Andrew Bradford's Epigrams Flashcards
I refuse to reveal my age but I will give you a hint – it’s in double digits
Wouldn’t it be great if a few of my birthdays would take the year off?
More and more time behind me means less and less time ahead.
I am always curious about the person looking back at me in the mirror.
It may be later than we think, or it may be earlier than we can possibly imagine
I find the best way to travel in time is with memories and hope.
How do you make some time to slow down when the rest of the world is speeding up?
I do what I can to delay the arrival of my Birthdays but nothing seems to work
I have two weapons for fighting time – memory and hope
Why must we keep looking forward when the view in the other direction is becoming increasingly pleasant
Its not easy to find yourself slowing down in a world that’s speeding up
I need to hurry up and learn some patience
Who will give me persmission to be more domineering
The possibility that I’m wrong is not an improbable possibility.
I can’t get no dissatisfaction
Success sometimes comes from recognition and sometimes from innovation
Is is worse to do something wrong slowly or to do it quickly?
Going beserk and running amok are two very good friends
It’s not me that’s angry – it’s my personality
Any attempt to be reasonable should held for the last resorted
With a bit of effort all my friends could be turned into enemies
I don’t deliberately hurt myself except when it’s self-defence
Few people know that I am very good at quietly wasting my time
My biggest challenge is
Tomorrow is a good day to put off the things I planned to put off today.
I’d rather be a talker than a doer but I don’t talk much either
I have developed an expert lack of talents
I am torn between all things that I would rather someone else could do better
I wouldn’t want to risk any possibility of being mundane
Watch out! In case the spur of moment bursts the bubble of enthusiasm
It takes days rather than hours to make a calender
Only prepare for the next time to be thoroughly prepared.
Sometimes it’s best to learn that its not unlearnable.
Is it that you can’t be stressed or can’t be ar’sed?
Are you torn apart by conflicting apathies?
Without success – there is always the possibility of failure
We can’t all be winners but we can all be tryers
Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questions answers.
I want to reach your mind; where is it currently located?
I want to reach your mind, where can I find it?
The mind is a wonderful thing – everybody should have one.
Sometimes I make a mental note, but then forget where I put it.
Purely by chance, the idea came to me that nothing ever happens purely by chance.
This is no time to be reasonable.
It seems like only yesterday that we were calling today tomorrow.
It costs money to stay healthy; but it’s even more expensive to get sick.
I respect that your view has the right to be wrong.
Arguments are best maintained with irrational thinking.
I appreciate your full support in lessening your opposition.
Seeing things from my position could be somewhat of a new perspective.
I have the right to make a mess of things without your encouragement.
It is a shame you are sitting on a vast amount of realised potential.
I ask that you refrain from disdain.
Don’t be offended by my lack of appreciation
I risk my sanity by
Wait! If you keep going I am sure I could be more offended.
Right now I really dislike you – I suggest you come back later.
Confusion 1
Try to have an open mind but not so open that everything keeps falling out.
Some of my instincts tell me not to follow some of my other instincts.
Sometimes my mind and my heart give confusing messages, but my stomach gives clear messages.
On this great voyage of life, why do I feel so often like a stowaway?
My life is already complicated enough without having to try to organise it
Why is the place I want to be… often far from where I am?
I will face the problem of how to live when I come to it.
It’s surprising how far you can go through life without ever having what you really need.
There is no law against insanity.
Confusion 2
I make the occasional visit to reality, but I am not a full-time resident.
Congratulate me! I’ve just had another narrow escape from reality.
By what process did I become a stranger in my own lifetime.
I would like to speak with whoever is in control of my life and suggest some improvements.
Let’s make it definite; I’ll see you when I see you.
It’s not that I don’t trust you – or is it?
I feel the same way I did before I changed my mind
Wake me up when everything is organised.
I never miss reality when I am not in it
The closer I get to my goal, the better my chance of discovering what it is.
My life shown a clear pattern of total unpredictability.
But if we eliminate too many unnecessary regulations, too many people may loose their jobs
Fool employment
It troubles me that I have no way of knowing what I have no way of knowing.
Don’t cross over until you’re sure there’s another side.
I make rules for myself quite easily, but I often have great difficulty following them.
I am a potentially very dangerous influence on myself because I know my weaknesses so well.
I want a signed apology from the world for the way it has been treating me.
Considering the direction things are going, it’s impossible to predict in which direction they’ll be going next.
If we conceal all our embarrassing peculiarities, we’ll never know how many of us have them.
If find that the prospect of death get’s in the way of my demise.
Dearth is the final opportunity.
The whole of life should be taken in small doses.
- I may be forgotten but I’m not gone*
- One requirement for staying completely healthy until you die – is to die very suddenly*
- No sense in dying before lunch*
You can’t have the joy of repenting unless you sin first.
Where do people go to recover from being normal.
I’m blameless and if even if I wasn’t, others are just as much to blame as me.
I am only behaving well at present because I have so few opportunities to behave badly.
Every time I do what I have to do, I get a little farther into trouble.
The important thing is not to solve the problem but to fix the blameless.
I’ve deserted from the war between good and evil but I can’t remember which side I was on.
Watch out – it’s quite possible that some of best mistakes haven’t been made yet.
First I lost my innocence; now I am trying to lose my guilt
Keep punishing yourself – you probably deserve it.
Sometimes the worst possible punishment is to be completely forgiven.
Deciding I’m guilty is easy, what’s hard is deciding on the length and severity of my punishment.
Could you come back tommorrow when I will not be in?
I am grateful for your absence.
Teamwork is best done alone.
I often find it is best to delegate it to myself.
- How can I have so little privacy, and yet feel so alone.*
- Thank you for leaving me alone, but please don’t overdo it.*
Misery 1
It’s got to be a dream – nothing this bad could actually happen in reality.
A terrible thing nearly happened, I almost lost my will to suffer.
I hate that the parts I hate aren’t really that bad.
Healing is nature’s way of telling you that you are worth saving.
Why struggle with life when you can simply slide down the hill.
Fill you spare time with opportunities to be exploited and manipulated.
Cultivate an expectation of total failure.
So you came from a good home? Is that why you can’t go back?
Misery 2
Better times didn’t receive an invitation
There’s good news and bad news but the good news gave up.
With the right perspective its unlikely that you’ll see anything wrong
The good times got lost and were never found.
It’s best not to despair, life is difficult enough without it.
- Never resist a mad impulse to do something nice for me.*
- You’ll never know how much I appreciate you because I’ll probably never tell you.*
- Thank you for trusting me, it shows you have excellent judgement.*
- I am always open for appreciation but for criticism you need to make an appointment.*
Partnership 2
The secret of being a good lover is not knowing when to stop.
You are everything I want – and a few things that I don’t want.
You can’t always be right and be married.
Never fall in love with anyone, you can afford to lose.
My life is my responsibility but I can always use a little help.
If it can’t be done in bed, it’s probably not worth doing it.
No matter how far you go from me; you can never pass the point of no return.
Each of my failures has been an excellent preparation for the next one.
My biggest regret about the things I have done is that I didn’t do some of them sooner.
I’m glad there are at least some things somewhere that I don’t have to do today.
People who can’t cope with their problems should not be allowed to have them.
I see what life is and yet, like a fool I still go on with it.
Thanks to all the pioneers, there are far too many pathways.
I know which way the wind is blowing – but I still have to follow my own course.
Why does life keep teaching me lessons I have no desire to learn?
Separation 1
- You only love me because you are afraid not to.*
- I’ve been married so long I’ve forgotten who I am.*
- Do your civic duty – marry early and often.*
- I have you, you have me – at least one of us is lucky.*
- Don’t worry – I’ll stay with you all the way to the end of your money.*
- How dare you get along without me!*
- I am so glad I have you to escape from.*
- Marriage confers one special privilege: only a married person can get divorced.*
The fact that I am not what you are looking for may be more your fault than mine
Somehow all of the magic has gone out of our separation
Love never dies a natural death
Is it a rejection or an invitation that you haven’t the courage to give me?
A fate worse than death – to be married alive
Separation 2
- The fact that I am not what you are looking for may be more your fault than mine.*
- Somehow all of the magic has gone out of our separation.*
- Love never dies a natural death.*
- Is it a rejection or an invitation that you haven’t the courage to give me?*
- A fate worse than death – to be married alive.*
What doesn’t worry me – doesn’t worry me.
Worries are collectable.
I musn’t worry too much – but I worry I won’t know.
I am safe here – everywhere else is taken.