Diagnostic Imaging Part 2 Flashcards
Lupus (SLE) symptoms
Oral ulcers
Discoid lesions
Labs for SLE
+LE prep
Scleroderma AKA Progressive Systemic Sclerosis is associated with what?
CREST syndrome Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophageal Dysfunction Sclerodactyly Telangiectasis *Resorption of distal tufts*
Osteitis Condensans Ilia on xray
Bilateral/symmetric triangluar sclerotic areas on lower half of ilium.
Joint space is normal**
MC site of DJD in spine
DJD of knee manifestation
Decreased medial joint space with lateral space preserved
DISH is associated with
Diabetes Mellitus
DISH can cause…
ossification of PLL
DISH plain film findings
Flowing hyperostosis
Candle wax drippings
4 continuous segments
Disc space preserved
Neurogenic Arthropathy AKA Charcot’s plain film findings
6 Ds Distention Density of subchnondral sclerosis Debris in joint Dislocation Disorganization Destruction of bone
Characteristics of gout
Painful red, hot, and swollen joints
Overhanging margin
Juxta-articular erosions
AKA for gout of the big toe
MC place for CPPD
MC place for HADD
Septic Arthritis presentation
Fever/ chills
Possible Hx of trauma/ surgery
Warm, tender, swollen, joint
Lab for Septic Arthritis
WBC count
Major Cause of AVN
Labs for AVN
All AVNs lead to ___
Special tests for AVN
Bone Scan or MRI
Osteochondritis Dessicans S&S
Athlete whose knee locks out with extension
Assoc. w/ Wilson’s sign
Best view for Osteochondritis Dessicans
Tunnel view
Radiolucent half moon –> Crescent sign
Scheurmann’s radiographic signs
Slight loss of anterior body height of 1 or more vertebrae
Multiple endplate irregularities of 3 or more continuous vertebrae
Scheurmann’s can lead to…
Permanent postural deformity
Early DJD
Scheurmann’s management
Strengthen erectors and stretch the pecs
KT tape
LCP Radiographic signs
Crescent sign –> fragmentation of femoral head
Increased joitn space
Healed LCP has what appearance?
Mushroom cap
LCP management
Refer to ortho for “A” brace
Defer chiro care
SCFE mc age
Bosy 10-16 (Salter HArris Type 1)
Lines of MEnsuration for SCFE
Congenital Hip Dysplasia is associated with…
Putti’s Triad
- Hypoplastic femoral head
- Shallow acetabular shelf
- Femoral head outside of acetabulum
Orthopedic Exams for Congenital hip Dysplasia
4 causes of protrusion acetabuli
PORT Pagets Osteomalacia/Osteoporosis RA Trauma
Protrusio Acetabuli most often occurs with…
Line of mensuration for Protrusio Acetabuli
Kohler’s teardrop is obliterated with this
Incomplete fx in a child
Greenstick AKA Hickory Stick
Occult Fx definition
Clinicslly evident but not seen on xray, may be evident 7-10 days later
Fx of 1st MC
Fx of 2nd or 3rd MC
Fx of 4th or 5th MC
Bar Room
MC fx carpal
Fx of distal radius with posterior displacement of distal fragment
Colle’s/ Dinner fork
Fx of distal radius with anterior displacement of distal fragment
Smith’s/ Spade? Reverse Colle’s
Clay Shoveler’s MC location
T1 Odontoid fx
Avuslion of tip of dens
T2 Odontoid fx
fx through base of dens
T3 Odontoid fx
fx through body of c2
Teardrop fx description
Avulsion of anterior inferior aspect of vertebral body
Associated with acute anterior cervical cord syndrome
Teardrop fx
MC salter harris fx
T2: Through growth plate and metaphysis
Most severe Salter Harris fx
Tibial Apophysitis AKA
Osgood Schlatter’s
Rider’s bone description
Avulsion of Ischial tuberosity
Chance AKA Seatbelt fx description
Horizontal fx through a suingle body and posterior arch
MC locations of chance fx
Obliques of teh hand and foot are usually taken for
Fx evaluation
20% of people with Down’s Syndrome are born without __
transverse ligament
*No rotary break
Os Odontiodeum on xray
lucent defect between the body of C2 body and dens