Ear Flashcards
Outer ear
Ear drum (tympanum) divides the outer from middle ear
Middle ear»hammer,anvil,stirrup
Inner ear»liquid
Valsalva manouvra
Equalising the pressure between the middle and outer ear
Is a bony sttructure shpaed like a snail ,filled with fluids and very small capillary cells.
The movement of these small cells will be dependent on the volume and pitch of the original sound
The amount and frrequency of displaecmetn is detected by auditory nerve directly to the cortex of the brain where tiny electrical current are decoded into osund
Hearing loss
NIHL (noise induced hearing loss)
85/90 db intensity /duration (long duration )
120/140db one time off
NIHL (noise induce hearing lost
Due to overexposure to 90dbi
High frequncy makes more damage
is the lost of hearing due to ageing
Vestibular system
The semicircular canals and otoliths are part of our balance system
Acceleration can make u feel like climbing and viceversa
Air motion sickness
Mismatch between visual and vestibular system
Excessive vibration
Somatogravic illusion
Caused by linear acceleration.like when accelratting boo=dy feels like climbing and viceversa
Somatogyral illusion
Is the sensation of turning in the opposite direction that occurs whenever the body undergoes angular decelartion from a condition of sustained angular velocity