exam 2: general ANS(2 lectures in 1) Flashcards
Autonomic Nervous System
involuntary or voluntary?
length changes receptors in tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints
Receptors in skin, cornea,
mucosa, hair/feather follicle,
connective tissue.
Tactile and nociception
General somatic: Efferent
how many neurons
one to skeletal muscle
General somatic: Afferent
how many neurons
what are the two pathways to produce a visceral effect:
Sympathetic & parasympathetic
General visceral:
Each pathway (sympathetic and parasympathetic) has ______ efferent neurons needed to innervate the target organ
General visceral: Parasympathetic
what are the 2 neurons involved
General visceral: Sympathetic
what are the 2 neurons involved
Sympathetic nervous system is related to (high or low) stress?
high stress (fight or flight)
Sympathetic nervous system effect on:
reproductive functions
what are some activities/events that increase sympathetic nervous system
Intense physical activities
(Running, Escaping,Hunting)
The part of the autonomic nerve system known as Sympathetic, is organized in a trunk formed by ganglia connected by axons close to the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae known as ___________________ and a group of_____________
sympathetic trunk
group of visceral ganglia connected with the sympathetic trunk by
Label A and B
A:Sympathetic trunk
B:Visceral Sympathetic ganglia
General Visceral Efferent of Sympathetic is involved with what organs
Smooth mm., heart or/and glands
Sympathetic nuclei lives in ____________________ of spinal cord
Thoracic & lumbar segments
Sympathetic nuclei
what neurotransmitter is released from the preganglion? postganglion?
Pre: Ach
Post: Norepinephrine (similar to epinephrine)
T/F Lateral horns are only in thoracolumbar segments
What is being pointed to in orange that travels to the lateral horn
visceral efferent neurons
what kind of neuron is associated with A?
what kind of neuron is associated with B?
A:Visceral afferent neurons
B: Somatic efferent neurons
what are the 3 horns that neurons travel to
dorsal horn
lateral horn
ventral horn
General Visceral Efferent Sympathetic:
Axons that communicate the spinal nn. with the
sympathetic trunk are referred to as _______________
Communicating branches
T/F communicating branches can carry pre and post ganglionic sympathetic fiber
what is 1 pointing to? 2?
- Communicating branches
- Sympathetic trunk
General viseral efferent sympathetic:
what are the possible directions that the sympathetic nerve pathways can use to get to target organs involving LIMBS?
1.Neck (Axial) and thoracic
limbs: Smooth mm. and glands of tissues innervated by spinal nerve
- Trunk (Axial) and pelvic
limbs: Smooth mm. and glands of tissues innervated by spinal nerves
General viseral efferent sympathetic:
what are the possible directions that the sympathetic nerve pathways can use to get to target organs involving CAVITIES ?
- Heart, Smooth mm. and
glands of thoracic organs - Smooth mm. and glands of abdominal organs
- Smooth mm. and glands
in pelvis and perineum
General viseral efferent sympathetic:
what are the possible directions that the sympathetic nerve pathways can use to get to target organs involving the HEAD?
Head Smooth mm., and glands
Synapsis occur in a _______________
sympathetic trunk ganglion
the cervicothoracic ganglion as a post ganglion forms this nerve
this nerve provides postganglionic fibers
to cervical spinal nn.
vertebral n.
Communicating branches between the cervicothoracic and the middle cervical ganglia
Ansa subclavian (preganglionic)
The fibers goes around the
subclavian a. that’s why the name
Ansa subclavian (preganglionic)
Correspond to the fusion of the caudal cervical ganglion and the first 3 thoracic ganglia
Cervicothoracic ganglion (preganglionic)
what nerves are being pointed to
cardiac nn.
label 1-3
- Cervicothoracic ganglion
- Ansa subclavian
- Middle cervical ganglion
Sympathetic affects on GI muscle and mucosal secretion
how does sympathetic regulate GI blood flow
via vasoconstriction
T/F NO synapsis in sympathetic trunk ganglia for the fibers that goes toward cavity organs
Sympathetic Smooth mm. and glands of abdominal
Postganglionic nerves
running with _________ to hit the target organ
Sympathetic Smooth mm. and glands of abdominal
organs: Visceral ganglion
what occurs at the visceral ganglion?
what are the Visceral ganglia close to?
Synapsis occur here
Visceral ganglia lives close
to abdominal aorta and it
Splanchnic nerves
preganglionic or postganglionic?
Axons from Preganglionic
**The synanpsis will
occur in a visceral ganglia
Viseral ganglion
preganglionic or postganglionic?
what is the Pelvic plexus
Network of pelvic ganglia
Pre & post synaptic Sympathetic nerves toward the pelvic plexus are known as what nerves
Hypogastric nerves
what nerve runs parallel to aorta and internal iliac aa. to reach the pelvic ganglia located lateral to the rectus
Hypogastric nn.
Label 1-3
- Celiacomesenteric plexus of ganglia
- Sympathetic nerves connecting visceral ganglia
- Hypogastric nerves
Correspond to the fusion of the caudal cervical ganglion and the first 3 thoracic ganglia
Cervicothoracic ganglion
Communicating branches between the cervicothoracic and the middle cervical
ganglia. The fibers goes around the subclavian a.
Ansa subclavian
NO synapsis occur here if
the fibers goes to the
to go to the heart, we must synapse here
Middle cervical ganglion
Smooth mm. and glands of
the head:
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers are located in
Vagosympathetic trunk
what kind of pain is this dog demonstrating
Visceral pain
Parasympathetic effect on:
Activities that are related to parasympathetic
what neurotransmitter is released from the preganglion? postganglion?
pre: Ach
post: Ach
Parasympathetic nuclei
preganglionic neuron:
post ganglionic neuron:
preganglionic neuron: Vagus nerve
post ganglionic neuron: Intramural (within the wall
of the target organ)
Parasympathetic nuclei
Sacral segments (s1-s3)
preganglionic neuron:
post ganglionic neuron:
Preganglionic neuron: Pelvic nerve
postganglionic: Intramural
(within the wall of the target organ)
What cranial nerves are related to parasympathetic
3,7,9,10(vagus nerve)
Parasympathetic Nervous System
what Cranial nerves are covered with the head
CN 3,7,9
Parasympathetic Nervous System
what cranial nerve(s) are related to thoracic and abdominal organs
CN 10 (vagus n.)
Parasympathetic Nervous System
the sacral spinal cord contributes to what organs?
what nerve is responsible?
pelvic organs
pelvic nerve
recurrent laryngeal n. also carries GSE & GSA.
Is the main motor nerve for the ____________of the larynx
skeletal mm.
what nerve is being pointed to
vagus nerve
Label 1 and 2
- Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Right subclavian a.
Label 1-5
- Dorsal branch of vagal nerve
- Dorsal vagal trunk
3.Ventral vagal trunk - Ventral branch of vagal nerve
- Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
is erection parasympathetic or sympathetic
is ejaculation sympathetic or parasympathetic
preganglion (short or long)?
postganglion (short or long)?
pre: short
post: long
preganglion (short or long)?
postganglion (short or long)?
pre: long
post: short
where can we find parasympathetic nuclei
sacral segments
where can we find the sympathetic nuclei
T4 to L5
what is the largest parasympathetic nuclei (nerve) among all cranial nerves
what does intermural ganglia mean
ganglia within walls of the organs
do humans have a vagosympathetic nerve trunk like animals
where is the vagosympathetic trunk located
How many vagus nerves are there
2; right and left
Which Recurrent laryngeal nerve is cranial? which is caudal?
cranial; right recurrent laryngeal n.(close to right subclavian)
caudal; left recurrent laryngeal n. (close to aortic arch)
Both dorsal branches of the vagal nerve join together to make the _______1______
both ventral branches of the vagal nerve join together to form the ______2_______
- dorsal vagal trunk
- ventral vagal trunk
What does the ventral and dorsal vagal trunk cross to reach the abdomen
esophageal hiatus
The left recurrent larygeal nerve wraps around the aortic arch and travels back to the _______ and reaches the _______
trachea, larynx
Thorax & cervical regions
* Preganglionic Pathway parasympathetic nucleus of vagus nerve
5 steps
→ vagus nerve
→ vagosympathetic trunk
→ vagus nerve
→ vagal branches
→ cardiac nerves to heart, lungs
* Preganglionic Pathway:
parasympathetic nucleus of vagus nerve
6 steps
→ vagus nerve
→ vagosympathetic trunk
→ vagus nerve → dorsal & ventral vagal branches
→ dorsal & ventral vagal trunks
→ dorsal vagal trunk joins celiacomesenteric plexus via
celiac branch
→ ventral vagal trunk goes directly to stomach and liver
In the abdomen do we have right and left vagus nerves?
No, we have dorsal vagal trunk and ventral vagal trunk
Label 1-7 from lecture
- left vagus n.
- Left recurrent laryngeal n.
- dorsal branch of left vagus
- ventral branch of left vagus
- dorsal trunk of vagus
- ventral trunk of vagus
- esophagus
Is the celiacomesenteric plexus of ganglia (sympathetic ganglia) a “stop” in the parasympathetic
No, it is there but there is no synapse for the parasympathetic
Almost everywhere the vagus nerve points, it is a preganglionic or postganglionic
The dorsal vagal trunk (for parasympathetic) goes to the stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, kidney, small and large intestine…
what is the last organ is goes to
transverese colon
the ventral vagal trunk goes to which 2 organs
what is the common name for the celiacomesenteric plexus of ganglia
solar plexus
Preganglionic Pathway:
GVE-Parasympathetic to Pelvic Organs
7 steps
intermediate gray matter (S1-S3) → ventral root → spinal nerve → ventral branch→ lumbosacral plexus→ pelvic nerve → pelvic plexus
Afferent neuron of the sympathetic can be either
nucleus is referred to as (pre or postganglionic)
ganglion (pre or postganglionic)
nucleus= pre (live in cns)
ganglion= post
somatic efferent neurons goes to what horn (dorsal, ventral, lateral)
ventral horn
(said it was an exam question he’s used before)
somatic afferent neurons goes to what horn (dorsal, ventral, lateral)
dorsal horn
visceral efferent neurons goes to what horn (dorsal, ventral, lateral)
lateral horn
visceral afferent neurons goes to what horn (dorsal, ventral, lateral)
dorsal horn
Thoracolumbar goes from T_ to L_
T1 to L5
what does the sympathetic nervous system cause to happen in the Axial/limb smooth muscle and glands of tissue innervated by spinal nerves
peripheral vasoconstriction
T1,T2,T3 send impulses to what big ganglion
cervicothoracic ganglion
sympathetic nervous system affect on heart rate and vessels