exam 3 bingo Flashcards
the major transporter of drugs
The phenomenon in which a drug is metabolized and results in a reduced concentration of the drug before reaching the circulatory system
first pass effect
The study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of actions
this tumor marker often is measured in both the total and free form
The concentration range of a drug within which the drug produces the desired effect
therapeutic range
This tumor marker is primarily used as a marker for ovarian cancer
This is found as a contaminant of homemade liquors and can cause optic neuropathy
this is a significant environmental pollutant and is easily taken up by crops
This is a cardioactive drug that is used to treat arrythmias and CHF. Biotin is known to interfere with this test
the most direct and effective route of administration of drug
This is a common malignant tumor in kids associated with high levels of plasma, epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine
This test is used along with hCG to classify nonseminomatous tumor
This is a kind of testing method that can be performed on solid tissue tumor markers
the predicted dose that would produce a toxic response in 50% of the pop
This may occur when analyte concentrations exceed the analytical range excessively
hook effect
this drug is the hepatic metabolite of procainamide
the study of the movement of drugs in the body
this drug is commonly tested for both total and free forms
endogenous substances biologically synthesized either in living cells or in microorganisms
This method of analysis of toxic agent has good sensitivity but lacks specificity
These types of tumor markers are valuable in diagnosing neuroblastomas, pituitary and adrenal adenomas
endocrine tumor markers
This tumor marker is the prototypical oncofetal antigen and is used for monitoring colorectal cancer
Uses the results from animal experiments to predict what level of exposure will cause harm to humans
descriptive toxicology
This is a metal with 3 forms, one of which is liquid at room temp
This is a useful system to compare relative toxicities of substances as the predicted endpoint is death
dose-response relationship
B-macroglobulin and immunoglobulins are part of this group of tumor markers
serum protein tumor markers
Chemicals and drugs that are not normally found in or produced by the body
trace element free tube
royal blue top
This is an example of something that can have significant interference in immunoassays by cross-linking with the capture/label antibody
This drug is ototoxic enough that it is recommended that baseline audiology testing is performed
This type of tumor marker can help to choose between endocrine and cytotoxic therapies
receptor tumor marker
what test can be performed to determine if the fluid from a patients nose is sinus or spinal fluid
Positive drug screens for this type of substance has wide cross-reactivity with common OTC medications.
This tumor marker is a modified Lewis blood group antigen.
Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9)