Entero: E. coli (Ex2) Flashcards
Where does Enterobacteriacae normally reside?
What are the benefits of it being there?
- Resides in the GI tract
- Microbial antagonism
- Breakdown and absorption of food
- Waste processing
- Vitamin K production
General features of Enterobacteriacae
gram, oxygen requirements, shape, oxidase
- Gram negative
- facultative anaerobe
- rods or coccobacilli
- oxidase negative
What are Coliform Bacteria?
Name the three included
- Lactose positive bacteria
- E. coli
- Klehsiella
- Enterobacter
General features of Escherichia coli
lactose, oxidase, motility, shape
- lactose positive
- oxidase negative
- motile
- rods
Virulence Factors of E. coli
- capsule
- fimbrial and non-fimbrial adhesions
- endotoxin (LPS)
- enterotoxins
- cytotoxins
- siderophores
ETEC - enterotoxigenic EHEC - enterohemorrhagic VTEC/STEC - verotoxigenic/shiga-like toxic EPEC - enteropathic RPEC - rabbit pathogenic APEC - avian pathogenic NTEC - nectrotoxigenic
General Features of ETEC in pigs
symptoms, age affected, adhesion factors, enterotoxins
- watery diarrhea
- neonatal, weanlings
- adhesion factors: F4, F5, F6, F18, F41
- enterotoxins: LT, Sta, Stb, EAST1
Adhesion factors of ETEC in pigs
F4 - on plasmids, specific receptors, mannose resistant, genes expressed at body temp, solely in pigs, neonates to weanlings
F5 - on plasmids, in pigs and bovines, mannose resistant, expression temp dependent, in young animals
F6 - extrachromosomal, neonatal
F41 - chromosomal, mannose resistant, pigs and bovines, freq with F5, rare, neonatal
Describe LT enterotoxin in ETEC in pigs
- heat labile
- high molecular weight
- strong antigen
- Na absorption, Cl and HCO3 secretion
- activation of adenlyate cyclase
Describe the heat stable enterotoxins in ETEC in pigs
- low molecular weight
- little antigen
- Sta: activation of guanylate cyclase, Na absorption, Cl and HCO3 secretion
- Stb: prostaglandin E2, secretion of water and electrolytes, stimulation of 5-H secretion
- EAST1: closely related to Sta
Characteristics present at each age (neonatal, neonatal till 4 wks, weanling) in ETEC in pigs
(adhesion, enterotoxins, hemo/non)
Neonatal: F5, F6, F41; Sta, Stb; non-hemolytic
Neonatal - 4 wks: F4; LT, Sta, STb, EAST1; hemolytic
Weanling: F4, F18; LT, Sta, Stb, EAST1; hemolytic
What are the causes of ETEC in pigs?
- increase infection pressure
- lowering of maternal immunity (MMA, first delivery, low birth weight, too many piglets)
- appearance of new type
What are the symptoms of ETEC in pigs?
- remain drinking
- smelly feces
- dehydration
- diarrhea
How do you diagnose ETEC in pigs?
- agglutination tests
Treatment of ETEC in pigs
- hydration
- antimicrobials