Ethics Flashcards
sectioning a patient under the mental health act means you are ONLY allowed to treat the patient in hospital for their mental health T or F
T, you cant treat the patient’s physical conditions unless they have incapacity
name the 3 types of detention
emergency detention
short term detention
compulsory treatment order
how long does an emergency detention last?
72 hours
you must prove a patient has a mental illness before you can detain them as an emergency T or F
who can agree to an emergency detainment?
FY2 or above
who can agree to a short term detention?
usually a registrar or consultant AND a mental health officer
how long can a short term detention last for?
28 days
long term psychiatric treatment can be provided to a patient detained as an emergency T or F
F, can only be emergency medication
how long can a compulsory treatment order last?
6 months
what medical staff need to approve a compulsory treatment order before it goes to tribunal?
registrar/consultant PLUS a GP/doctor who knows the patient PLUS an MHO
what members make up a tribunal?
criteria for sectioning under the MHA?
mental illness evidence of harm to oneself or others impaired to make decisions for oneself treatment can be given in hospital NECESSITY
a person may have capacity for one decision but not another T or F
to have capacity someone must be able to do 3 things….
understand and retain relevant info
use and weigh that info to make a decision
communicate that decision
what act is used to measure capacity?
adults with incapacity act 2000
what conditions can prevent someone from having capacity
mental disorder or underlying physical disorder that does not allow you to communicate in a meaningful way
name the 3 types of mental disorder
mental illness
learning disability
personality disorder
what illness is the main cause of incapacity?
what conditions can impact someone’s capacity?
dementia delirium schizophrenia bipolar learning disability
why must capacity be reassessed?
it can fluctuate ie you can be cured of a condition that causes you capacity issues
what info does a patient need to be able to consent to an intervention?
- what the intervention is, its nature and purpose, why its being proposed
- main benefits/risks/alternatives
- consequences of not receiving intervention
when should capacity be assessed in an emergency?
deal with the emergency situation first then if non-emergency treatment is required assess capacity then
who should you consult with on someone’s behalf about an intervention?
welfare attorney
welfare guardian
when going ahead with an intervention in an emergency what should you do?
- make sure the intervention benefits them
- make sure the benefit cant be achieved without the intervention
- take account of past/present wishes
- consult with other relevant people
- encourage adult to use residual capacity
what do PoA’s deal with?
your finances, welfare and property
if you dont have a PoA and you fall ill what happens?
you need to have a guardian appointed to you by a sheriff which involves alot of paperwork
when treating someone who lacks capacity what form should be filled out?
section 47 certificate of incapacity
how should you fill out a section 47 certificate of incapacity form?
- talk to them to assess their capacity
- write down your opinion on their capacity
- fill out the form
AWI act only allows you to treat a physical disorder T or F
T, if they have a mental disorder it is managed under the mental health act
are you allowed to disguise medication eg in sweets?
yes if you feel that is the only way you can treat them
you have to weigh up the benefits
if a patient is under 16 can they consent to treatment?
can consent on their own behalf if a qualified medical practitioner agrees
who can help if someone can’t articulate themselves about their capacity?
how can you assess someone’s capacity about going to a care home?
ask “do you know what a care home is?”
acute confusional state is classed as a mental illness T or F
T, you should section under the MHA for this