Callouts and Checklist Script - Contact Flights Flashcards
~Over the Rail Check~
IP: “Solo, two safe seats”_____
IP: “Aux Bat On - STBYs check, Panel Clear”_____
IP: “Fire One”_____
After turning the battery on
IP: “1100 lbs, XX.X volts, temp and seats good”_____
“ISS Solo, Two Pins In, Off, Down, Caged and Locked, Normal, Normal, Blower and OBOGS Off, Good Seat, Good Pubs, CFS Plungers and Breakers In”
“Aux Bat On - STBYs check, Panel Clear”
“Fire One”
“1100 lbs, XX.X volts, temp and seats good”
~Cockpit Check~ IP:"Legs, Lap, Seat Kit, Shoulders, Harness, Hoses, Helmet, Chin Strap, Anti-Suffocation Valve Checks"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Feet/Knees Clear?"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Flight controls check, my feet/knees clear."\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Lamps check, check yours"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Fire 1?"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Fire 2?"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Trim disconnect switch - Norm"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Trim checks, check yours"\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "Generator Switch - Off\_\_\_\_\_
“Legs, Lap, Seat Kit, Shoulders, Harness, Hoses, Helmet, Chin Strap, Anti-Suffocation Valve Checks”
(move stick and rudder pedals while watching ailerons and rudder) “Flight controls check”
(look for three green + four red in the landing gear handle and CWS Panel illuminates) “Lamps check”
“Fire 1”
“Fire 2”
“Trim disconnect switch - Norm”
“Trim checks, rudder remains left”
“Generator Switch - off”
~Engine Start~
IP: “Visor - Down, Rail - Clear, Pin Box - Closed”_____
IP: “Canopy - Closed, Latched, Light’s out”_____
IP: “Crew Chief, Fire Bottle, No Oxygen or Fueling within 50ft, Start Ready, PMU Light’s out, Volts XX, Prop clear, Ready?” _____
“Visor - Down, Rail - Clear, Pin Box - Closed”
“Closed, Latched, Light’s out”
~Before Taxi~
IP: “On, Normal, Normal, Good Blinker”_____
IP: “Uncaged, Adjusted, G-Suit tests good”
IP: (Deploys Speed Brake) “Speed Brake Light’s on”_____
IP: (Flaps LDG) “Flaps landing, light’s out” _____
IP: (Flaps T/O, test Speed Brake) “Flaps takeoff, speed brake will not extend” _____
(OBOGS - on, Full Concentration, Take a breath, Emergency, Take a breath, Hold your breath and check for good seal, Switch to On/Normal/Normal) "On, Normal, Normal, Good Blinker" "Uncaged, Adjusted, G-Suit tests good" "Light's On" "Landing, Light's out" "Takeoff"
~Before Taxi Radio Setup~ (RMU Setup \_\_\_\_\_) (Flight Intruments Check \_\_\_\_\_) IP: "Flight Instruments - Check" \_\_\_\_\_ IP: "XX.XX Set Twice, Showing XX over XX, Panel Clear" \_\_\_\_\_
(UHF: 1 - Check ATIS, Set 2 CLNC DEL, Standby: 3 GRND>
VHF: 19 JEDI Ops, Standby: 1 ATIS>
Navaid: VOR: 1 - Sherman Field)
(Check EADI, EHSI, VSI for proper indications, no flags or red X’s)
“Flight Instruments Check”
“XX.XX set twice, showing XX over XX, Panel Clear”
~Radio Call to Clearance, UHF Ch__~
Clearance: “Jedi XX, cleared to Navy Pensacola via the NPA XXX as filed, one DME past the TACAN turn L/R XXX, climb and maintain 3,000, expect XX thousand 10 minutes after Departure, Departure frequency 270.8, Squawk XXXX”
UHF Ch 2
“Sherman Clearance, Jedi XX, NPA XXX, ready to copy”
“Jedi XX, cleared Navy Pensacola via the NPA XXX as filed, one DME past the TACAN turn L/R XXX, climb and maintain 3,000, expect 10,000 10 minutes after Departure, Departure frequency 270.8, Squawk XXXX”
(Set UHF:3, Standby:4)
~Radio Call to Ground, UHF Ch\_\_~ \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ "Jedi XX, taxi to Rwy \_\_\_, via \_\_\_\_, hold short \_\_\_, altimeter XX.XX" \_\_\_\_\_
UHF Ch 3
To IP: “Uniform is Primary”
“Sherman Ground, Jedi XX, taxi with (ATIS)”
“Jedi XX, taxi to Rwy ___, via ___, hold short ___, altimeter XX.XX”
~Taxi Check~
IP: “Brakes Check, check yours”
“brakes check”
Upon completion of the Taxi check, UCSO shall give progressive taxi instructions to the active runway.
~RNEWS~ (R)\_\_\_\_\_ IP: "RAIM checked" (N)\_\_\_\_\_ (E)\_\_\_\_\_ (W)\_\_\_\_\_ (S)\_\_\_\_\_
“Pilot, check RAIM”
(-NAV - confirm 117.2 on RMU for TACAN/DME
-move heading bug to outbound heading
-push NAV button to select GPS mode
-push MAP to display MOA map with airfields
-push single arrow until bottom left EHSI reads VOR with red x through single arrow)
“Emergencies as briefed, (all) keys available”
(Weather)”Skies clear” or whatever ATIS says
“1 DME past the TACAN turn L/R XXX, climb to 3,000, maintain 800 until 1.5 DME or clear of pattern.”
(Check Squawk code, keep in Alt)
~Overspeed Gov Check~
IP: “Guard the brakes. Clear fore and aft.”
(After PMU off) “Check ITT stabilized”
~Before Takeoff~
IP: (after step 8) “Confirm ISS Solo” _____
“Pin removed and stowed. Check ISS Solo” _____
“ISS Solo”
“Pin removed and stowed. ISS Solo.”
~Radio Call to Tower, UHF Ch __~
“Jedi XX, wind XXX/XX knots, cleared for takeoff runway XX. Switch Departure”
UHF Ch 4, set Standby: 6
“Sherman Tower, Jedi XX, ready for Takeoff Rwy XX”
“Jedi XX, cleared for Takeoff Rwy XX”
Note: Do not say “switching” as per the standards pg 6
~Line-up Check~
IP: “Panel Clear” _____
“Panel clear”
Hit Alt on RMU
~T/O Callouts~
_____ _____ _____
“60 knots, 100% Torque, Fuel Flow (650)”
~After T/O~
IP: “Climbing. Good engine. Gear clear?” _____
“Gear up. Flaps up. Lights out. (125) KIAS” _____
“Gear up. Flaps up. Lights out. (Whatever speed you saw the lights go out at) KIAS.”
“Level off 800.”