Disorder of willful actions Flashcards
Disorder of willful actions:
Problems in execution of motor sequence on command or by imitation
Problems with gestures like waving/using tools
Cannot be explained by paralysis or paresis
Caused by lesions in left parietal or frontal lobe.
Ideational apraxia
Inability to conceptualize, plan, and execute complex sequences. Action on command is impaired, but still able to imitate movements.
Ideomotor apraxia
Disconnection between conceptual representations and the primary motor areas. Impaired for both immiation and on command.
Constructional apraxia
Problems with constructive visuomotor actions such as drawing or the assembling of a whole from parts (WAIS block test)
Tactile apraxia
Execution of movement during tactile movement, some focussed on different body parts
Limb apraxia and optic
Limb: impairment of hand/leg
Optic; impairment in eye movement
Buccofacial apraxia
Mouth, tongue. No longer able to speak