ESIS Flashcards
What occurs upon application of power to the ESIS?
At application of power, the Set automatically begins power-on self test mode. During this time, the display screen will go blank for approximately 25 seconds while the tests are performed. Following self tests, the identification mode screen will appear. The identification screen displays “Goodrich Avionics Systems, Inc.,“ and error message only if errors are detected, an elapsed time indication, and the software identification number. Failures detected and identified in the self-test mode are either Set failures that render the Set inoperable or functional failures that allow the unit to operate despite the loss of the effected function.
Describe the Detachable Configuration Module?
Detachable Configuration Module
The Detachable Configuration Module (DCM), (Figure 2, Sheet 3, Detail C), stores aircraft configuration data, including aircraft type heading input, air data computer type, panel mounting angle, and display format information. The DCM remains attached to the aircraft to remain with the helicopter when the ESI is removed. The DCM is connected to the back of the ESI at the J2 connector.
When is the calibration of the ESIS required? (Reference Student Handout)
The module is designed to remain with the aircraft should the ESI have to be removed for maintenance purposes. This permits replacement of the ESI without a calibration requirement.
What information does the ESIS Air Data Computer provide? Where is it located?
Air Data Computer
The ADC, (Figure 2, Sheet 3, Detail D), connects to the Pitot-static System and incorporates micro air data transducers that provide airspeed, vertical velocity, max allowable airspeed, baro correction, and altitude data to the ESI via ARINC 429. The ADC is located in the flight control rods closet (right hand side) above the primary ADC.
What is the status of an aircraft with an inoperative ESIS?
CIRCLE RED X because it is a required equipment for NIGHT, NVD and IMC Ops per AWR1726 R31
Can ESIS battery testing be accomplished when converted power is on?
What are the two power sources for the ESIS?
No. 2 DC Primary Bus. and the ESIS battery
When is ESIS calibration required?
When the magnetometer or DCM is replaced.
The Detachable Configuration Module (DCM) retains what?
Aircraft configuration data
The ESIS air data computer provides what?
· Altitude
· Vrtical velocity
· Airspeed information to the ESI. (Pitot static capabilities)
When power is first applied, the ESIS starts what?
A power on self test and self diagnostics routine for about 25 seconds.
True/False Replacement of the ESIS does not require a test flight.
False. AWR 1726 R31 (table on last page)