Early Psychosocial Development (Chapters 6 & 2) Flashcards
-characteristic disposition of approaching and reacting to situations
Temperament Patterns
-easy: positive in mood, high regularity and adaptability, and accepting new experience (40%)
-difficult: irritable and hard to please, low regularity and adaptability, and withdrawing from new experience (10%)
-slow to warm up: slow to adapt to new situation or people (15%)
Early Temperament
-Physiological correlates
-stability of temperament
-culture differences in early temperament
Physiological Correlates
-heart rate (e.g., shy/inhibited
-frontal lobe asymmetry (inhibited: right frontal lobe asymmetry, social: left frontal lobe asymmetry)
Stability of Temperament
-fairly stable and related to later personality
-change in temperament characteristics by experience and caregiving
Goodness of Fit
-the match between a child’s temperament and the environmental demands and constraints
-difficult babies and patient and responsive caregiving
-inhibited toddler and encouraging and accepting parents
Early Emotion Development
-emotions: subjective reactions to experience that are associated with physiological and behavioral changes
Important Functions of Emotions
-guide behavior (e.g., empathy, pride, guilt)
-communicate needs, intentions, or desire (e.g., sad, joy)
-mobilize action in emergency (e.g., fear)
-promote exploration of the environment (e.g., curiosity
Basic Emotions
-joy, surprise, sadness, disgust, fear, anger (first 6 months)
-stranger anxiety and separation anxiety (6-12 months)
Self-Conscious Emotions
-embarrassment, empathy, envy (18 months)
-self awareness and self referential behavior are required
Self-Evaluation Emotions
-pride, shame, guilt (age 3)
-self awareness and self referential behavior are required
-acquisition of rules add standards (learn to adopt societal norms and moral principles to assess and judge our own behavior)
The Emerging Sense of Self
-self awareness: realization that one’s existence and functioning are separate from of other people and things
-conscious knowledge of the self as a distinct being
-develops between 15-18 months
Major Tasks in Toddlerhood
-toddlers in western culture depend on their parents to move into he social world and begin compliance with social rules
-seperation-individuation process
Seperation-Individuation Process
-a child’s psychological separation from the caregiver and growing awareness of being an individual
Erickson’s Psychoanalytic Theory
-emphasis on early feelings and relationship
-psychosocial development is lifelong
-series of qualitatively different psychosocial stages
-infancy: trust vs. mistrust
-18 months-3 years: autonomy vs. shame and doubt
-each stage involves a major developmental issue
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
-from 18 months to 3 years
-children develop a sense of independence and self-control or they may feel ashamed or doubtful of their abilities
-virtue: will
Initiative vs. Guilt
-3 to 6 years
-children develop a sense of purpose and take initiative in their actions, or they may feel guilty or anxious about their desires and efforts
-virtue: purpose
Moving Toward Early Autonomy
*stage in child’s development where they start to assert heir independence and take on tasks and responsibilities on their own
-self awareness
-understanding of others
-terrible 2: do it myself
-relationship with sibling and parents
-parents’ tasks: support their child’s exploration and set appropriate limits for child
Self Regulation
child’s independent control of behavior to conform to understood social expectations
Process in Transition to Self-Regulate
- regulation by caregiver
- guided self regulation (mutual regulation)
*social referencing
Social Referencing
the use of cues from another person to interpret ambiguous situations and guide behavior
development of habits, skills, values, and motives shared by responsible members of a society
-inhibitory control: conscious, effortful holding back of impulses
-situational compliance: comply to a rile in the presence of authority
-committed compliance