economics 901-975 Flashcards
what is the velocity of money
price level
what does p stand for in the equation of exchange
political stability is lacking, and risk is high
why is it sometimes difficult to attract foreign investment to less developed countries
there might be a different work ethic, or a different belief in the role of the free market, or in the right of women to work, or even in the idea of punctuality
what sorts of social values might be different in a less developed country than in the united states
states general spend the most money on
developing countries have much higher birth rates
how do birth rates compare in developed versus developing countries
specialization oand trade have (raised/allowed) standards of living in the world
higher, lower
less developed countries generally have (higher/lower) birth rates and (higher/lower) literacy rates than developing and developed countries
public good
tax revenues are usually intended to provide what type of good
public goods
what type of goods must be provided by government if they are to exist at an adequate level
bhutan, afghanistan, rwanda, el salvador, bangladesh, nigeria
what are some examples of less developed countries
risk their resources or manage their private properrty in a productive and or responsible way
what do incentives cause people to do
classify the development status of a country with a per capita gdp of $7500
a country with a per capita gdp of over $10,000
what constitutes a developed country
a country with a per capita gdp of under $3000
what is a less developed country
classify the development of a country with a per capita gdp of $3001
which country has officially began measuring “gross national happiness”
a natino with a per capita gdp of $7000 would be classified as having a (developed/developing/ less-developed) economy
Investment represents about _% of GDP in the United States.
How much was the U.S> per capita GPD in 1998
Randy decides to leave his job in New York and travel to Morocco, then back to California , where he is looking for a new job. What kind of unemployment data?
every ccillian age 16 or older who has a job or is seeking one. Millitary personal and convicts do not count.
Defines the labor force
The percentage of the iliasm population in the labor force out of everyone who could be in the labor force.
What is the Labor Force Participation Rate?
the Bureau of Labor Statistics
What government agency keeps track of unemployment data?
cyclical unemployment
The EMployment Act of 1946 most targeted what kind of unemployment.
When did the Employment act of 1946 expire?
About what percentage of workers earning the federal; minimum wage are 20 years or older?
twice as likely
How many times more likely is someone who has not gone to college to earn the minimum wage than someone who has graduated form college?
teh Bureau of Labor Statistics
What government agency measures the Consumer PiceIndex
not necessarily
is a trade deficit always bad