EPQ7 11-217v1 Chp11-12 Flashcards
True or False: In low altitude approaches, it is fair to expect vectors to final from ATC.
True, it is the norm
What are the two main categories of low altitude approaches?
Course reversals and procedure tracks
When cleared for an approach, you must remain on the last assigned altitude until:
established on a segment of the published approach.
What are the two types of course reversals?
The procedure turn (PT) and the holding in lieu of procedure turn (HILO PT)
How is a procedure turn identified on an approach plate?
A barb symbol with a direction and outbound course given.
When executing a procedure turn, the FAA recommends a speed of no more than:
200 KIAS
What are the two methods for executing a procedure turn approach?
45/180 and 80/260
If doing the 45/180 method for a procedure turn, how long should you track the outbound course?
1 minute
When you should begin timing for tracking the outbound course in a PT?
As soon as the turn has been initiated.
With respect to a RNAV or GPS approach, the Terminal Arrival Area (TAA) has how many sectors?
3, one for a straight in, left base, and right base to final.
Do precision approaches have visual descent points?
No, so don’t calculate one…
What is the definition of a VDP
A point on the final approach course where a normal descent (3 degrees) can be commenced from the MDA to the runway touchdown point.
What does VASI stand for and what is its use?
Visual Approach Slope Indicator. A lighting system used to give a visual indication of an aircraft’s glide path.
If an IAP does not have a published VDP, how can the pilot find out why?
Trick question, there is currently no way for the pilot to know the exact reason.
What is the technique used for calculating VDP?
the heigth above touchdown (HAT) divided by the desired glideslope X100 (in our case 3 degrees or 300)
True or False: All precision approaches have missed approach points.
False, in fact none of them do.
When can a pilot descend to the minimum descent altitude (MDA)?
Once past the final approach fix.
True or False: If timing is not specifically depicted on an approach, it may still be used to identify the MAP.
False, not authorized, don’t do it, ever.
What is the typical range of a localizer signal?
18 miles within 10 degrees of course centerline.
If on a LOC/ILS approach, and the CDI becomes fully deflected, can the approach be continued?
Nope, better luck next time.
When within what distance of FAWP the GPS will automatically initiate a RAIM check and go active
For RADAR approach repeat what to the controller until advised otherwise
all headings, altitudes and altimeter settings
While being vectored to final attempt contact with controller if no transmissions are received for approximately how long
1 minute
While on final for an ASR approach attempt contact with controller if no transmissions are received for approximately how long
15 seconds
While on final for a PAR attempt contact with controller if no transmissions are received for approximately how long
5 seconds
The pilot must have what in sight in order to fly a visual approach
either the airport or the preceding identified aircraft in sight
What is the MAP for a precision approach if the RWY enviroment is not in sight
At DA/DH, execute the appropriate missed approach procedure
What ceiling and visibility is necessary to fly a contact approach?
Clear of clouds and 1 SM visibility
Do you need to Cx IFR clearance when cleared for a visual approach?
When on a No-gyro, what type of turn is used when on final?
1/2 standard rate
the ceilling and visibility requirements for a visual approach are:
If RAIM failure occurs during a GPS approach AFTER the FAF, what do you do?
Climb to the missed approach altitude, proceed to MAP and execute Missed Approach
If the MM is the only way to identify the MAP, is the approach authorized?
T or F
If cleared for the visual approach, you are cleared to do a VFR overhead or traffic pattern
False, straight in approach only
When flying an ASR approach that ends in circling, you must give ATC what?
your category of Aircraft
T or F
VDP is published for the non-precision approach with the highest MDA.
False, VDP is published for the non-precision approach with the lowest MDA
T or F
You adjust your outbound leg length for wind to remain inside the remain within distance
When flying a localizer back-course, what course do you put in?
The front course
When do you go missed approach on a precision approach?
the decision altitude
What is an ILS comprised of?
Glide slope, Localizer, and Outer Marker
If RAIM failure occurs PRIOR to the FAF or the approach does not go active, can you commence the approach?
No, you must discontinue the approach and coordinate for a different approach
T or F
Plan on reaching your MDA prior to VDP
If timing is required to identify the MAP, when do you begin timing?
Passing over the FAF
If you want to fly a procedure turn on a NoPT IAP, are you required to request clearance with ATC?
T or F
When on final, you must always have at least 1 navigation receiver must be tuned in to receive course guidance
In what situations do you not execute a Procedure Turn (PT or HILO)?
SNERT. Straight-In No-PT on the Approach Plate Established in Holding Radar Vectors Timed Approach
What are the two basic types of radar approaches?
How often does the controller talk on radar approaches when being vectored to final?
1 minute
What must the pilot accomplish prior to reaching the initial approach fix
Slow the Aircraft to maneuvering speed
When will the controller advise that the aircraft is approaching the glide path on an ASR approach
They will not advise approaching the glide path
When is the missed approach point given a 5-character name on an RNAV approach?
When the MAP is not located at the runway threshold
What are the two common types of course reversals?
Procedure turn
Holding in lieu of
Which is not a common method for flying a procedure turn?
- 45/180
- 90/270
- 80/260
- holding technique
How many additional turns in holding are you required to make when cleared for the approach on a HILO?
What is the usable range for the glideslope?
10 NM
Plan the outbound leg to allow enough time for _______, ________, & _________
Any descent required prior to the FAF
Communication with the tower
T or F: Your IFR clearance is cancelled once cleared for the visual Approach?
What type of Approaches are TAAs found?
When may you descend from the procedure turn completion altitude?
When established on the inbound course
Whose method has the USAF adopted as procedural that requires pilots to wait until you are on a parallel or intercept heading to begin descent from the procedure turn fix altitude?
When are you required to complete a procedure turn?
When completing the full approach procedure
When does the GPS switch to approach arm and what does the CDI sensitivity become?
30 NM and +/- 1
HAT = 600, what is the VDP in time?
60 sec
How is Glideslope intercept depicted?
Lightning Bolt
What is the Air Force recommended Airspeed while preforming procedure turn course reversals?
200 KIAS
How often does the controller talk on radar approaches when on final for a PAR?
5 Seconds
How is a holding in lieu of (HILO) depicted on an approach plate?
Solid BOLD black line
What are you required to repeat on radar approaches after the controller advises “do not acknowledge further instruction”
T or F In regards to HILO if a descent is depicted on the inbound leg on the approach plate, you may begin the descent after passage of the holding fix?
You must when established on the inbound segment of the approach before beginning the descent.
When flying procedure tracks, when may you descend to the next altitude?
Once a lead point is reached and a turn to the next segment is begun
A defined point from which a normal descent from the MDA to the runway touchdown point may commence?
Visual descent point
TAA structure consists of all the following EXCEPT: 1-3 IAFs Intermediate Fix VDP MAP
What requires a procedure turn?
When not established in holding
The minimum MSL altitude that are charted on each of the TAA areas provide___ ft of obstacle clearance
How long do you time for after make the 45 degree turn on a procedure turn for cat B A/C
1 minute
T or F the icon for each TAA area will be located and oriented with respect to the direction of arrival to the approach procedure
The optimal final approach course is 5 miles, but may be as long as
10 nm
T or F VDPs are not a mandatory part of the procedure
When do you begin timing for a procedure turn?
outbound abeam the procedure turn
One broad category of low altitude approaches is course reversals. what is the other broad category?
Procedure Track
The height above Touchdown is 600, what is the VDP in distance?
2 miles
How are procedure turns depicted on the approach plate?
Barb symbol
How many hours can an erroneous satellite transmission be delayed before it is detected and fixed?
2 hours
T or F there is a MAP on precision approach?
When is timing required on the final approach?
The final approach does not end at the published fix
Descent below MDA/DA is not authorized until sufficient visual reference with _____ has been established and the Aircraft is in a position to execute a safe landing
Runway environment
If no FAF is depicted on an Approach plate, what is considered the FAF?
The point when you begin your descent from the procedure turn altitude