Exam 1 Part 5 Flashcards
How to get enzyme and substrates together
Limiting space of diffusion
Activation of proximal proteins
Michaelis-Menton equation
V=Vmax[S]/Km +[S]
Competitive inhibition
inhibitant and substrate both bind to active site
noncompetitive inhibition
inhibitant and substrate bind to different sites on the enzyme
allosteric regulation
regulation of an enzyme with a molecule that is not the substrate or product - binds to another site (noncompetitive)
Committed step
step that has many input factors in an enzymatic reaction. Energy favorable/saving of energy to regulate at this step
allosteric inhibition
enzyme is active in the uncomplexed form, which has a high affinity for its substrate. an allosteric inhibitor stabilizes the enzyme in its low affinity form
allosteric actiivation
an enzyme in its uncomplexed form and therefore has low affinity for its substrate. An allosteric activator stabilizes the enzyme in the high affinity form
irreversible inhibitors
covalently bound (nerve gases, penicillin, aspirin) can be done in cells as well - phosphorylation
reversible inhibitors
can bind a dissociate
protein functions
enzymes, motor proteins, receptors, structural proteins, storage, gene regulation, transport proteins, signaling proteins, etc
protein formation
form by polymerization of amino acids
protein cues for folding
chemical interactions between side chains or backbone will be the cues for folding
primary structure
amino acid sequence
secondary structure
backbone interactions
tertiary structure
3D and R group interactions within 1 polypeptide chain
quaternary structure
multiple polypeptide chains
What happens when a substrate binds
binds weakly to R group components
Distortion of bonds
enzyme accepts or donates protons, changing reactivity of a substrate (pH)
accepts or donates elections (forming of high E covalent bonds
stabilizes unstable bonds
electrophoresis analysis
need to make a negative charge and denature proteins so that they separate by size
Things needed for eletrophoresis
gel matrix (polyacrylamide) buffer denaturing agents (beta-ME, heat) anionic detergent (SDS)
Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
things to do after SDS-PAGE
stain and visualize the sizes and amounts of proteins present
-transfer proteins to a membrane and probe for specific proteins
-elute proteins off gel and ID with mass spec
enzymatic reactions in gel