Diagrams Flashcards
Planes of the Body

1) frontal (coronal) plane
2) sagittal (lateral) plane
3) transverse (axial) plane
Body Cavities

1) cranial: brain, pituitary gland
2) spinal
3) thoracic: pleural cavity, mediastinum
4) abdominal
5) pelvic
6) Ventral cavities
7) Dorsal cavities
Divisions of the back

1) cervical: neck region (C1 to C7)
2) thoracic: chest region (T1 to T12)
3) lumbar: loin (waist) region (L1 to L5)
4) sacral: region of the sacrum (S1 to S5)
5) coccygeal: region of the coccyx (tail bone)
Abdominopelvic Regions

1) Right hypochondriac region
2) epigastric region
3) left hypochondriac region
4) right lumbar region
5) umbilical region
6) left lumbar region
7) right iliac region
8) hypogastric region
9) left iliac region
Abdominoplevic quadrants

1) right upper quadrant (RUQ)
2) left upper quadrant (LUQ)
3) right lower quadrant (RLQ)
4) left lower quadrant (LLQ)