EPQ5 Based on a Quizlet Flashcards
Tolerance limits for the altimeter
+-75 ft.
ILS localizer transmitter freq.
A 4 letter Morse code group, begins w/letter “I”
Define: Landing distance available
Length of RWY which is declared avail/suitable for ground run
Define: Homing
Making periodic HDG changes with HBP
If the approach is a VOR-A, what kind of approach is it?
Circling approach only
Why monitor station identification?
Ensure reliable signal is being transmitted
Requires aircraft be w/in 5 NM of intended position 95% of the time
Can you manually enter RNAV approach WYPTS
Outbound CRSE INT
Continue beyond 45 degrees, or # of degrees off course, whichever is less
GPS integrity require how many satellites?
How is field elevation determined?
Highest point on any usable landing surface
When must RAIM check be performed for GPS approaches?
Prior to commencing the approach
Angle of intercept for an inbound course
Must be greater than the # of degrees off course but no more than 30 degrees
Allowable CDI Error
+-4 degrees
Only time, wind correction should not be applied
Radar vectors
Minimum DME needed to be passed for accurate GSP check
10% of alt.
Fix is not contained in GPS database
Select facility estab the DME fix, fly towards DME fix
When are you considered “in the Terminal Area”
Within 25 NM
Low approaches: Inner ring gives scale presentation of the approach that is
Within 10 NM
High approaches: Inner ring gives scale presentation of the approach that is
Within 20 NM
GPS terminal area restrictions include:
All must be in current database
RAIM check accomplished prior to commencing approach
CDI must be set +-1
Verify all names, sequence, course, distances, etc…
What determines aircraft category?
1.3 times the stalling speed
What does a slash (/) on IAP mean?
More than 1 type of equip may be req to execute
Exception to GPS equip being used in place of land based NAVAIDS
Fly DME arc on localizer based course
Cold weather altimeter corrections
Added to all alt in the procedure in designated mountainous regions when OAIT
T/O distance avail
Length of T/O run plus the length of the clearway
Angle of intercept for outbound course
Approx = to # of degrees off course, avoud overshoot,, angle >45 degrees should not be used
Differences are acceptable between GPS database and terminal procedure chart
Step down fixes
Mag variation GPS final approach is
Minimum Safe/Sector Altitude provide atleast ___ obstacle clearance in non-mountainous terrain
1000 ft
Black square w/ white “D” of aerodrome sketch
Artificially reduced RWY lengths
Define: Accelerate stop distance available
RWY plus stopway length declared avail/suitable for acceleration and decel of aborting T/O
Level off at MDA
If vert guidance is used down to LNAV mins, pilot must descend broken if visual ref for LDG not estab.
x miles per min
Terminal Arrival Areas
The standard TAA consists of three areas defined by the extension of the IAF legs and the intermediate segment course. These areas are called the straight-in, left-base, and right-base areas. TAA area lateral boundaries are identified by magnetic courses TO the IF (IAF). The straight-in area can be further divided into pie-shaped sectors with the boundaries identified by magnetic courses TO the IF (IAF), and may contain stepdown sections defined by arcs based on RNAV distances (DME or along track distance (ATD)) from the IF (IAF). The right/left-base areas can only be subdivided using arcs based on RNAV distances from the IAFs for those areas. Minimum MSL altitudes are charted within each of these defined areas/subdivisions that provide at least 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance, or more as necessary in mountainous areas
RWY 7 has 2 ILS approaches
Z, Y
When arcing, how do you correct when you are .5 NM outside the arc?
10 degrees towards the bearing pointer
When arcing, how do you correct when you are .5 NM inside the arc?
5 degrees
Define: T/O run avail
length of RWY declared avail/suitable for ground run of an airplane T/O
Define: Angle of intercept
Angular diff between the HDG of the aircraft and desired course
What is the indication on an approach plate that control TWR is not operational 24 hrs a day?
TWR freq = CTAF freq.
What is the Speed range for Cat B?
91-121 knots
What do you do if the RAIM level is not available?
Change type of nav/approach system
What is the ceiling req for circling approaches with no published minimum?
Height above aerodrome plus 100ft rounded to the next 100ft value
Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE) req a minimum of ___ satellites in view
How is Touchdown Zone elevation determined?
highest point in the first 3,000 ft of LDG surface