Digestive System: Alimentary Canal Flashcards
A musculomembranous tube that extends from the mouth to the anus
Alimentary Canal
*Long muscular tube
*Functions to convey food and saliva from laryngopharynx to stomach
Components of the Alimentary Canal:
*Small intestine
*Large intestine (terminated at anus)
Where does the Esophagus originate at?
What plane does the Esophagus Lie
Lies in midsagittal Plane (MSP)
-passes through diaphragm at T10
-joins stomach at esophagogastric junction at T11
Four parts of the stomach:
*Pyloric Portion
Dilated, saclike portion of the digestive tract extending between the esophagus and small intestine
is superior portion that fills the left hemidiaphragm
Expanded terminal end of the esophagus
Cardiac antrum
what is the section surrounding esophageal opening of the stomach
Inferior surface contains numerous longitudinal folds called:
located between fundus and pyloric portion
body of the stomach
what is the last portion of the stomach
pyloric portion
lesser curvature of stomach=
right border
consists of the pyloric antrum and narrowed pyloric canal
pyloric portion
greater curvature of stomach=
Left border
Sharper angle at esophagogastric junction
Cardiac notch
what is entrance and exit controlled by
opening between esophagus and stomach
cardiac orifice
what controls the opening between the esophagus and stomach
cardiac sphincter
opening between stomach and small intestine
pyloric orifice
what is the opening between stomach and small intestine controlled by
Pyloric Sphincter
how is the stomach in a hypersthenic body structure
Higher and horizontal
how is the stomach in a asthenic body structure
lower and more midline
The most superior portion of the stomach is the
Contraction waves by which the digestive tube propels contents toward the rectum
Storage area for food during part of digestion
mechanically breaks down food by churning and peristalisis
secrets acids, enzymes, and other chemical to chemically break down food
average transit time to ileocecal valve is
2 to 3 hours
how many waves per minute occur in the filled stomach
3 to 4
Radiographic demonstration of the alimentary canal requires what?
the use of contrast media
what is the most common contrast for the alimentary canal
Barium sulfate
average emptying time for stomach
2 to 3 hours
what is another form of contrast media that can be used
water soluble iodinated contrast
which solution moves through the GI tract quicker
Iodinated solutions move through the GI tract
quicker than barium sulfate
How fast does the iodinated solution clear the stomach?
clear the stomach in 1 to 2 hours
what does not adhere as well to esophageal mucosa
Iodinated solutions
provide satisfactory
examinations of the stomach, duodenum, and
large intestine
Iodinated solutions
Prep for the exam room
Room should be completely prepared before
patient enters.
Adjust equipment controls to correct settings.
Have footboard and shoulder supports ready.
Check filming devices and number of image
receptors (IRs) available.
Prepare type and amount of contrast.
what is peristalisis affected by
Peristalsis affected by body habitus,
pathology, use of narcotic pain medicine,
body position, and respiration
*easily removed by
aspiration before or during surgery
* Also readily absorbed by the body and
excreted by kidneys in cases of perforation
Before beginning examination, the
radiographer should
*Describe the contrast media and administration
(i.e., taste, enema tip insertion).
* Inform the patient that the room will be darkened
during the procedure.
*Introduce the patient and fluoroscopist to each
what is peristalisis affected by
Peristalsis affected by body habitus,
pathology, use of narcotic pain medicine,
body position, and respiration
where is peristalsis greater
Peristalsis greatest in stomach and duodenum
Where does peristalsis slow down
Slows in distal part of GI tract
What is the challenge of GI radiography
to eliminate motion
time for upright position of esophagus
0.1 seconds or less
what inhibits respiration for several seconds
most exposures for the stomach are made with what breathing
Exposures made at the end of expiration in
routine procedures
Peristalsis is affected by
-body habitus
-use of narcotic pain medicine
-body position
how much time does hypermotility ( excessive movement) of the stomach require
0.1 seconds
normal peristaltic activity of the stomach would require how much time
Normal peristaltic activity – exposure time no
longer than 0.2 second
Never longer than 0.5 second
essential projections of the esophagus
-AP or PA
-AP or PA oblique
double contrast
barium and carbon dioxide crystals