EEO: Lecture 3 Vocab Flashcards
What is Anesthesia?
Complete loss of sensation
What is Hypoesthesia?
Abnormally decreased sensitivity to stimulation
What is Hyperesthesia?
Abnormally increased sensitivity to stimulation
What is Hypoalgesia?
Diminished sensitivity to pain
What is Hyperalgesia?
Increased sensitivity to pain
What is Astereognosis?
Inability to recognize familiar objects by the sense of touch
What is Atopognosis?
Inability to correctly locate sensation
What is Baragnosis?
Inability to distinguish between different weights
What is Paresthesia?
An abnormal sensation such as numbness, prickling, burning, or tingling
What is Dysesthesia?
Impairment of any sensation, especially touch
What is Paralysis?
Loss or impairment of motor function in a body part due to lesion in the neural or muscular systems, may also include impairment of sensory function
What is Hemiparaplegia?
Paralysis of the lower half of one side of the body
hemi: half
plegia: paralysis
What is Hemiparesis?
Muscular weakness or partial paralysis affecting one side of the body
What is Hemiparesthesia?
abnormal sensation (such as tingling, numbness, or “pins and needles”) affecting one side of the body
What is Hemiplegia?
Paralysis of one side of the body
What is Paraparesis?
A partial paralysis of the lower extremities (LEs)
What is Paraplegia?
Paralysis of the lower extremities (LEs) and the lower part of the body
What is Tetraplegia (or Quadriplegia)?
Paralysis of all four extremities
What is Triplegia?
Paralysis of three extremities
paralysis in either both UE or LEs