Emergency Medicine Flashcards
Mainstay of ingestion therapy
Activated charcoal
- caustics
- hydrocarbons
- altered level of consciousness
- age < 6 months
Contraindications to syrup of ipecac
Activated charcoal does not absorb:
- caustics
- hydrocarbons
- heavy metals
- iron
- lithium
- alcohols
Activated charcoal absorbs:
- phenobarbital
- salicylates
- theophylline
Cholinergic intoxication (organophosphate poisoning)
Salivation Lacrimation Urination Defecation Gastrointestinal (diarrhea) Eye (mitosis - small pupils)
Anticholinergic toxidrome
Hot as a hare (hyperthermia) Blind as a bat (mydriasis) Red as a beet (vasodilation) Dry as a bone (anhidrosis) Mad as a hatter (delirium)
Can’t shit, spit, see or pee.
Which alcohol causes:
- blindness
- fixed dilated pupils
- pancreatitis
Alcohol that causes gastritis
Alcohol that causes renal failure
Ethylene glycol
Antidote for ethylene glycol poisoning
Anticipatory guidance for storage of poisonous substances should happen when
At the 6 month WCC
Childproof caps have decreased the mortality of unintentional ingestions by
Osmolar gap greater than 10 suggests
Unknown alcohol ingestion
May cause transient hypertension
Nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hyperventilation
Salicylate ingestion