Exam #2: Sports Nutrition Flashcards
How do the macro-nutrient requirements of athletes change?
May need more overall calories and more protein
Why do the carbohydrate needs of athletes increase?
- The higher the athlete is working in the anaerobic zone, the glycogen and carbohydrates expended
- These need to be replaced for optimal performance
What are the carbohydrate needs of athletes?
5-7 g/kg/day for moderate exercise ( 1hr/day)
Note that these needs increase as activity level increases*
What are the protein needs of athletes?
1.2-1.7 g/kg/day
How much protein is recommended for maximal muscle growth?
20-30g after training and Q 4hrs while awake
What is recommended for post-workout nutrition?
Chocolate milk has an ideal carbohydrate: protein ratio and should be consumed within 2 hours post exercise
What are the fat needs for athletes?
- 20-35% of total energy intake per day
- Higher activity necessitates more fat
What are the recommendations form the ADA for pre-performance hydration?
- 16 oz. 2 hours prior
- 8-16 oz. 15 min prior
- 6-12 oz. q15 min. during
How much water should you drink after exercise?
24 ounces per lb. lost
How many ounces are in a “cup” of water?
What are some of the causes of urine discoloration aside from dehydration?
- Ketosis
- Rhabdomyolysis
- B vitamin supplementation
What are the supplement recommendations for athletes?
1) Food first
2) Recommend a vitamin or supplement only with an OBJECTIVE indication
What are the recommendations regarding creatine?
- No long-term data on safety
- Studies have shown increase in anaerobic work capacity
Routine use with athletes is not recommended b/c of limited studies on safety*
What are the calcium needs of athletes from 9-18? 19?
- 1300mg per day 9-18
- 1,000mg per day at 19
Requirements decrease with age.
What is the recommendation for female athletes with amenorrhea?
1500mg/day Ca++
**Note that men who are significantly underweight and with decreased testosterone may be recommended to supplement in this manner as well.*
What are the vitamin D recommendations for athletes?
- 20 ng/mL blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
- Athletes may have higher needs to promote immune function and reduce exercise-related inflammation
How do the daily recommendations for iron intake vary among men and women?
Female need is much higher than male
This difference is due to menses*
What value is important for evaluating iron status in athletes? What is normal?
Serum Ferritin i.e. free iron in the blood
12-300 ng/mL men
12-150 ng/mL women
Most D1 track and cross country teams start to supplement at ~40.*
What is the interaction between Ca++ and iron?
Ca++ prevents iron absorption
What enhances iron absorption?
Vitamin C
What do you need to ingest to get the heme-iron?
Animal sources of iron
What vitamin is essential to proper immune function?
Vitamin D
What are the three components of the female athlete triad?
1) Disordered eating
2) Amenorrhea
3) Osteoporosis
What are the definitions of amenorrhea?
- No menses by 16
- No period for 3 months
- Irregular periods for 35-90 days
What are the signs and symptoms of disordered eating?
- Amenorrhea
- Dehydration
- GI problems
- Hypothermia
- Stress fractures
- Significant weight loss
- Dental and gum problems
Are oral contraceptives an effective therapy for the female athlete triad?
Only when estrogen levels have been restored by supplying the body with adequate calories can bone loss be reversed
What types of food should be consumed prior to exercise?
Carbohydrate-rich foods
E.g. peanut butter and honey on toast
What kinds of food should be consumed after exercise?
3:1 carbohydrate to protein foods
Chocolate milk
How does carbohydrate intake change with easy, moderate, and heavy training?
Carbohydrates increase significantly