EOO: Lecture 5 Pt.2 Flashcards
When do you read the red numbers on the goniometer?
When you are starting at a 90* angle (L)
ex: cervical neck rotation
when do you read the black numbers on the goniometer?
when you are starting at a 180* angle
ex: cervical lateral flexion
when should ROM testing be performed?
How do you document
10* elbow hyperextension
135* flexion?
10 - 0 - 135
AROM: patient does work
-assesses muscle strength
PROM: PT does work
- assesses end feel
decrease in PROM that is substantially less than normal values for that joint
increase in PROM that excess normal values for that given joint
end feel
a feeling experienced by the examiner which is a barrier to further motion at the end of a PROM
hard endfeel
bone on bone approximation
- ex: elbow extension
firm endfeel
tissue stretch
-ex: wrist extension
soft endfeel
soft tissue approximation
- ex: elbow or knee flexion
empty endfeel
no resistance
- presence of pain
capsular pattern
the pattern of restriction involving all or most of the PROMs of the joint in the presence of pathological conditions involving the entire joint capsule
*when a joint has dysfunction, certain motions are lost first
are capsular patterns normal or abnormal?
what shoulder motion is LEAST affected with joint dysfunction?
do you test the involved or uninvolved side first during goniometry?
MMT Score of 5
Completes full ROM against gravity, maximum resistance (the amount of resistance
should be the same for everyone)
MMT score of 4
Completes full ROM against gravity, moderate resistance
MMT score of 3+
Completes full ROM against gravity, minimal resistance
MMT score of 3
Completes full ROM against gravity, no resistance
MMT score of 3-
Completes > 50% of the ROM against gravity BUT full in gravity-reduced position
MMT score of 2+
Completes < 50% of the ROM against gravity BUT full in gravity-reduced position
MMT score of 2
Completes full ROM in a gravity-reduced position
MMT score of 2-
Completes partial ROM in a gravity-reduced position
MMT score of 1
Palpable contraction
MMT score of 0
Nothing palpable
What is the difference between normal MMT and spine MMT
there is no alternate position for gravity reduced so there are no pluses or minuses
Identifying injury severity: strong and painless MMT means
everything is intact
Identifying injury severity: strong and painFUL MMT means
minor lesion
Identifying injury severity: weak and painful MMT means
major lesion
Identifying injury severity: weak and painless MMT means
complete lesion or neurological deficit
Cervical spine flexion norm
goni: 40
inclinometer: 50
*use double inclinometer
Cervical spine extension norm
goni: 50
inclinometer: 60
*use double inclinometer
Cervical spine lateral flexion norm
goni: 22
inclinometer: 45
Cervical spine rotation norm
goni: 50
inclinometer: 80
Thoracic/Lumbar spine flexion norm
inclinometer: 60
Thoracic/Lumbar spine extension norm
inclinometer: 25
Thoracic/Lumbar spine lateral flexion norm
inclinometer: 25
goni: 35
Thoracic/Lumbar spine rotation norm
goni: 45