embryology - block 3 Flashcards
Main hox gene sequence for limbs
Hox - tbs5 - > Pitx1 -> fgf10 -> fgf8
main ideas in limbs - ?
gene sequence
direction develop
anter/pos (cranial/caudal)
How does it start? what week, what type of germ cells?
Lateral plate meso - 4th week
What gene controls the body plan?
Hox - determines cranial/caudal, etc
What two genes does HOX transcribe? what do they mark?
Tbx5 (arms - to box), Pitx1 (legs - podiatry)- two limb areas -
what does FGf10 do?
tells cells to produce FGF8
Proximal/distal axis? How do the limbs develop?
shoulder to fingers, hips to toes
what is apical Ectodermal Ridge AER?
Where is all starts
The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a structure that forms from the ectodermal cells at the distal end of each limb bud and acts as a major signaling center to ensure proper development of a limb.
The AER is known to express FGF2, FGF4, FGF8, and FGF9, while the limb bud mesenchyme expresses FGF2 and FGF10.
(AER) is a structure that forms from the ectodermal cells at the distal end of each limb bud and acts as a major signaling center to ensure proper development of a limb. After the limb bud induces AER formation, the AER and limb mesenchyme—including the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA)—continue to communicate with each other to direct further limb development.[1]
What induces AER - BMP?
Radical fringe?
restricts AER to end of buds
Radical fringe is a signaling enzyme involved in the arrangement of the embryonic limb buds. It is a member of the fringe gene family, which also includes manic fringe and lunatic fringe.
Chr. Beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase radical fringe, also known as radical fringe is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RFNG gene. Radical fringe is a signaling enzyme involved in the arrangement of the embryonic limb buds.
what genes does AER talk to ?
FGF4, FGF 8 - proliferate and maintain undifferentiated zone? which is which?
Retinoic Acid? what secrete it?
paraxial meso secrete - begins genetic cascade
Anterior/Posterior? Cranial/caudal?
Sonic HH - high does - caudal (3rd finger to little); low dose - (cranial - 1st to third)
starts with which digits?
1st - 5th
Where is the zpa?
Polarizing activity zone
The zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) is an area of mesenchyme that contains signals which instruct the developing limb bud to form along the anterior/posterior axis. Limb bud is undifferentiated mesenchyme enclosed by an ectoderm covering.
3 genes in dorso-ventral devel?
Wnt7, lmx-1b (dorsal
en-1 - ventral - represses wnt7, therefore lmx-1b becomes ventral limb
what does AER do?
radical fringe?
dorsal ectoderm
what does en1 do?
forms ventral ectoderm
how do digits form after initial start… apoptosis?
AER regresses - only persisting on digits, causes apoptosis. BMP2 , 4, and 7 strongly expressed in NON_digit spaces
Prime movers of digits?
BMP4 and MSX2
irony of FGF2?
usually causes growth, here causes death. balance betwe proliferatino and apoptosis
skeletal develop
BMP2 and 4 establish precartilage bone template
what does BMP6 do?
hypertrophy in maturing cartilage