Callouts and Checklist Script - Contact Flights Flashcards
~Over the Rail Check~
IP: “Solo, two safe seats”_____
IP: “Aux Bat On - STBYs check, Panel Clear”_____
IP: “Fire One”_____
After turning the battery on
IP: “1100 lbs, XX.X volts, temp and seats good”_____
“ISS Solo, Two Pins In, Off, Down, Caged and Locked, Normal, Normal, Blower and OBOGS Off, Good Seat, Good Pubs, CFS Plungers and Breakers In”
“Aux Bat On - STBYs check, Panel Clear”
“Fire One”
“1100 lbs, XX.X volts, temp and seats good”
~Cockpit Check~ IP:"Legs, Lap, Seat Kit, Shoulders, Harness, Hoses, Helmet, Chin Strap, Anti-Suffocation Valve Checks"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Feet/Knees Clear?"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Flight controls check, my feet/knees clear."\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Lamps check, check yours"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Fire 1?"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Fire 2?"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Trim disconnect switch - Norm"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Trim checks, check yours"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Generator Switch - Off\_\_\_\_\_
“Legs, Lap, Seat Kit, Shoulders, Harness, Hoses, Helmet, Chin Strap, Anti-Suffocation Valve Checks”
(move stick and rudder pedals while watching ailerons and rudder) “Flight controls check”
(look for three green + four red in the landing gear handle and CWS Panel illuminates) “Lamps check”
“Fire 1”
“Fire 2”
“Trim disconnect switch - Norm”
“Trim checks, rudder remains left”
“Generator Switch - off”
~Engine Start~
IP: “Visor - Down, Rail - Clear, Pin Box - Closed”_____
IP: “Canopy - Closed, Latched, Light’s out”_____
IP: “Crew Chief, Fire Bottle, No Oxygen or Fueling within 50ft, Start Ready, PMU Light’s out, Volts XX, Prop clear, Ready?” _____
“Visor - Down, Rail - Clear, Pin Box - Closed”
“Closed, Latched, Light’s out”
~Before Taxi~
IP: “On, Normal, Normal, Good Blinker”_____
IP: “Uncaged, Adjusted, G-Suit tests good”
IP: (Deploys Speed Brake) “Speed Brake Light’s on”_____
IP: (Flaps LDG) “Flaps landing, light’s out” _____
IP: (Flaps T/O, test Speed Brake) “Flaps takeoff, speed brake will not extend” _____
(OBOGS - on, Full Concentration, Take a breath, Emergency, Take a breath, Hold your breath and check for good seal, Switch to On/Normal/Normal) "On, Normal, Normal, Good Blinker" "Uncaged, Adjusted, G-Suit tests good" "Light's On" "Landing, Light's out" "Takeoff"
~Before Taxi Radio Setup~ (RMU Setup \_\_\_\_\_) (Flight Intruments Check \_\_\_\_\_) IP: "Flight Instruments - Check" \_\_\_\_\_ IP: "XX.XX Set Twice, Showing XX over XX, Panel Clear" \_\_\_\_\_
(UHF: 1 - Check ATIS, Set 2 CLNC DEL, Standby: 3 GRND>
VHF: 19 JEDI Ops, Standby: 1 ATIS>
Navaid: VOR: 1 - Sherman Field)
(Check EADI, EHSI, VSI for proper indications, no flags or red X’s)
“Flight Instruments Check”
“XX.XX set twice, showing XX over XX, Panel Clear”
~Radio Call to Clearance, UHF Ch__~
Clearance: “Jedi XX, cleared to Navy Pensacola via the NPA XXX as filed, one DME past the TACAN turn L/R XXX, climb and maintain 3,000, expect XX thousand 10 minutes after Departure, Departure frequency 270.8, Squawk XXXX”
UHF Ch 2
“Sherman Clearance, Jedi XX, NPA XXX, ready to copy”
“Jedi XX, cleared Navy Pensacola via the NPA XXX as filed, one DME past the TACAN turn L/R XXX, climb and maintain 3,000, expect 10,000 10 minutes after Departure, Departure frequency 270.8, Squawk XXXX”
(Set UHF:3, Standby:4)
~Radio Call to Ground, UHF Ch\_\_~ \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ "Jedi XX, taxi to Rwy \_\_\_, via \_\_\_\_, hold short \_\_\_, altimeter XX.XX" \_\_\_\_\_
UHF Ch 3
To IP: “Uniform is Primary”
“Sherman Ground, Jedi XX, taxi with (ATIS)”
“Jedi XX, taxi to Rwy ___, via ___, hold short ___, altimeter XX.XX”
~Taxi Check~
IP: “Brakes Check, check yours”
“brakes check”
Upon completion of the Taxi check, UCSO shall give progressive taxi instructions to the active runway.
~RNEWS~ (R)\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "RAIM checked" (N)\_\_\_\_\_ (E)\_\_\_\_\_ (W)\_\_\_\_\_ (S)\_\_\_\_\_
“Pilot, check RAIM”
(-NAV - confirm 117.2 on RMU for TACAN/DME
-move heading bug to outbound heading
-push NAV button to select GPS mode
-push MAP to display MOA map with airfields
-push single arrow until bottom left EHSI reads VOR with red x through single arrow)
“Emergencies as briefed, (all) keys available”
(Weather)”Skies clear” or whatever ATIS says
“1 DME past the TACAN turn L/R XXX, climb to 3,000, maintain 800 until 1.5 DME or clear of pattern.”
(Check Squawk code, keep in Alt)
~Overspeed Gov Check~
IP: “Guard the brakes. Clear fore and aft.”
(After PMU off) “Check ITT stabilized”
~Before Takeoff~
IP: (after step 8) “Confirm ISS Solo” _____
“Pin removed and stowed. Check ISS Solo” _____
“ISS Solo”
“Pin removed and stowed. ISS Solo.”
~Radio Call to Tower, UHF Ch __~
“Jedi XX, wind XXX/XX knots, cleared for takeoff runway XX. Switch Departure”
UHF Ch 4, set Standby: 6
“Sherman Tower, Jedi XX, ready for Takeoff Rwy XX”
“Jedi XX, cleared for Takeoff Rwy XX”
Note: Do not say “switching” as per the standards pg 6
~Line-up Check~
IP: “Panel Clear” _____
“Panel clear”
Hit Alt on RMU
~T/O Callouts~
_____ _____ _____
“60 knots, 100% Torque, Fuel Flow (650)”
~After T/O~
IP: “Climbing. Good engine. Gear clear?” _____
“Gear up. Flaps up. Lights out. (125) KIAS” _____
“Gear up. Flaps up. Lights out. (Whatever speed you saw the lights go out at) KIAS.”
“Level off 800.”
~Departure Radio Call, UHF Ch\_\_~ At \_\_ DME \_\_\_\_\_ At \_\_ DME \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ "Jedi XX, radar contact, turn R/L heading XXX, continue to climb 10,000." \_\_\_\_\_ "Jedi XX, state MOA requirement" \_\_\_\_\_
( Set UHF Ch. 6, set Standby: 16)
At 1 DME “Clear L/R, L/R XXX”
At 1.5 DME “Climb 3000”
“Pensacola Departure, Jedi XX, passing (current alt) for 3000”
“Jedi XX, (given heading), 10,000”
“Jedi XX, request 1 low area”
(prior to level off) “1000 feet. Level 10,000. Set 200.”
~Climb Check, Passing \_\_\_\_\_ ft~ \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ IP: "OBOGS good." \_\_\_\_\_ "On (off)" \_\_\_\_\_ "Foot (Canopy)" \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_
10,000 "Climb Checklist" "OBOGS" "OBOGS good." "Defog switch." "Vent control lever." "Pressurization checks, cabin altitude 8,000 (read the gauge) "Climb checklist complete."
~Ops Check~
At ____ and every _____
(Hint: HEFOEP, Sounds like ‘He Fobe) _____
IP: “OBOGS good.” _____
level off, 15 minutes
“Hydraulics, Electrical, Fuel, Engine, Pressurization, All checks. OBOGS good.”
“Ops Check complete.”
Approaching the MOA
Pensacola Departure: “Jedi XX, turn R/L heading XXX, cleared area (ex: 2B Low), frequency change approved.” _____
“Jedi XX, R/L XXX, switching.”
Switch UHF: 16, Standby: 5
~Fence In~ (F)\_\_\_\_\_ (E)\_\_\_\_\_ (N)\_\_\_\_\_ (C)\_\_\_\_\_ (E)\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_
(Fuel) “___ lbs, good balance”
(Engine Instruments) “Engine Instruments checked.”
-Comm - Confirm UHF: 16, Stby: 5, VHF: 19, Stby: 1
-Equipment - G-suit test, check straps.
-Emergency airfield options reviewed
~CLEF, also called \_\_\_\_\_~ (C)\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ (L)\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ "Stowed" (E)\_\_\_\_\_ (F)\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_
Pre-Stalling, Spinning and Aerobatic Checklist
“Clear left/right, turn left/right” “Clear”
“Loose items” “Stowed”
“Engine Instruments Checked”
“(fuel quantity) total, balanced”
“Pre-Stalling, Spinning and Aerobatic Checklist complete”
~ADFENCE~ (A)\_\_\_\_\_ (D)\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Checked, Heading XXX. Line on line on both." \_\_\_\_\_ IP: "XX.XX set twice." \_\_\_\_\_ IP: "On (Off)" \_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Foot (Canopy)" \_\_\_\_\_ (F)\_\_\_\_\_ (E)\_\_\_\_\_ (N)\_\_\_\_\_ (C)\_\_\_\_\_ (E)\_\_\_\_\_
(ATIS) “Pilot, monitor Uniform while I check ATIS”
(Use VHF Ch 1, reset 19 when done)”Pilot, I have ATIS”
(Descent check:
-Compare EHSI, Whiskey compass, EADI and ADI)
“Heading XXX, line on line on both” or “wings level, 10 deg. NH/NL on both”
“Altimeters. XX.XX set twice”
“Defog switch”
“Vent Control Lever”
“Descent Checklist complete”
(Fuel) “___ lbs, good balance”
(Engine Instruments) “Engine Instruments checked.”
(NAVAIDS - EHSI range out if needed, TAS Normal
-Comm - Set UHF: 5, Stby: 6, VHF: 19)
-Equipment - G-suit test, check straps.
~Pensacola Approach Radio Call, Ch__~
“Jedi XX, turn left/right heading XXX (or whatever their instructions are), descend and maintain XXXX” _____
Ch 6, Expect ATC to switch you to Ch6 vicinity of Jack Edwards
“Pensacola Approach, Jedi XX, Complete in MOA, with information (Alpha), request direct Jack Edwards (or other recovery point per IP)
“Jedi XX, turn left/right heading XXX (or whatever their instructions are), descend and maintain XXXX”