Embryology and Development Flashcards
14 days into ovarian cycle, 1 oocyte is released into oviduct
where do sperm get deposited
where does fertilization occur
ampullary region of uterine tube
3 steps in fertilization
1) sperm penetrates corona radiata
2) sperm penetrates zona pellicuda
3) fusion of sperm/ oocyte membranes
fertilization results
diploid zygote with homologous pair of chromosomes
gender determination
based on the sperm since oocyte always has an X chromosome, (y for boy, x for girl)
cleavage initiation
cleavage occurs by actin filaments to form 2-cell stage
3 days, ball of blastomeres, 12-16 cells, cytoplasm divides but no growth in size of ball, looks like a blackberry
hollow sphere of cells, 5 days post-fertilization
-hollow cavity = blastula
inner cell mass
forms inside blastocyst, pluripotent stem cells that have not differentiated
what does the inner cell mass develop
embryo, amnion, yolk sac, allantois
blastocyst/morula is pushed along fallopian tube until it enters uterus
-implants into endometrium
- 6 days old
abnormal implantation
-ectopic pregnancy
at the end of week 1, day 7, what do we have
blastocyst with inner cell mass, developing syntrophoblast and cytrophoblast
two general layers in week 2
trophoblast and embryoblast
outside of ball that provides nutrients to embryo
-differentiates to cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast
ICM, forms epiblast and hypoblast
what 2 cavities form in week 2
yolk sac and amniotic sac
what 2 layers does the extraembryonic mesoderm split into
somatic and splanchnic
inner layer of trophoblast
- mononucleated
-migrate into syncytiotrophoblast where they fuse and loose all their membrane
outer layer of trophoblast, multinucleated
-invades into uterine wall
-produces hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
small cuboidal cells
-partially contributes to yolk sac
-remainder degenerates via apoptosis
high columnar cells
-adjacent to amniotic cavity
-where embryo is derived from
-thickens to form primitive streak
what develops from trophoblast on Day 9
trophoblastic lacunae
-vacuoles in synctiotrophoblast that fuse together
exocoelomic cavity (yolk cavity)
lines cytotrophoblast
-forms primitive yolk sac
amniotic cavity
sac that contains amniotic fluid