Embryology - Development of Respiratory System Flashcards
4 main parts of respiratory development
Launch a trachea
Construct the lungs
Invest the lungs with pleura
Manufacture a diaphragm
Where does the trachea originate from
Ventral walls of foregut (oesophagus)
When does the development of the trachea and lungs begin
Week 4
Position of trachea relative to oesophagus
Name of groove from which tracheal outgrowth begins
Laryngotracheal groove
Oesophagotracheal septum
Septum that develops between oesophagus and trachea to completely separator them
Abnormal or surgically made passage between tubular organ and the body surface, or between two hollow or tubular organs
Condition where an opening or passage in the body is closed or absent
Visceral pleura develops from
The splanchnic lateral plate mesoderm
Parietal pleura develops from
The somatic lateral plate mesoderm
Name of gap between parietal and visceral pleurae
Pleuroperitoneal canal
Pleuroperitoneal folds function
Form around primitive heart separating pleural cavities from pericardial cavity
Pleuroperitneal canals develops into
Pleural cavity
The lung buds ‘punch’ into
The visceral mesoderm
Lung buds expand into the
Pericardioperitnoeal canals
Canicular stage
Terminal bronchioles give rise to tubes that make up respiratory tract
Saccular stage
Formation of alveolar sacs
Alveolar stage
Formation of alveoli from terminal sacs
Pseudoglandual stage
Setup of all pulmonary structures except elements needed for gas exchange
What is the major cause of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Surfactant deficiency
RDS makes up what percentage of neonatal disease
Examples of congenital conditions of lungs
Accessory lobes Agenesis of lung RDS Lobe of azygos vein Pulmonary hypoplasia
Agenesis of lung
Complete non development of a lung
Central tendon develops from
Septum transversum
Primitive diaphragm forms from
Pleuroperitoneal membranes
Median portion and crura of diaphragm develop from
Dorsal mesentery of oesophagus
Peripheral parts of diaphragm develop from
Muscular ingrowth from lateral body walls
Congenital abnormalities of diaphragm
Failure of diaphragm to completely close during development
Herniation of abdominal contents into the chest
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Incomplete development of lungs
Diaphragmatic herniae
Hernia of diaphragm
Hiatal herniae
Hernia of stomach through diaphragm opening