emergency presentation pregnancy (not-bleed) Flashcards
triad pre-eclampsia
new HTN // proteinuria // oedema
features severe pre-eclampsia
BP >160/110 // proteinuria +++ // headache, vision, papilloedmea // RUQ, epigastric // hyperreflexia
diagnosis pre-eclampsia
new BP >140/90 at 20 weeks + 1 of: proteinuria, other organ involvement
consequences pre-eclampsia
eclampsia // fetal IUGR // liver enzymes // haemorrhage // cardiac failure
high RF pre-eclampsia
previous HTN (gestational or chronic) // CKD // SLE or APS / diabetes
moderate RF pre-eclampsia
1st baby // 40+ // pregnancy interval 10+ yeaars // BMI >35 // FH high RF pre-eclampsia // twins
who should take medication to reduce risk of high RF pre-eclampsia
1 major or 2 minor RF
what medication is given to reduce risk of high RF pre-eclampsia
aspirin 75-150mg from 12 weeks –> birth
assessment for pre-eclampsia
suspect pre-eclampsia = refer
when to admit in pre-eclampsia
BP >160/110
mx pre-eclampsia
1 = oral labeteolol // 2 = nifedipine (eg asthma) // 3 = hydralazine // methyldopa can also be used
invx pre-eclampsia
U+E, LFT, FBC, coag
what is eclampsia
seizures secondary to pre-eclampsia (tonic clonic)
mx + prevention eclampsia
IV mag sulphate (IV bolus 4g over 5-10 minutes –> 1g/hr)
what should be monitored when treating eclampsia
UO, reflexes, resp rate, O2 sats
complication + mx of eclampsia treatment
resp depression –> calcium gluconate
how long should mx be given in eclampsia
24 hours after last seizure or 24 hours after delivery
what should be restricted in severe pre-eclampsia/ elcampsia
fluid to prevent overload
what is HELLP syndrome
Haemolysis, Elevated Liver enzyme // Low Platelets
symptoms HELLP
N+V + RUQ pain + tiredness
what is an amniotic fluid embolism
fetal cells or amniotic fluid enter maternal circulation –> reaction
RF amniotic fluid embolism
age, IOL
when does amniotic fluid embolism occur
delivery or immediate post-partum
symptoms amniotic fluid embolism
chills, shivering, sweating, anxiety, cough
signs amniotic fluid embolism
cyanosis, hypotension, bronchosopasm, tachycardia, arrythmia, MI
invx + mx amniotic fluid embolism
diagnosis of exclusion // critical care