Epigrams 3 - Psyche Logic Flashcards
Going beserk and running amok
are simply my ways of coping
The only thing I fear is fear itself
but of fear itself I am scared to death
By the shear force of my personality
I alienate most of the people around me
Try to have an open mind
but not so open that everything keeps falling out
Its not enough to have to have something to fight for;
I also need something to fight against
I am torn between all the things that
I don’t want to do.
You can’t have the joy of repenting
unless you sin first
Where do people go to
recover from being normal
I’m always loyal
to which ever brand is cheapest
If I appear deceptive
it’s because I am not yet deceptive enough to conceal it
Don’t listen to their foolishness
listen to mine
I’m blameless and if even if I wasn’t,
others are just as much to blame as me
What I want to feel is brave and adventurous
without actually having to risk anything
Each of my failures has been
an excellent preparation for the next one
My biggest regret about the things I have done
is that I didn’t do some of them sooner
We mustn’t act hastily
let’s wait until our enthusiasm evaporates gradually
I believe with great sincerity in whatever
it will benefit me to say I believe in
Facts should never be faced
too early in the morning.
I can accept the inconvenient and the unjust
but I cannot accept the inevitable.
The reason I never do anything is that
there’s always something else to do first.
Let me know if there is any way I can relieve your pain
without increasing my own
With a little more courage
I could get myself into a lot more trouble
What you say can mean anything
but what you do means everything
I am only behaving well at present
because I have so few opportunities to behave badly
I am always open for appreciation
but for criticism you need to make an appointment
What I lack in pride
I make up for in grievances