Ectopic Canines Flashcards
What are the problems with canines?
Why are canines important?
- Corner stones of dental arch
- Long rooted teeth so good long term prognosis for perio
- Difficult replace prosthetically
What percentage of maxillary canines are ectopic?
85% Palatal
15% buccal
What percentage of ectopic canines are associated with root resorption of the laterals?
12% more common with Palatal
How does the canine migrate during eruption?
It migrates down and forward distal to the root of the lateral incisor
At what age shoud canines be palpable in the buccal sulcus?
What age do canines erupt?
What are the causes for ectopic canines?
- Retained C
- Displacement of dental crypt
- missing laterals/diminutive lateral
- Crowding (especially buccally)
Why are missing or diminutive laterals associated with ectopic canines?
Less guidance
What do you need to examine when investigating canines?
What are the clinical signs of possibly ectopic canines?
brin et al 1986
- Not palpable in buccal sulcus by aged 10
- C’s not mobile
- Asymmetric loss of C’s
- peg shaped laterals
- Missing laterals
- labially inclined laterals which suggests buccal,impactin
What can you use as an adjunct to clinical examination to determine presence and location of 3’s?
What must you look for on the radiographically examination?
- C’s root resorbing?
- Any signs of pathology eg resorbing roots of laterals or centrals
- Determine position
What radiographically technique is used to determine the position of the 3’s?
What is the principle to parallax?
Relative movement of the canine in relation to other adjacent teeth when two radiographs are taken with an angle between them
what rule do we use to determine the position of the tooth when using parallax?
Same Lingual
Opposite Bucaal