Diverticulitis Flashcards
uncomplicated diverticulitis without significant comorbidities treatment:
Treat conservatively with oral antibiotics : ciprofloxacin + metronidazole or amoxicillin clavulanate
uncomplicated diverticulitis with significant comorbidities or complicated diverticulitis
IV antibiotics
beta lactam/beta lactamase inhibitor (zosyn)
3rd generation cephalosporin (ceftriaxone) + metronidazole
fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin) + metronidazole
Need to be on liquid diet for 2-3 days
left lower quadrant pain/ tenderness, fever and leukocytosis
can have rectal mass
uncomplicated diverticulitis presentation
if convincing don’t need to get imaging.
If diagnosis is not clear or abscess is suspected (severe pain, high fever, palpable mass) then get CT imaging.
CT scan of uncomplicated diverticulitis
soft tissue stranding and colonic wall thickening.
treatment of uncomplicated diverculitis
7-10 days of abx with bowel rest (liquid diet for 2-3 days) and gradual transition from fluid intake to and close follow up
when to hospitalize a pt with diverticulitis
high fever, significant leukocytosis, and immunosuppression and someone unable to tolerate oral intake and significant comorbidities
complicated diverticulitis is defined as
abscess, perforation, obstruction, fistula formation. IV abx is needed
when to order CT guided drainage in patient with complicated diverticulitis
need CT guided drainage in pts who have abscess >3cm from diverticulitis
When to involve the surgeons for treatment of complicated diverticulitis
when clinical course worsens or not responding to catheter drainage.
what is long term management for someone who has diverticulitis?
after they recover 2-6 weeks later, they need a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy to rule out underlying malignancy.
what is an alternate strategy for colonoscopy after diverticulitis for colon cancer screening?
flexible sigmoidoscopy + barium enema
what to do to prevent recurrence
possibly a high fiber diet to possible reduce risk for recurrence of diverticulitis
do you always need to get CT abd imaging in pts who have suspected uncomplicated diverticulitis?
if convincing don’t need to get imaging.
If diagnosis is not clear or abscess is suspected (severe pain, high fever, palpable mass) then get CT imaging.
IV abx is needed for diverticulitis if:
complicated diverticulitis (abscess or fistula formation - can form between bladder, vagina, skin and peritoneum)
- cannot take oral medications