exam 3: Male repro Flashcards
Male gonad (testicle) produce ________ and ___________
spermatozoids & hormones
Identify 1-3
1.Tunica albuginea
- Testicular parenchyma-Seminiferous tubules
identify 1 and 2
- Rete testis
- Efferent ductules
List the parts of the epididymis
head, body, tail
what is the position of the head of the epididymus
Positioned craniodorsally
- tail of epididymus
- body of epididymus
- head of epididymus
identify 1 and 2
- parietal vaginal tunic
- cremaster m.
identify 1 and 2
- ductus deferens
- head of epididymus
Scrotal position of a dog
Inguinal position
Scrotal covering of a dog
sparse hair
How many layers are there of the Scrotum
– Epidermis
– Dermis
-Tunica dartos
-External spermatic fascia
-Internal spermatic fascia
-Parietal vaginal tunic
If I were to put a pin the the scrotum and went to the 4th layer.
what layer am I in
Internal spermatic fascia
If I were to put a pin the the scrotum and went to the 6th layer.
what layer am I in
Parietal vaginal tunic
what is the pink/grey layer representing
skin and tunica dartos
what are the layers of the Vaginal tunics
Parietal vaginal tunic
Visceral vaginal tunic
Vaginal cavity
what layer of vaginal tunic is in green
Visceral vaginal tunic
what layer of vaginal tunic is in red
Parietal vaginal tunic
- cremaster m.
- External & internal abd. Oblique mm
3.Vaginal ring
1.Parietal peritoneum
2.Deep inguinal ring
1.Testicular a., v., l, & n
2.Vaginal process
1.Ductus deferents
2.Superficial inguinal ring
- Mesorchium
- Mesofuniculum
- Mesoductus deferens
Testicular vessels
Cremaster muscle Origin:
caudal free border of the internal abdominal oblique m.
Cremaster muscle Insert:
spermatic fascia & parietal vaginal tunic
Cremaster muscle Action
pull the testis closer to the body in response to a cremasteric reflex
Cremaster muscle is innervated by which nerve
genitofemoral n. (L3-L4)
Spermatic Cord Components (7)
- Testicular a.
- Testicular v. & pampiniform plexus
- Testicular n.
- Testicular lymphatics
- Ductus deferens
- Deferent a. and v.
- Internal cremaster m.
Internal cremaster m
is it smooth or skeletal muscle
smooth muscle
Testicular v. & pampiniform plexus
be able to label basic anatomy
Accessory sex glands in the male dog (2)
*Ampullary glands
Accessory sex glands in the male dog Function
Adds volume to __________ to provide a vehicle for sperm
Accessory sex glands in the male dog function:
Provides a source of energy for _________
Accessory sex glands in the male dog function:
Acts as a ______ for sperm by neutralizing the Ph in urine and the ____ produced by sperm
Accessory sex glands in the male dog function:
Production of prostaglandins that cause _____________
smooth muscle contraction of female reproductive tract
Identify A and B
A:Deferent duct
B: Ampulla
normal or abnormal
A: Normal
B: Abdormal
what are the parts of the male canine urethra
*Pelvic part
*Penile part (spongy)
Located on dorsal surface of prostatic urethra
Colliculus seminalis
Deferent ducts open on each side of the ____________
colliculus seminalis
Colliculus seminalis is the continuation of the _______________
urethral crest
Identify the regions of the canine penis
- Glans penis
- Body
Erectile tissue of the penis is Dense __________ tissue with many __________fibers and sinuses
identify #10
*Corpus cavernosum penis
identify 11
*Corpus spongiosum penis
identify 14
Corpus spongiosum glandis of the bulbus glandis
identify 15
Corpus spongiosum glandis of the pars longa glandis
identify #6
Crura (right and left)
identify #7
Bulb of the penis (urethral bulb)
identify #8
what is the urethra surrounded by in the root of the penis
bulb of the penis
corpus spongiosum
Expansion of corpus spongiosum penis, surrounded by bulbospongiosus
Bulb of the penis
what is the Crura composed of
- Corpus cavernosum penis
- Tunica albuguinea
Crura is surrounded by
ischiocavernosus m.
Erectile tissues of the penis
Corpus cavernosum penis
Corpus spongiosum penis
Corpus spongiosum glandis of the bulbus glandis
Corpus spongiosum glandis of the pars longa glandis
Root of the penis (dog) is comprised of
Bulb of the penis
Muscles associated with the canine penis (3)
Bulbospongiosus m.
Ischiocavernosus m.
Retractor penis m.
what muscle is this?
Around the bulb of the penis
Bulbospongiosus m.
what muscle is this?
From ischiatic tuberosities to the crura
(right & left )of the penis
Ischiocavernosus m.
what muscle is this?
From the external annal sphincter to the gland, caudal and ventral position
Retractor penis m.
what muscles correspond with 1-3
1.Retractor penis m.
- Ischiocavernosus m.
- Bulbospongiosus m.
Corpus cavernosum surrounded by ____________
tunica albuginea
the pelvic portion is surrounded by the urethralis muscle. The penile portion is
surrounded by the corpus spongiosum
identify 10
Corpus cavernosum
identify 5
identify 11
identify 9
Corpus spongiosum (11)
bulb of the penis (9)
identify 13
Proximal part of os penis
Body of the penis
identify 3
Bulbus glandis
identify 2
Pars longa glandis (2)
identify 4
Os penis (4)
Around the penile urethra
identify 8
Urethra (8)
Surrounded by the corpus spongiosum and the os penis
identify 7
Corpus spongiosum penis
in the root form the bulbus of the penis and surround the penile urethra all the way toward the external urethral orifice
Corpus spongiosum penis
identify 1
Glans penis
Os penis (dog) adds rigidity for
Deforms apex of the penis in the vagina
Os penis (dog)
Os penis (dog):
Urethra passes through the _______________ on ventral surface
urethral groove
what are the layers of preputium
– External lamina (haired skin)
– Internal lamina
– Penile lamina
-Preputial fornix (fundus)
identify 1 and 2
- preputial ostium
- preputial fundus
retractor penis mm.
identify 1 and 2
- Ichiocavernosus mm.
- Bulbospongiosus m.
Blood supply to the penis ( 6 main arteries)
- Ventral perineal a.
- Internal pudendal a.
- Artery of the penis
- .Dorsal a. of the penis
5.Deep a. of the penis
- Artery of the bulb
identify 1-3
- Corpus cavernosum
- Corpus spongiosum
3.Bulbus glandis
idnetify 1-3
1.Dorsal a. of the penis (and Vein)
2. Bulbus glandis
3. Superficial veins of glans
during a Non-erection:
Blood flow to the penis bypasses the ____________of the erectile tissue
vascular spaces
Vascular spaces of penile erectile tissue contain (small or large) amount of blood
only a small amount of blood
during an Erection blood is directed into the _______________
helical arteries of the erectile tissue
Results from filling of cavernous bodies
with blood
during an erection
Stimulation of the pelvic nerve causes
relaxation of smooth muscles of the
arteries of the penis allowing an
increase in blood flow to the penis
during an erection, what happens to the penis
enlarges and becomes turgid
Feline penis:
Apex is directed ______________-
Feline penis does or does not contain os penis
does contain
Feline penis:
is the glans small or large
what is unique about the feline penis
Keratinized spines on distal end of penis
Accessory sex glands in the male cat (2)
- Prostate
- Bulbourethral gland
Scrotal position of a cat
Cat – perineal position
Scrotal covering of a cat
Scrotum of cat is covered with hair
sympathetic or parasympathetic
Parasympathetic function
Ejaculation is the secretion of _____________
accessory sex glands
sympathetic or parasympathetic?
Sympathetic function
during ejaculation what contracts causing an expulsion of semen?
what kind of function is this?
Bulbospongiosus muscle contracts
- Somatic function
what compresses dorsal veins of the penis to maintain an erection
Preputial orifice (male)
Ischial arch (male)
what Restricts venous return in the male to maintain erection
Ischiourethralis m. (male)
Penis twists on long axis during
dismount (male)
what Inhibits venous return to maintain erection
Constrictor vulvae and vestibuli mm.
Maintenance of erection requires what stimulation
Neurogenic (male)*
– Parasympathetic stimulation,
retractor penis muscle relaxed
why is it important for the testes to drop (out of the abdomen)
Sperm cells mature at a cooler temperature
testes could turn into cancer if inside abdomen at hotter temperature
what constricts and pulls testicles through the inguinal canal into scrotum proper
the pelvic portion of the urethra is surrounded by the
urethralis m.
The penile portion of the urethra is
surrounded by
corpus spongiosum
the body of the penis is covered by urtheralis muscle and ____________
corpus spongiosum
the glans of the penis is surrounded by what 2 things
os penis
corpus spongiosum