Eukaryotic cell structure Flashcards
What are all the organelles of the animal cell?
Cell surface membrane
Smooth ER
Rough ER
Golgi apparatus
What makes up the mitochondria?
Matrix - makes up space inside cristae
Cristae - makes up ends of folded membrane
What is the function of the matrix?
Contains enzymes for respiration
What makes up the nucleus?
Nucleus pores
Nucleus envelop
What is the function of the nucleolus?
Produces ribosomes
What is the function of the nucleus?
Contains genetic material of cell ( DNA, chromosomes )
What is the function of the mitochondria?
Site of aerobic respiration
What is the function of the cristae?
Extensions on the inner membrane - provide a large surface area to increase respiration
What are all the plant cell organelles?
Cell wall
What makes up the chloroplast?
Stroma (empty space)
Granum ( stack of thylakoids )
What makes up the cell wall?
Microfibrils of cellulose
What makes up the vacuole?
Toniplast surrounding cell sap
What is the cell sap made up of?
Amino acids
What is the structure of the cell surface membrane?
- Thin flexable barrier
- Bilayer which is made up of 2 phospholipid molecules
- Found in both anaimal and plant cells
What is the function of the cell surface membrane?
- Hold the cell together
- Controlls what substances enters and exits the cell
How does the structure of the cell surface mebrane relate to its function?
- Phospholipids allow for lipid soluble substances to enter and leave the cell
- Proteins allow for active transport
- Protein channels are water filled tubes to allow for diffusion across membrane
- Carrier proteins have binding site which change shape to transport molecules
What is the structure of the nucleus?
- Nuclear envelope
- Nuclear pores
- Nucleoplasm
- Chromosomes
- Nucleolus
- Chromatin
What is the function of the nucleus?
- Acts as a controll centre of the cell through the production of mRNA and tRNA > protein synthesis
- Retain the genetic material of the cell in the form of DNA and chromosomes
- Manufacture ribosomal RNA and ribsomes
What is the structure of the nuclear envelope?
- Double membrane that surrounds the nucleus
- Outer membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticlum
- Often has ribosomes on surface
What is the function of the nucleur envelope?
- Controls the entry and exit of materials in and out of the nucleus
- Contains the reactions taking place within it
What is the structure of the nucleur pores?
large enough to allow for larger molecules to pass through
What is the function of the nucleur pores?
- Allow the passage of large molecules out of the nucleus e.g. mRNA