashcards
s/sx of anemia
- exertional dyspnea
- angina
- tachycardia
- fatigue
- pallor
*may be asymptomatic if it develops slowly
normal Hgb (female)
12-16 g/dL
normal Hgb (male)
normal MCV
80-100 mm
normal RDW
microcytic MCV
< 80
macrocytic MCV
> 100
ferritin normal values
15-200 ng/mL
(iron deficiency is likely for ferritin < 45 ng/mL)
normal TSAT percentages
T/F: drugs are likely to cause iron deficiency anemia
oral iron exceptions:
- cannot tolerate (side effects)
- cannot absorb
- HF
Why might every other day dosing be better for iron?
Hepcidin, a hormone that decreases dietary iron absorption, is increased after a dose of oral iron for 24 hours and normalizes within 48 hours
Oral iron counseling points
- increased absorption on empty stomach
- however, causes stomach upset so can take with food or split up doses
- absorption increased by vitamin C
- causes constipation - increase fluids, activity, and fiber
- causes dark stools
- keep in safe place - children can mistake it for candy
IV iron indications
- HF
- failed oral iron
- malabsorption
IV iron side effects
common: hypotension during infusion
rare: skin tattooing
causes of vitamin B12 deficiency
- diet - vegan/vegetarian
- alcoholism
- lack of intrinsic factor (pernicious anemia)
- decreased absorption
- medications - PPIs, metformin