Assesment Flashcards
What are Andrews 6 keys to normal occlusion?
correct molar relationship correct crown angulation correct crown inclincation no spacing no rotations flat occlusal place
How should the skeletal pattern be assessed?
3-D pattern
What are the 3 components to assessing skeletal pattern?
What is another name for anterior posterior?
skeletal class
What is skeletal class 1?
where point B on mandible lies 2-3mm posterior to the maxilla point A
What is skeletal class 2?
where the point B on mandible likes more than 3mm posterior to the maxilla point A
Retrognathic mandible
Prognathic maxilla
What is skeletal class 3?
where point A lies posterior to point B
Retrognathic maxilla alone 25%
Prognathic mandible alone 25%
Combination 50%
What is point A?
the deepest concavity on the maxilla
where is point B?
the deepest concavity on the mandible
What is the main limitation to using skeletal class?
It does not provide information about where the discrepancy in skeletal class lies, it just gives the relationship between the two. The only way to assess this is using a lateral ceph
How can we assess the vertical relationships?
by using the FMPA
splitting th face into sections
Which sections can the face be split into when assessing vertical relationships?
from eybrow to base of nose and base of nose to lower point on chin
What is the average value for FMPA?
28 +/- 5
If the frankfort and mandibular planes intersect before the occiput what does this mean?
the lower facial height is increased
if the frankfort and mandibular planes intersect beyond the occiput what does this mean?
the lower facial height is decreased
How can the transverse facial relationship be assessed?
facial asymmtry
How should you assess the transverse skeletal relationship?
by looking at the patient from above and face on
What must be recoded about the lips?
the tonicity competence height of lower lip length of upper lip smile aesthetics
What is the average length of the upper lip?
What are features of the aesthetic smile?
Whole height of upper incisors are seen with only the interproximal gingiva
upper incisors do not touch the lower lip
upper incisors run parallel to lower lip
width of smile displays up until the premolrs
What does a short lower lip indicate?
poor stability
What two features about the tongue should be recorded?
presence of an endogenous tongue thrust or adaptive
What is an endogenous tongue thrust? what is the significance of this?
patient pushes the tongue to the lower incisors upon swallowing, this tends not to cease following treatment and thus leads to relapse
Which I/O features need to be considered?
teeth present crowding (labial segment and buccal segment) incisor and molar relaionship overjet overbite complete/incomplete overbite centreline descrepancy crossbite displacement
What is mild crowdin?
What is moderate crowding?
What is severe crowding?
Which medical conditions may affect orthodontic treatment?
- Rheumatic fever : risk of IE
- Epilepsy: risk of damage during an attack
- RAU: condition is exacerbated by trauma to mucosa
- Hay fever: atopic children may experience problems with functional during summer
- Bisphosphanates: problem with xla
How must u assess skeletal pattern?
Frankfort plane is parallel to the floor and teeth together in Maximum intercuspation
How must you assess the AP relationship?
Patient viewed from the side
How must the transverse relationship be assessed?
Looking at the pageant face on and from above
What does the term low lip line?
This refers to the relationship of the lower lip to the upper incisors
A high lower lip line means the lower lip covers more than 1/3 of the upper incisors
What are the two types of tongue thrusts?
Which type of tongue thrust is more common?
What is the purpose of an adaptive tongue thrust in most cases?
To achieve an anterior oral seal
What are the features of an increased lower facial height?
FMPA greater then 32
Reduced overbite or possibly AOB
What are the features of a decreased LFH?
FMPA less than 22
Increased overbite