Exam 1: Pelvic limb osteology Flashcards
label the 4 sections
yellow: pelvic girdle
red: femoral region (thigh)
blue: tibial region (leg)
green: pes (foot)
Is a specific region caudal to the pelvis and in between the pelvic limbs
Includes areas and organs as anus, vulva in females and scrotal region in males
What is orange
what is purple representing?
what is pink representing?
orange: anal triangle
purple: ischiatic tuberosity
pink: urogenital triangle
an important location because it provides palpable access to the femoral artery (pulse, or arterial access), it is a
common location for vascular access (femoral vein).
Femoral triangle
composed of 4 bones
bones that develop from
separate center of ossification within a single
cartilage plate
Os coxae
what are the 4 parts of the os coxae
label 1-5 of the ilium
Is this right or left?
- Dorsal iliac spines
2.greater sciatic notch - body of ilium
- ventral iliac spines
5.wing of ilium
what is being pointed to from the ventral view
auricular articular surface
what joint is being pointed to
sacroiliac joint- synchondrosis
Label 1-4 of the ischium
- ischiatic spine
- lesser sciatic notch
- ischiatic tuberosity
- ischiatic table
what joint is being pointed to
Label 1-3 of the pubis
- illiopubic eminence
- pecten of pubic
- pubic tubercle
label 1-3 of pubis- ventral view
- illiopubic eminence
- pecten of pubic
- pubic tubercle
Articular fossa to articulate with the head of the femur.
Is formed by the fusion of the four center of ossifications
what part of the acetabulum is highlighted in blue?
blue: lunate surface
yellow: acetabular fossa
what part of the acetabulum is being indicated by the red line
acetabular notch
what is the arrow pointing to
obturator foramen
what is the blue arrow pointing to?
blue: Pelvic Symphysis
green: Ischiatic arch
Label 1-4
- lunate surface
- acetabular fossa
- acetabular notch
- obturator foramen
Label 1-4 of the femur
what view is that
- head
- neck
- greater trochanter
- lesser trochanter
Cranial view
label is 1-6 on the femur
what view
- trochanteric fossa
- head
- neck
- lesser trochanter
- intertrochanteric crest
- greater trochanter
caudal view
Label 1 and 2 on the femur
what view
cranial view
- trochela
- laterial/medial condyles
Label 1-7 on the femur
what view
left or right limb
- patella (sesamoid of quadriceps femoris)
- trochlea
- extensor fossa
- fossa of for popliteus tendon
- lateral condyle
- sesamoid bones of gastrocnemius
- supracondylar tuberosities
laterial view-left
label 1-4 of the femur
- Trochlea (Articular surface
to joint with patella)
2.Extensor fossa for long digital extensor m. tendon
3.Fossa for popliteus tendon
- Supracondylar tuberosities
label 1 and 2 on the femur from the caudal view
- supracondylar
tuberosities - Intercondylar
label 1-4 of the tibia and fibula
- lateral and medial condyles
- intercondylar eminence
- extensor groove
- Tibial tuberosity
label 1 and 2 on the femur from the caudal view
- Popliteal notch
- Sesamoid bone of
popliteus tendon
label 1 and 2 on the tibia/fibula from the cranial view
- lateral malleolus
- cochlea
Label 1,2,3 on tibia/ fibula
- Medial malleolus
(Tibia) - Cochlea
Articular surface of the tibia
to joint with the trochlea of the talus - Lateral malleolus
Cochlea articular surface of the tibia to joint with the ___________
trochlea of the talus
label 1-4 of the pes?
is this a left or right?
- calcanean tuber
(point of hock) - Calcaneus (made up of 1 &3)
- Sustentaculum tali
- Talus
what tendon inserts at the calcanean tuber
Common calcanean
tendon inserts here
Bony prominence of the
calcaneus that joint with the talus.
why is it smooth?
Sustentaculum tali
prevent friction with deep digital flexor tendon
Label 1-3 of the pes
is this a left or right, what view?
- Calcanean tuber:
- Sustentaculum tali
- Medial malleolus (tibia)
left-medial view
what view is this
is this this left or right pes
dorsal- left
what bone is the red box referring to
Central tarsal
How many sesamoid bones are on the dorsal side of the pes?
dorsal= 1
proximal= 2