Exam 2: Chapter 8 - Self-Perceptions & Exercise Flashcards
Defining Self-Esteem
- Origin of Esteem
- Middle English: sense of worth, reputation.
- Old French: ‘estimer’ or ‘estimate’.
- Latin: to ‘appraise’.
*Synonyms: respect, admire, value, regard, appreciate, treasure, revere.
- Definition:
- An overall emotional evaluation of self worth.
- Reflects __________ of self and attitude toward self.
Self-Concept vs. Self-Esteem
- Self-Concept
- The way in which we see or _______ ourselves.
- Who I am: teacher, parent, mature, loyal, extraverted, hardworking.
- Self-Esteem
- Evaluative or affective ___________ (+ or -) of one’s self-concept.
- How I feel about who I am.
*Both reflect the nature of the self system as complex, multidimensional, and hierarchical.
Hierarchical Model of Self-Esteem
*Model suggesting general self-concept is an aggregate construct determined by judgments in many domains.
- Primary Categories:
- Academic (Intellectual): primary learning domains
- Nonacademic (Nonintellectual):
- –_______: physical abilities and physical appearance
- –______: positive interaction with others
- –________: cognitive or emotional states
*Global self-esteem change based on: size of change, importance, and proximity.
- Global self-esteem change based on…
1) ____ of change.
2) _________.
3) _________.
1) Size of change
2) Importance
3) Proximity
Exercise and Self-Esteem Model
- Features __________ organized constructs leading to predictions of global self-esteem.
- The process of altering self-esteem is initiated with _________ measures located at the base of the model.
- Indicates that global esteem is driven by the extent to which the person is accepting of who he is physically.
- Only the subjective __________ of success is relevant to feelings of self-esteem.
Exercise and Self-Esteem
- Research shows that ________ _______ improves esteem.
- Benefits come with _______, not single sessions.
- Fitness changes are not required for benefits.
- Benefits occur across a wide range of PA modalities, intensities, duration, frequency, etc.
- ________ for exercise related to health/fitness are more beneficial for esteem.
physical activity
Esteem is directly related to _________.
adherence (attachment or commitment to a person, cause, or belief).
Mechanisms of Esteem Change
- Improved perceptions of…
- Competence
- Appearance
- Improved sense of…
- Autonomy/control over the body
- Self-acceptance
- General well-being
- Belonging and significance
Defining Body Image
*Origin: 1935 book ‘The Image and Appearance of the Human Body’ by Paul Schilder.
- Definitions:
- _________ concept of one’s physical appearance based on ____-__________ and _______ of others.
- Multidimensional construct that reflects how we see, think about, feel about, and act towards our body.
*Basis: product of experience, personality, society, and culture
Dimensions of Body Image
- Perceptual:
- How we _______ ourselves to look.
- Cognitive:
- How we ______ about or evaluate our body in terms of its appearance and function.
- Affective:
- ________ experienced in relation to our body’s appearance and function.
- Behavioral:
- What we do to (our _______) reflect our positive or negative perceptions, thoughts, and feelings.
Factors Influencing Body Image
- Interpersonal Experiences:
- teasing, praise, comments.
- Psychological Factors:
- esteem, perfectionism, support.
- Behaviors:
- physical activity, dieting, grooming.
- Physical Characteristics:
- body fatness, muscularity, height.
- Sociocultural Influences:
- body ideals, media.
*Physical Changes:
puberty, aging, injury, disease
Body Image Terminology
- Body ______
- Current physical characteristics: ht/wt, fat/lean mass, bone structure, fitness, strength.
- Changes over time based on maturation and aging.
- Body _____
- How we think our body should look and function.
- Can be positive or negative.
Body Reality
Body Ideal
Body Image Terminology
- Body Reality
- ________ physical characteristics: ht/wt, fat/lean mass, bone structure, fitness, strength.
- Changes over time based on _________ and ______.
- Body Ideal
- How we think our body should ____ and _______.
- Can be positive or negative.
maturation and aging
look and function
Body Image Terminology
- Healthy Body Ideal
- Recognition that bodies come in a wide range of shapes and sizes.
- Reflects _______ level of fitness for one’s own unique and personal body shape.
- Body Image Disturbance
- Perception of body shape/size differ from _____.
- Negative thoughts and feelings about one’s body.
- Actions performed to hide or _____ the body.
Body Image & Gender
Males or Females?
- _____ concerns focus around desire for more muscle.
- _______ concerns focus around desire for less fat.
- Gender stereotypes are eroding but persist.
- ______ are more likely to have bodies that match up with medical and/or cultural ideals/norms.
- Relationship between esteem, anxiety, depression, and disordered eating is strong, especially in ________.
Muscle Dysmorphia
- Definition: preoccupation with ________.
- Other names: megarexia or reverse anorexia nervosa.
- Facilitates risky dietary practices and increased likelihood of using _______.
- Primarily a male concern but also relevant for females .
Exercise and Body Image
- Body image concerns can facilitate healthy and unhealthy behaviors
- _______: good nutrition, exercise.
- _________: disordered diet/eating, smoking, excessive exercise.
- Exercise motivation
- Motivations for health/fitness are ‘______’.
- Motivations for physique are ‘questionable’.
*_____ _______ is a powerful motivator for initiating exercise but motive shifts over time are desirable.
Body image
Exercise and Body Image
- Activities we participate in can influence body image by altering _________ of body ideal.
- Resistance training induces one ideal.
- Aerobic training induces a different ideal.
*_________ exercise is generally more potent than ________ exercise as a treatment intervention.
Treatment Considerations
(Self-Esteem and Body Image)
- Counseling: primarily CBT
- Pharmacotherapy: especially if paired with anxiety and/or depression
- Movement Therapy: dance, games, etc.
- Education: health promotion, diet, wellness etc.
- Diet Therapy: when comorbid with eating disorders
- Physical Activity: exercise, sport, etc.
- -Note: PA also has many very positive ‘side effects’
Practical Recommendations
- Self-Esteem
- Determine reason for exercise and tailor Rx accordingly.
- Conduct baseline ______ and ______ assessments and repeat so as to confirm positive change.
- Facilitate success and perceptions of personal ______.
- Body Image
- Focus on improving physical function, strength, and endurance, not changing physical _________.
- Enjoyable exercise is more likely to be ______ for body image.
health and fitness