Dash-1 Section 5, The Numbers Flashcards
Do not connect external power if battery voltage is below _____ volts
Oil level must be serviced within _____ minutes of engine shutdown.
Normal oil level is between _____ and _____
Power setting: Torque %
Takeoff/Max: _____
Idle: _____
Transient: _____
- 100 Max
- 3 - 8% (ground), allowable torque range with Np stabilized and PCL at IDLE.
- 131 Max (20 sec), Torque at 131% is a materials limit above which damage to the engine may occur. Torque above 102% is indicative of a system malfunction.
Power Setting: N1%, N1 values presented for PMU ON. With PMU OFF, N1 may vary from these values.
Takeoff/Max: _____
Idle: _____
Transient: _____
- 104 Max
- 60 to 61 (ground), 67 Min (flight)
- 104 Max
Power Setting: Np%, Avoid stabilized ground operation from __ to __% Np.
Takeoff/Max: _____(PMU ON), _____(PMU OFF)
Idle: _____
Transient: _____
-62 to 80%
-100 Max, With PMU OFF, permissible maximum Np is 100+/-2%.
-46 to 50 (ground)
-102 (20 sec)
110, permissible at any power setting for completion of in-flight emergency.
Power Setting: Oil Pressure psi Takeoff/Max: \_\_\_\_\_ Idle: \_\_\_\_\_ Start: \_\_\_\_\_ Transient: \_\_\_\_\_
- 90 to 120, Normal oil pressure during steady state condition is 90 to 120 psi. Operation at oil pressure less than 90 psi at flight idle or above is indicative of oil system malfunction.
- 90 Min
- 200 Max
- 40 to 130, Operation in this range permitted only during aerobatics or spins, and 15 to 40 psi for 5 seconds with PCL at IDLE.
Starter Limitations, first cycle
Motor for 20 seconds, 30 second cooling period
Starter Limitations, Second Cycle
Motor for 20 seconds, 2 minute cooling period
Starter Limitations, Third Cycle
Motor for 20 seconds, 5 minute cooling period
Starter lImitations, Fourth Cycle
Motor for 20 seconds, 30 minute cooling period
Generator Limitations:
Inflight: +___ to -___ AMPS
Ground/Inflight Voltage: _____ to _____ Volts
+50 to -2 AMPS
28.0 to 28.5 Volts
Sustained propeller operation on the ground between ___% and ___% Np is prohibited to prevent damage from _____ _____.
62 80
ground resonance
Propeller over speed limit is ____% Np.
Maximum Operating Airspeed (Vmo) = ___ KIAS up to and including _____ feet MSL
316 KIAS
18,769 feet MSL
Do not attempt a battery powered ground start if the battery voltage is below ______ volts
MAX allowable airspeed (red striped pointer)
_____, _____
316 KIAS, 0.67 Mach
MAX allowable airspeed pointer (red striped pointer) is self-adjusting depending on _____
IF Airspeed limit exceeded - _______ between indicated airspeed and Max Allowable
AoA Indicator, Green Arc _____
AoA Indicator, Red Arc
AoA Indicator, White Triangle
Max Range - 4.9
AoA Indicator, White Diamond
Max Endurance - 8.8
If voltage remains below _____, battery degrades, land ASAP
Max Airspeed, Flaps extended
150 KIAS
Max Airspeed, Gear extended
150 KIAS
Max Airspeed in Turbulence
195 KIAS
Recommended Airspeed in Turbulence
180 KIAS
Speed Above Full/Abrupt Control Movements in one axis
227 KIAS
Max Speed with Full Rudder deflection
150 KIAS
Holding Zero G loading over ___ sec causes engine damage or failure, regardless of oil pressure
5 sec
Inverted Flight, _____ sec
15 sec
Intentional Zero G, _____ sec
5 sec
Uncoordinated Rolling Maneuvers Initiated at ___G is prohibited
-1 G
Max Bank Angle Change = ___°
Max Ramp Weight
6550 lbs
Max T/O Weight
6500 lbs
Max Landing Weight
6500 lbs
Max Zero Fuel Weight
5500 lbs
Max Weight In Baggage Compartment
80 lbs
Do not use NWS for ___ or ___
T/O or Landing
Can you taxi over arresting cables? How?
Yes. As slowly as possible. Steer to avoid cable support donuts.
Taxiing over arresting cables with ____ open is prohibited
main gear doors
Can you taxi over net barriers?
No. Reduce power and avoid braking if contact unavoidable.
What do you do when operating in an area with visible moisture?
Probe Anti-Ice - On
Approved icing conditions = ?
5,000 ft band and light rime
___ after icing is prohibited until ___
ice is melted or sublimated
Maneuvers with ice restricted to ___° bank and ___ G
30° and 0-2 G
When landing with icing, (increase or decrease) speed by ___ KIAS to ensure safe landing
Increase speed by 10 KIAS
Exceeding 43°C is permitted for up to ___min for what purpose?
15 min to taxi to park
CKPT PX annunciator illuminates at ___ - ___ psi
3.9 - 4.0 psi
Aircraft cleared to operate on what type of surface?
Hard surface (concrete, tarmac, similar)
Min weight for ejection system
131.8 lbs with equipment
Max weight for ejection system
265.4 lbs with equipment