Diagnostic Imaging Part 3 Flashcards
How does a pt. with Klippe-Feil present?
Short, webbed neck
Low hair line
Decreased ROM
Kleppel-feil is associated with… (2)
Springel’s Deformity
omovertebral bone
Pedicle Agenesis presents with…
Contralateral pedicle hypertorophy and sclerosis
Isolated wedged vertebrae causes a ___
facet tropism presents with…
asymmetric articular planes
Kinfe clasp presentation
Pain on extension
A painter for boards
Coxa Vara
Less than 120
Coxa Valga
Greater than 130
Madelung’s deformity
Shortened distal radius, assymetric prominence of ulnar styloid
Pelligrini Steida description
Calcification of MCL
Myositis Ossificans description
Calcification of muslce bell
*MC at biceps and quadriceps
AAA measurement
> 3.8 cm
AAA radiographic signs
Aortic dilation
Curvilinear calcification
Fusiform appearance
Special test for AAA
Doppler ultrasound
Management for AAA
Refer to vascular specialist
Do not adjust, Do not send to ER
MC benign tumor in females
uterine fibroid
What are phleboliths?
Calcifications within veins
Cholelithiasis pain referral
Inferior border of right scapula
Special test for cholelithiasis
Ultrasound and Cholecystogram
Cholelithiasis is assoc. with…
The 9 F’s***
Sickle cell radiographic appearance
Hair on end skull
H shaped vertebrae
Thalassemia Radiographic appearance
Erlenmwyer flask deformity
Hair on end skull
Hyperparathyroidism radiographic appearance
Salt and pepper skull
Rugger jersey spine
Hyperparathyroidism MC demographic
Females 30-50 y/o
Rickets characteristics
Deficiency of Vit D**, Ca++, or phosphorus
Paintbrush Metaphysis
Absence of marrow
CT is measured in…
Hounsfield unites
Bets viewed on MRI
IVD Spinal Cord Meninges Bone Meniscus Ligaments
Best Dx for MS
MRI–> shows plaquing
Best Dx for AVN
Fat Weighted MRI
Water weighted MRI
On MRI, what is ALWAYS black?
Cortical bone
DEXA Scan is best to dx…
Usually used for a bone scan
Technetium 99
What does a bone scan measure?
Body’s attempt to lay down new bone
Cold bone scan may mean what?
Hot bone scan may mean what?
ALL AVNs, Blastic and lytic mets, Hodgkin’s, Fractures
Basilar Angle normal Value and indication
> 152 degrees indicates platybasia
Lines for basilar impression
Most Accurate line for Basilar impression
ADI values for adult and child
> 3mm in adults
5mm in children
-transverse ligament instability or rupture
George’s line significance
Antero- or Retrolisthesis
Prevertebral soft tissue measurements
Retropharyngeal: C2-4 >7mm
Retrolaryngeal: C5 >14 mm
Retrotrachial: C6/7 >22mm
Preferred method to measure scoliosis
Lumbosacral Angle AKAs and normal angle
Sacral Base Angle
Ferguson’s Angle
26-57 degrees
Ullmann’s line AKA and significance
Garland Thomas Line
Eisenstein’s significance
<15mm = Spinal canal stenosis
Canal Body Ratio is used to Dx…
Canal stenosis
Lumbosacral Disc angle description and significance
Lines drawn parallel and through the inferior end plate of L5 and the superior end plate of S1
Normal= 10-15 degrees
How to draw lumbar gravity line
Vertical line drawn through teh center of teh L3 vertebral body
Ddx Hyper- and Hypolordosis
Significance of Macnab’s line
Facet imbrication
Hadley’s S curve significance
Facet imbrication
Kohler’s line significance
Protrusio Acetabuli
Shenton’s line significance
Dislocatoon, neck fx, or SCFE
Femoral angle AKA
Mukulicz’s ANgle
Klein’s line significance
Heel pad measurement measurements
> 25mm in a male or >23mm in female is often assoc. with acromegaly
Boehler’s angle significance
<28 degrees = calcaleal fx** or dysplastic calcaneus