Electrocardiography Flashcards
What leads are most helpful when looking for a bundle-branch block?
V1 V6 I And to some extent II The QRS duration should be more than 120 ms to identify a bundle-branch block.
is a wide QRS that arises from supraventricular conduction that is neither a typical RBBB nor a typical LBBB. It is often noted in patients with a cardiomyopathy.
Intraventricular conduction delay
In V1 there is a broad, deep S wave (or QS wave), with ST segment elevation, that may be preceded by a very narrow R wave. What is the ECG interpretation?
ST elevation in V1 accompanying an inferior MI suggests?
Right ventricular involvement
Patients with posterior MI often have ST depression where?
What is ST-segment depression that occurs in patients with an ST-elevation MI.
Reciprocal change
Shortening of the QT interval, with or without ST segment elevation suggests what?
Differential diagnosis of large R wave in V1 (5)
- Post wall MI
- N
- Mm dystrophy
This law essentially states that the intensity of transmitted light passing through a vascular bed decreases exponentially as a function of the concentration of the absorbing substances in that bed and the distance from the source of the light to the detector.
Beer-Lamber law
A type of oximetry where light-emitting diodes (LEDs) transmit light through a vascular bed to a photodetector.
Transmission pulse oximetry
An oximetry where LEDs transmit light that is reflected back to a photodetector on the same side of the vascular
bed as the LEDs.
Reflection pulse oximetry
Is the most common form of pulse oximetry used in the operating room.
Transmission pulse oximetry
Most pulse oximeters use 2 wavelengths namely?
660 nm (red) 940 nm (infrared)
Is the ratio of oxyhemoglobin to all the hemoglobin capable of carrying oxygen.
Functional hemoglobin
Is the pulse oximeter a good indicator of ventilation?
pulse oximeter gives no indication of ventilation, only of oxygenation.
Since the patient is oxygenated before anesthetic induction, if the pulse oximeter reaches 100%, does this indicate complete denitrogenation?
A reading of 100% in and of itself is not an accurate indication of denitrogenation.