Embryology Flashcards
What are the structures that build the diaphragm
-septum tranversum
-pluroperitoneal membrane
-body wall
-dorsal esophageal mesentery
“Several Parts Build A Diaphragm”
What is the structure formed from septum transversum
central tendon
What is the structure formed from pleuroperitoneal membrane
-tendinous dorsolateral portion
What is the structure formed from body wall
-muscular peripheral portion
What is the structure formed from dorsal mesentery of esophagus
Regarding septum tranversum, what is its origin
-lateral plate mesoderm
Regarding septum tranversum, when is its formation
4th week
Regarding septum tranversum, when does it descend
6th week
Regarding septum tranversum, where is its location
-caudal to the pericardial cavity
Regarding septum tranversum, what happens after the migration
-the myotomes of C3, 4 and 5 will migrate to ST
-with the root of the phrenic nerve and pulls it down
Why is the pain in the diaphragm refers to the shoulder region
-because the innervation of the diaphragm is the same with the dermatomes of the shoulder region
-C3,4 and 5
The pleuroperitoneal membrane will grow ______ from the body wall
What is the fate after the growing of the pleuroperitoneal membrane
-it will encroach the pleuroperitoneal cavity
-it will fuse anteriorly and posteriorly
What is the structure does the pleuroperitoneal membrane fused anteriorly
-septum tranversum
What is the structure does the pleuroperitoneal membrane fused posteriorly
-dorsal esophageal mesentry
what are the congenital anomalies of the diaphragm
-congenital diaphragmatic hernia
-esophageal hiatal hernia
-retrostenal hernia
-eventration of the diaphragm
Definition of diaphragmatic hernia
-herniation of the abdominal content into the thoracic cavity
The cause of diaphragmatic hernia
-the failure of the pleuroperitoneal membrane to develop properly
The fate of diaphragmatic hernia
-pulmonary hypoplasia
The definition of esophageal hiatal hernia
-it is a herniation of the stomach into the thoracic cavity
The cause of esophageal hiatal hernia
-abnormal large esophageal hernia
-due to incompetence of the cardiac sphincter
The definition of eventration of diaphragm
-it is a muscular defect of the diaphragm
The cause of eventration of diaphragm
-the failure of the body wall to extend to thé pleuroperitoneal membrane
The fate of eventration of diaphragm
-dome will be pushed against the lungs
The definition of retrostenal hernia
-it is the herniation between the sternal and costal part of diaphragm
What happens during the 4th week
-the formation of the respiratory diverticulum
Where is the location of the respiratory diverticulum
-it is ventral to the foregut
What is the structure that separate the respiratory diverticulum with the foregut
-tracheoesophageal septum
The foregut is divided into two. What are the divisions and the structure arises from it
-ventrally: respiratory primodium
-dorsally: esophagus
What forms the mucosa of the trachea
-lower part of respiratory diverticulum
What forms the connective tissue of the trachea
What will happen to the distal part of the respiratory diverticulum
-enlarge to form the lung bud
What will happen to the lung bud
-bifurcation to form the bronchial bud
When is the formation of lung
-25th to 28th weeks
What structures that already exist during 25th to 28th weeks
-pneumocytes type I and II
What happens to the premature babies that are given birth in 25th to 28th weeks
-with intensive care
What does the primodium lung invaginate
-primary pleural cavity medially
What forms the visceral pleura
-visceral pleura
What forms the parietal pleura
-somatic pleura
When is the formation alveolar
-the last 3 months before pregnancy until 8 years
What is the cause of pulmonary agenesis
-failure formation of the bronchial buds
What is the cause of pulmonary hypoplasia
-poorly bronchial tree
-abnormal histology
What is the cause of accessory lobules
-due to the abnormal branching of the bronchial
What associates with the trachea stenosis
What is the cause of congenital bronchial cyst
-due to the overdilation of the weak bronchi
What is the cause of congenital neonatal emphysema
-due to the failure formation of bronchial cartilage
What is the cause of the tracheoesophageal fistula
-malformation of the tracheoesophageal septum
Where is the most common location of the tracheoesophageal fistula to occur
-between the esophagus and the distal 3rd of the trachea
What associates with the tracheoesophageal fistula
- esophageal atrasia with polyamnions
- regurgitation of milk
- gurgling and cyanosis after feeding
- abdominal distension after crying
- reflux to lungs leads to pneumonitis