exam 1: skull Flashcards
Long narrow heads
Medium proportion heads
Short and wide heads
Group of bones of the head that form the face (rostro) and the cranial cavity.
Is divided in bones of the cranium that protect the brain, and bones of the face that form the respiratory and digestive paths, and the orbit for the eyes. There are two groups of small bones that have specific functions, the hyoid apparatus and the bones of the middle ear
All of this makes up the ?
bones of the cranium (4)
- Occipital: exoccipital, supraoccipital, basioccipital
- Parietal
- Frontal
- Temporal
bones of the face (7)
- Incisive
- Nasal
- Maxilla
- Zygomaticus
- Palatine
- Lacrima
bones of the hyoid apparatus (5)
- Stylohyoid
- Epihyoid
- Ceratohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
- Basihyoid
what bone is this
what part of the occipital bone is 1
Squamous part
what part of the occipital bone is 2
Lateral parts
what part of the occipital bone is 3
Basilar part
what is the arrow pointing to
Foramen Magnum
Largest opening in the
Allows the central
nervous system to pass
through, including the
spinal cord, nerves,
meninges and blood
Foramen Magnum
what does 1 point to of the occipital bone
what do they articulate with
Occipital condyles
Articular prominences to joint with the atlas
**filled with hyaline cartilage
what does 2 point to of the occipital bone
what are these for
Jugular processes
(Paracondylar process)
Bony prominences for tendon and ligaments attachments
what is 1 pointing to
occipital condyles
what is 2 pointing to
jugular processes
what is 1 pointing to
External occipital protuberance of the occipital bone
what is 2 pointing to
Nuchal crests of the occipital bone
Represent the fusion of the interparietal bone with the occipital bone. Some occasions you may find an individual interparietal bone
More dominant in Dolichocephalic and Brachycephalic
External sagittal crest
what is the arrow pointing to
External sagittal crest
what bone is highlighted in orange
temporal bone
what is number 1 pointing to
Squamous part of Temporal Bone
what is number 2 pointing to
Petrosal part of Temporal bone
(Most of this part lives inside the cranial cavity. The only external visible eminence is the mastoid process)
what is number 3 pointing to
Tympanic part of temporal bone
what is the black arrow pointing to
Mastoid process
(External bony prominence of petrosal part of temporal bone)
what is outlined in red
Zygomatic process (Form part of the zygomatic arch; Temporal bone)
what are the red arrows pointing to
Zygomatic arches
what is being pointed to
Mandibular fossa
what does the Mandibular fossa articulate with
Articular fossa designed to articulate with the
condylar process of the mandible
List what 1-5 are of the frontal bone
1.Orbital part( Form the medial and dorsal walls of the orbit)
3.Zygomatic process
4. Temporal line
5.Temporal surface(This surface of the frontal bone form part of the temporal fossa)
what bone is highlighted in yellow
what 2 things does it form
Parietal bone
- Form the lateral wall of the cranial cavity
- Externally form part of the temporal fossa
what is highlighted in orange
lacrimal bone
what is highlighted in blue
nasal bone
2 pieces, suture in betweeen
forms roof of nasal cavity
In what breed is the nasal bone more susceptible to fractures
what bone is outlined in pink
List the 4 parts related to the maxilla
- frontal proces
- body
- palatine process
- alveolar process (15 sockets)
what does 1 point to? what does 2 point to?
- Palatine process (Form par of the hard palate)
- Alveolar process
what bone is this (as a whole)
Palatine bone
what is the green side called of the palatine bone? Purple?
Horizontal lamina
Perpendicular lamina
what are the arrows pointing to
Palatine fissures
what is highlighted in yellow
Incisive bone (receive the root of the incisor)
(3 sockets or alveoli dentales)
what is the green bone
zygomatic bone
Name the parts of the Zygomatic bone
- frontal process
2.. temporal process
what is the green bone
list the parts of the mandible
- ramus of mandible
- angular process
- body of mandible
Condylar process articular process that form part of the _____________ joint
temporo-mandibular joint
what bone is this? what view?
List the 5 parts of the mandible from this view
- coronoid process
- manibular notch
- condylar process
- angular process
- masseteric fossa
what is the red arrow pointing to
Intermandibular suture surface (Intermandibular joint)
what kind of joint is the Intermandibular joint
FIbrose type of joint
A fribrocartilage is found in the middle of right and left mandibles and also ligament
Facial mm are muscles that create
facial expression
what is being pointed to ?
what does the muscle do ?
Platysma: draw the commissure of
the lips caudally
what is being pointed to
Sphincter colli superficialis:
what is 5
what does it do
Frontalis m.
pull the scutiform cartilage of the ear rostrally
what is 2
what does it do
Orbicularis oculi m.
close the palpebral fissure (close the eyelips)
what is 1
what does it do
Levator nasolabialis m.
increase the diameter of the nares, lift the superior lip
what is 6
what does it do
Orbicularis oris m.
close the oral fissure (close the lips)
what is 8
what does it do
Zygomaticus m.
draw the angle of the mouth dorso-caudally
what is 11
Platysma m.
what muscle is this
what does it do
Buccinator m.
To return food from the vestibule to the central oral cavity
what is 1 and 2
what do they do
- Levator labii superioris m.
- Caninus m.
Both mm. lift the superior lip and
increase the diameter of the nares
what muscle is 10
buccinator m.
what muscle is this
List OIA
Temporal m.
Origin: temporal fosaa
Insertion: Coronoid process of the mandible
Action: Raise de mandible in closing the mouth
what is the name of the tendon being pointed to in the temporal muscle
central tendon
what is the muscle
list the OIA
Masseter m
(superficial, middle, deep parts).
Origin: zygomatic arch, deeper portion fuses with temporla m.
Insertion: masseteric fossa of the mandible
Action: Raise de mandible in closing the mouth
List parts of the Masseter m. from top to bottom
list the muscle
list of OIA
Medial pterygoid m.
Origin: Pterygoid, palatine and sphenoid bones
Insertion: Caudo medial margin of the mandible
Action: To raise the mandible
what is being pointed to
Medial pterygoid m.
what is the muscle
list OIA
Lateral pterygoid m.
Origin: Sphenoid bone
Insertion: Condyle of the mandible
Action: To raise the mandible
what is being pointed to
Lateral pterygoid m.
what is being pointed to
List OIA
Digastricus m. (rostral & caudal bellies)
Origin: Jugular(paracondilar) process of the opccipital bone
Insertion: Ventral border and angular process of the mandible
Action: To open the mouth
what is being pointed to
Digastricus m.