Ecology Practice Quizizz Flashcards
An illustration that uses arrows to show the MANY possible directions in which matter and energy can pass through the organisms in an ecosystem.
food web
A herd of deer leave their home and move into a new area. this is an example of ___________________
What does the term carrying capacity describe?
The population size that the environment can sustain.
A collection of organisms that make up a community as well as all of the nonliving aspects of the environment.
relationship in which two species live closely together
Respiration is the process by which animals take in _____ and release _____.
oxygen, carbon dioxide
What does every food chain usually start with? (Even if it’s not drawn or written there!)
What do the arrows show in a food chain picture?
they point in the direction that energy is flowing
Which kind of growth does the human population follow? It is described as a J-shaped curve.
exponential growth
The image provided is an example of a(n):
Consumer that eats plants
The number of individuals a habitat can sustain with the resources it has available
carrying capcity
The nonliving aspects of an ecosystem.
abiotic factors
When there is a lack of resources such as food, water, sunlight, shelter, and space this is often called __________.
limiting factors
The living portions of the ecosystem.
biotic factors