Digestive System - E3 Flashcards
another name for digestive tract
alimentary canal
what is the majority of the length of the digestive tract
gastrointestinal tract
largest serous membrane
Parietal peritoneum
on wall, not associated w/organs
retroperitoneal are where only one surface is covered
Visceral peritoneum
serosa; surround organs
intraperitoneal if enclosed on both sides
Small intestine
Functions of the digestive system
- ingestion
- propulsion
- mechanical breakdown
- chemical breakdown
- absorption
- defecation
Four basic tissue layers of the digestive tract
- mucosa - simple col. epi.
- submucosa - loose c.t.
- muscularis - arcular and longitudinal layers
- serosa (adventitia) - epi. and c.t.
Functions of the arcular and longitudinal layers
arcular - dilation
longitudinal - propulsion
Enteric nervous system
myenteric nerve plexus
submucosal nerve plexus
Another name for the oral cavity
buccal cavity
What is the purpose of lips (labia)?
Posterior projection; closes off nasopharynx during swallowing
Tongue muscles
Intrinsic - shape
Extrinsic - movement
Dentitions are sets of teeth
Cuspid is the tooth itself
deciduous vs permanent teeth
deciduous are the primary, baby teeth, 20
permanent are the secondary, adult teeth, 32
Four types of teeth and their function
incisors - bite
canines - puncture
premolars - crush/grind
molars - crush/grind
Anchoring of teeth
in bony socket of cementum and periodontal ligament which function as cellular glue and shock absorption, respectively
Salivary glands
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
also called upper esophageal sphincter
controls passage from pharynx to esophagus
lower esophageal sphincter
also called cardiac sphincter
controls passage from esophagus to cardia of stomach
muscular component of the esophagus
upper - skeletal - voluntary
middle - mixed - both
lower - smooth - involuntary
4 regions and 2 curvatures of the stomach
Regions: 1. cardia 2. fundus 3. corpus (body) 4. pyloric part Curvatures: 1. greater curve 2. lesser curve
Pyloric sphincter
also called gastroduodenal sphincter
regulates entry from the stomach to the small intestine
temporary folds that allow expansion
Function of the stomach
“holding tank”
chemical digestion continuation
Small intestine
major site of chemical digestion and absorption
long and small diameter to increase SA
Parts of the small intestine
Circular folds
permanent spirals that slow passage and increase SA
villi and microvilli also help to increase SA
Ileocecal valve
prevents backflow from large intestine
Regions of the large intestine
- cecum
- colon
- rectum
- anal canal and anus
What are the two anal sphincters?
internal anal sphincter - smooth muscle
external anal sphincter - skeletal muscle
function of teniae coli
contract and pull colon into pouches (haustra)
epiploic appendages
little fat pads of the large intestine, unknown function
Functions of the large intestine
absorb water and nutrients
Function of the liver
primary metabolic factory
largest gland in body
Functional unit of the liver
Major cell type of liver
functions to produce/transport bile
Gall bladder
pear-shaped sac under liver
stores and concentrates bile
head fits into “C” of duodenum
deep to stomach
Histology of pancreas
99% Acini
1% pancreatic islets (of Langerhans)
exocrine glandular clusters that produce pancreatic juices
Pancreatic islets of Langerhans
endocrine portion of pancreas that produce insulin, etc.