Evidence Inequalities Flashcards
Gender inequality (workplace) female
Adkins- horizontal and vertical segregation in theme parks
The Fawcett society- gender pay gap 13.7% 2019
Laura Bates- men outnumber women 4 to 1 Parliament, 18 HC judges female
The Financial Times- gender pay gap means women work free from 30 Nov
Gender inequality (workplace) male
Mac an Ghail- deindustrialisation led to unemployment which caused crisis of masculinity Willis- working class lads feel they should follow in father’s footsteps with manual labour leading to low pay Doyal- men dominate high risk industrial jobs (more likely to suffer workplace accident) Farrell- 24/25 lowest rank jobs male dominated ‘the glass cellar’
Gender inequality (education) women
Skelton- hidden curriculum and teacher’s attitudes affects subject choices
Kelly- boys allowed to dominate science classrooms which deters girls from subject eg. Textbook pictures
Colley- subject choices negatively influenced by gender roles, subject preferences, learning environment
Gender inequality (education) men
Willis- working class lads develop anti school subculture as they don’t see value in achievement Mitsos & Browne- teachers too lenient on boys which can lead to a lack of achievement Department for Education- 71.9% female vs 62.9% male passed GCSEs
Gender inequality (media) women
Ferguson- women’s magazines based on cult of femininity (marriage, beauty)
Billington- media represents masculinity as dominant and femininity as subordinate
Laura Bates- 5% major films 2012 directed by women, 1/5 front page newspaper written by women
Mulvey- women only presented through male gaze
Gender inequality (media) men
Sewell- boys look to rappers in media which leads to anti school subculture
Billington- boys presented as dominant may enforce hyper masculine pressure
Easthorpe- video games suggests masculinity is based on aggression and violence is biologically determined and therefore a natural goal
Gender inequality (criminal justice system) female
Harding- girls in gangs used to hide guns and drugs. Sexually harassed
Home office- 6% rakes reported result in conviction
Leonard- judges view women has ‘doubly deviant’ defying law and gender role which can lead to harsher
Laura Bates- over 2 women a week killed by current or former partner
Gender inequality (criminal justice system) men
Messerschmidt- males prove ‘accomplished masculinity’ in gangs
Campbell- men denied masculinity due to deindustrialisation and turn to violence and anti-social behaviour
Sewell- males influenced by rapper ‘get rich quick’ attitude
Pollak- chivalry thesis judges less harsh on girls as they believe women are socialised into less deviant values
Social class inequality (workplace/income/wealth)
Mac an Ghail- working class men in manual labour jobs
Willis- reason w/c men don’t aspire for more
Inequality briefing- top 20% own 60% UK wealth
Goulden- 14 mill people loving poverty UK, lack of childcare and transport can contribute and make them reliable on food banks
Scott- social closure through intermarriage, old boys network
Social class inequality (education)
Willis- anti school subculture negative labelling
Bourdieu- hidden curriculum devalues skills of working class and biased towards dominant class. Lack of cultural capital for working class to succeed
Jackson- working class ladettes anti school subculture leads to smoking and arguing with teachers
The Institute for Fiscal studies- children in better off families have week & a half more home learning than poorest households
Social class inequality (media)
Mertens & D’Haenens- 81% w/c v 94% m/c use internet. Middle use tech to develop learning
Helsper- Gov plans to make public services digital by default. W/c unable to access. W/c children parents less able to help them navigate internet
Price- poverty porn w/c exploited in TV shows such as benefit street & encouraged negative views
Jones- chavtainment leads to w/c from ‘salt’ to ‘scum’ of the earth
Milliband- media is new opium of people keeps w/c masses from revolting
Social class inequality- crime
Walmsey et al- 41% prisoners from lowest social class which only accounts for 19% population
Coles- poor more likely to commit crime
Jacobson et al- youth in custody more likely to be from complex backgrounds (1/2deprived households, absent fathers)
Harding- w/c youth London gamble for their lives in Street Casino for income and street capital
Social class inequality (health)
Rowlingson & Mullineux- debt has negative impact on mental & physical health
ONS- teenage motherhood 8X as common in manual than professional backgrounds
Joseph Rowntree Foundation- deprived areas have lower healthy life expectancy
Ethnic inequality (workplace)
Barron & Norris- ethnic minority in secondary labour market
Wood et al- 9 applications for white sounding name, 16 for ethnic before positive response
Gov.uk- ‘other white’ and ‘British white’ had highest employment, Pakistani 55%
Ethnic inequality (crime)
Harding- black Afro-Caribbean more likely dragged into gang culture especially in areas of deprivation Gov need to act
Hood- black men more likely to serve custodial for for offences typically punishable by fine or community service
Social trends survey- black people 7X likely to get stop and searched
Macpherson report- found police investigation stephens murder was institutionally racist
Ethnic inequality (media)
Alexander- Asian boys criminalised by media due to Islamiphobia and created myth of Asian gangs
Barry- black people used to be portrayed negatively in media now this is replaced by tokenism
Van Dijk- media stereotype black in 5 ways: criminal, abormal, threat, unimportant & dependent
Children now- fair play- 86% heroes white, 8/10 sport competitors black, 86% black female characters victims of violence
Ethnic inequality (education)
Gillborn- Afro Caribbean boys out in lower sets and lower papers due to institutional racism which limits success
Mizra- Afro Caribbean girls faced institutional racism and negative labelling from teachers which may lead to not achieving full potential
Butler- 3rd gen Bangladeshi & Pakistani Muslim girls (wanted to achieve but parents supported traditional values of them taking expressive role)
Jasper- Afro Caribbean negatively stereotypes as non achievers which can lead to self fulfilling prophecy
Ethnic inequality (health & social care)
ONS England- black peoples 4X more likely than white to die from covid
Joseph Rowntree Foundation- 70% Pakistani & Bangladeshi women over 65 reported having limiting long term illness
Mental health.org- detention rates under Mental Health Act 4X higher for black than white group
Public health England- pandemic exposed longstanding inequalities (ethnic minority take more transport to work, poor experiences at healthcare/work means less likely to seek help
Age inequality (workplace)
Johnson- older people find it hard to get jobs due to stereotypes of their competency in the workplace
Ritzer- youths exploited through McJobs and 0 hour contracts
The national pensioners convention- 1/5 older people live below poverty line
Greengross- ageism embedded in UK to extent it is acceptable overt which disadvantages in workplace
Age inequality (crime)
Jacobson- youth in custody have complex backgrounds (1/2 deprived household, 3/4 absent fathers)
Harding- deprived youth gamble their lives in street casino to gain street capital
Age UK- older (55+) experienced 2X loss in fraud scams
Financial Times- over 60s in jail topped 4000 first time on record more than double 10 years ago
Age inequality (media)
Griffin- youth presented deviant, dysfunctional, suffering a deficit
Cohen- mods and rockers moral panic
Landis- stereotyped as ‘grumpy old man’ & ‘feisty old woman’
Carrigan & Szmigin- depicted as smelly and incontinent caricatures
Age inequality (health)
Royal College of Surgeons and Age UK- no one over 75 offered surgery for breast cancer and & few undergo bowl surgery (despite legislation making illegal from 2012)
Greengross- NHS treats older patient different (institutional ageism) offered less treatments
Gov.UK- 6/10 diagnosed with chlamydia aged 16-24