English & Language Usage (Vocab) Flashcards
The higher taxes on fossil fuels and the shortage of workforce have put some companies in a DISADVANTAGEOUS position.
Most modern investigators DISSENT from Freud’s views because they cannot be empirically proven, but he still deserves a place of honor in the history of Psychiatry.
I’d rather not play chess with Viktor. He always DOMINATES the game and I know it’s because he cheats.
The nurse INFERRED the patient hadn’t been taking his treatment because his hands were shaking again.
The coffee they serve in Turkey is so ROBUST I don’t think I slept more than three hours any of the nights I stayed there.
Our neighbors used to be home watching TV all day, but since they joined the tennis club last month they have become a very SPRY couple.
The patient was semi-conscious and could barely keep his eyes open.
Which of the following defines the prefix semi- as used in the word “semi-conscious” in the sentence above?
Our apartment is very cold during the winter because the landlord doesn’t allow us to touch the thermostat.
Which of the following defines the prefix therm- as used in the word “thermostat” in the sentence above?
Our neighbors in the adjacent house are very nice people, but they watch incredibly loud TV every night.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “adjacent” as used in the sentence above?
Adjacent = nearby
opposite of adjacent is distant
The nuns from the monastery are so altruistic; there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for the local community.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “altruistic” as used in the sentence above?
Altruistic = Not selfish
An antonym for altruistic is stingy.
Giving temporary shelter to the people affected by the flood was a facile solution, but their houses will continue to flood over and over until we come up with a better idea.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “facile” as used in the sentence above?
Facile = Appearing neat and comprehensive only by ignoring the true complexities. simplistic.
An antonym for facile is complexity.
The windows had so much dust they had become opaque.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “opaque” as used in the sentence above?
Opaque = not able to see through. not transparent.
An antonym for opaque is transparent
The house in the middle of the woods belonged to a woman who had been ostracized from the village amidst accusations of witchcraft.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “ostracized” as used in the sentence above?
Ostracized = shun, exclude
An antonym for ostracized is welcome.
Mozart was such a precocious musician he composed his first symphony when he was only four years old.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “precocious” as used in the sentence above?
Precocious = Adavanced
An antonym for precocious is unskilled
The recipe calls for tart lemons, and maybe that’s why it also recommends using large amounts of sugar.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “tart” as used in the sentence above?
An antonym for tart is sweet
Spring has been so unpropitious this year that I was convinced it would never stop raining.
Which of the following words is an antonym for “unpropitious” as used in the sentence above?
Unpropitious = unfavorable
An antonym is favorable
The venerable WWII veteran told me he’s turning 92 next week, and he wanted to buy a cake big enough for all of his great-grandchildren.
Venerable = respected
An antonym is Dishonarable