455 FTS STANDARDS (EPQ 2) Flashcards
Mission Prep: UCSOs will show to the squadron at least ___ minutes prior to the brief
15 min, crew rest and crew duty day permitting
Step time is ___ prior to T/O
40 min
Chock time is ___ from to T/O
1 + 45
Max taxi speed on taxiway
15 knots
Max taxi speed in congested areas
5-7 knots, a brisk walk
Do not conduct RAIM check in ___
congested areas
Slow to configure approximately ___ NM prior to ___
5 NM prior to FAF
Make “100 prior” call after the ___ on approach
Lead turn points will be calculated for turns greater than ___° hdg change
At least ___ Ground Speed check(s) should be performed on a sortie
Standard planned airspeed
240 TAS
Standard holding speed
150 KIAS
UCSOs will verbalize the “hack” when…
when reaching the holding fix
In a radar pattern, fly downwind at ___ KIAS
200 KIAS
In a radar pattern, fly base/dogleg at ___ KIAS
180 KIAS
In a radar pattern, fly final/straight in at ___ KIAS until 10 NM prior to FAF, and ___ KIAS until 5 NM prior to FAF
200 KIAS
180 KIAS
In a radar pattern, fly final approach at ___ KIAS after configuring
110 KIAS plus gust factor
___ NM prior to the FAF and inbound, UCSOs will callout “___ NM prior to the FAF, slow to configure”
5 NM
- OBS off
- Load GPS approach
- Direct to the IAF or FAF if receiving vectors on final
- RAIM: check predictability on Status pg 5
- OBS on as required
- Displays: use the NAV button to select the GPS for the CDI and magenta needle
- Inbound Course: published course to FAF if being vectored to final, as required, for full procedure
- OBS off NTL 2 miles prior to the FAF/IAF
Run through 6 T’s at every ___, ___, ___ and ___
Holding fix, IAF, FAF, and glideslope intercept
6 T’s
Time Turn Transition Twist Track Talk
Hand signal to turn on AUX bat
Triangle formed with thumbs and index fingers
ISS Solo procedures: Rear Cockpit ejects upon ___ or ___ (without comms)
third bailout
third face curtain hand signal
ISS Solo procedures: Front Cockpit ejects approx. ___ sec after Rear Cockpit
0.5 sec
Uncontrolled ejection altitude
6,000 AGL
Pass aircraft control without comms by ____
rocking rudder pedals
Average Mission Duration (AMD), Contact
Average Mission Duration (AMD), Instrument
Average Mission Duration (AMD), Nav
IP can shorten/extend AMD by ___ but requires ____
4293 writeup
Do you brief joker every sortie?
Do you brief bingo on every sortie?
ORM briefs consist of ___ and how to ____
total numbers
how to mitigate
UCSO initiates which checklists?
Climb, Ops, Fence, Clef, Descent
checklists in the air
Fuel pt update brief includes:
1 - Time
2 - Est. Fuel
3 - MCF (Mission Continuation Fuel)
Brief Time: C/N/I4001, I4290, I4190 and 88/99 sortie =
1 + 30
Brief first O&B/XC or unfam. Low Level sortie =
1 + 45
Briefs not C/N/I4001, I4290, I4190 and 88/99 sortie
or First O&B/XC or unfam. Low Level sortie =
1 + 10
Minimum scheduled turn time (events) =
0 + 45
turning from flight to flight = 1 + 15
Which sorties do IPs brief?
C4001/2, I4001 and N4001
UCSOs may brief PCL hand position as “standard” after ____
Do not switch the departure freq until ___
until being cleared to do so and after verifying that the gear and flaps are up
The ejection seat pin will remain in prior to ___ and while ___
prior to entering the aircraft and while under sun shelters
If either crewmember drops eject seat pin:
- DO NOT taxi under sun shelters
- notify Jedi Ops ASAP, tell them which cockpit
- Coord. w/ Jedi Ops for non-sheltered parking spot
- Maintenance will bring a spare pin
- Shut down engine
- Open canopy just enough to take pin
- reclose canopy, latch, install pin
Minimum wingtip clearance for taxi
25 ft
When ATC or ATIS announces winds other than pre-briefed, UCSO will:
update “rotate” speed (factoring gusts)
Within Pensacola departure airspace, departures will normally be flown utilizing the GPS for navigation for _____.
For the first 2 points
Fly ___ - ___ knots during the climb
160 - 180
UCSO announces ____ prior to all required level offs
1000 feet
For all intermediate level offs, UCSOs direct the IP to “set ___”
Set 200
Recoveries published in the IFG may be briefed as _____ and planned for ___ knots
250 knots
IPs will call JEDI OPS approximately ___ out from landing with their _____
10 minutes out
aircraft status
Prior to all assigned/cleared altitudes prior to and including the FAF, Callout:
“1000 feet prior, set XXX indicated”
Prior to all assigned/cleared altitudes after the FAF, Callout:
“100 feet prior”
Callout at MDA/DA
At the MAP or after the DA, and the runway is not in sight, Callout:
“Go around”
Anytime the aircraft is more than ___ feet off altitude, ___ KIAS off assigned airspeed, or ___ degrees off assigned heading, the UCSO shall ______
100 feet
5 degrees
The UCSO shall advise the IP of the deviation
UCSOs may use GPS in lieu of ____
Land based NAVAIDs that are unreliable, unserviceable, or NOTAM’d out.
UCSOs may use GPS for a GS check when _____
When a GS check is required and within slant-range error distance to the ground-based NAVAID
Use ___ Knots ___ Speed when calculating time to control point
240 Knots Ground Speed
Plan to accomplish a Ground Speed check if a turn >___ degrees
45 degrees
The latest possible update to calculated CT arrival times will be ___ miles prior to ___, ___, or ___.
10 miles prior to TRADR, INBRD, or BRATT
Objective will be to arrive at CT +/- ___ min of calculated CT
+/- 2 min
In holding, may slow to as low as ___ or ___, whichever is higher.
120 KIAS or MAX endurance AoA
UCSO will verbalize the “hack” when reaching the ___
holding fix
Direct the pilot to slow to configure ___ prior to the ___
5 NM prior to the FAF
Direct pilot to slow down to ___ , ___ prior to the IAF
150 KIAS, 10 NM prior to IAF
Final Approach speed, after configuring is no slower than ___
110 KIAS plus gust factor
5 NM prior to the FAF the UCSO will callout: ___
Pilots will begin slowing down to configure approx. ___ prior to the FAF
“5 NM from the FAF, slow to configure”
2-3 NM prior
On procedure turns, UCSOs will use the ____ maneuver
45/180 maneuver
UCSO will ensure pilot remains within ___ above and ___ below glideslope on ILS approach
One dot above
Half dot below
Callout ___, ___ feet above DA/MDA
“100 above”
When IP says “Runway in sight”, UCSO says ___
“Proceed visually”
On a precision approach, when IP says “Runway not in sight”, UCSO says ___
“Go around”
455 aircrew will not fly any instrument approaches to a DA lower than ___
200 ft AGL
All simulated emergencies will be prefaced with “____, ____, ____”
“Simulated, Simulated, Simulated”
When egressing, the default direction is ___, and run ___ feet
left and 45 degrees aft of wing, run at least 300 ft
ORM 321 is used to ____
check to see if you are cleared to descend below 2,000 ft on a forced landing
ORM 321
On profile for field of intended landing Runway in sight Maneuver to Land 300' AGL: final decision to eject 200' AGL: gear confirmed and reported down 100' AGL: aircraft on centerline
ELP High Key: ___ AGL, ___ KIAS, Gear ___, Flaps ___
3,000 AGL, 120 KIAS, Lower Gear, Flaps Up
ELP Cross Key: ___ AGL, ___ KIAS, Gear ___, Flaps ___
2,200-2,300 AGL, 120 KIAS, Gear Down, Flaps Up
ELP Low Key: ___ AGL, ___ KIAS, Gear ___, Flaps ___
1,500 AGL, 120 KIAS, Gear Down, Flaps T/O
ELP Base Key: ___ AGL, ___ KIAS, Gear ___, Flaps ___
600-800 AGL, 120 KIAS, Gear Down, Flaps LDG (as required)
ELP Final: ___ AGL, ___ KIAS, Gear ___, Flaps ___
1,000 ft from TD, 110 KIAS, Gear Down, Flaps LDG (as required)